Saturday, May 26, 2001

posted by Claus Eggers , 10:08 PM Þ 
Friday, May 25, 2001

Discreet; in other words, clearly definable, self contained, separate.

Main Entry: dis·creet
Pronunciation: di-'skrEt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French discret, from Medieval Latin discretus, from Latin, past participle of discernere to separate, distinguish between -- more at DISCERN
Date: 14th century

I could have used a more clear word/phrase...oh well, you posted.
posted by Irdial , 9:21 PM Þ 

???? i hear you.... but 'discreet' seems a little
bit of a "privileged" stance to take if you get
my meaning.
posted by john , 8:22 PM Þ 

There is no "struggle" there are only discreet
problems that need to be solved.
-hmmmmm. 'discreet'????????? i'm
not so sure the word discreet applies. but that's
symantics or is it?
posted by john , 8:22 PM Þ 

Beethoven - is it you?
posted by Claus Eggers , 2:05 PM Þ 

asdf is what you type in the subject line when you have no subject.
The list goes on...
He's kinda loosing the tread towards the end : P
posted by Claus Eggers , 1:48 PM Þ 

happy 75th Miles.

posted by john , 12:30 PM Þ 

The part about "the three nations of Scandanavia have very lax laws concerning "age of consent" and thus most of the world's child porn comes from there." is true. It is legal to pose for frontal nudity from you're 16 (even 15, I think). There's a tabloid here with a page 3 like thing, that's also viewable online for all the perverts ( I used to read that when I was a kid (great to see someone your own age instead of all the pr0nstars)... It's kinda silly.

Oh, and kudos, Barreh :)
posted by Mikkel , 11:04 AM Þ

"In Iraq, it is legal to have sex with your dead wife, but only if she is still warm."

true? false? i don't know...
posted by Niclas , 1:37 AM Þ 

Shoot me up.

A short-cut.

The paranoid compulsive neurotic's worst nightmare.


Massive 747s glide slowly along the ground like manta rays on wheels.
posted by Claus Eggers , 1:35 AM Þ 
Wednesday, May 23, 2001

ATTENTION Blogdialians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to the International Society
for the Advancement of All Things Astrological
(ISAATA) there will be no more individual
astrological reading per sign. The following
configurations to 'all things astrological' will
be implemented thru ISAATA(by force if necessary).

1. no 'predicting' of any kind(even with tip).
2. no and we mean NO incense burning!
3. all reading/chartings, no matter for which sign,
are from now on as follows:
"everythings coming up roses!"
4. no touching!!!!!!(strictly enforced)
5. no using of the phrases and/or words:
"stay groovy"
"keep on truckin"

posted by john , 11:46 PM Þ 

uucp-path 117/tcp
nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol
ntp 123/udp #Network Time Protocol
epmap 135/tcp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution
epmap 135/udp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution
netbios-ns 137/tcp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-ns 137/udp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm 138/udp nbdatagram #NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn 139/tcp nbsession #NETBIOS Session Service
imap 143/tcp imap4 #Internet Message Access Protocol
pcmail-srv 158/tcp #PCMail Server
snmp 161/udp #SNMP
snmptrap 162/udp snmp-trap

norton personal firewall "2001" sucks eggs as it's defaults lock
mostly everything off. how many home users are going to
be able to open up the correct ports????? i guess it
would be a good thing if they could though.

where's mat cogger?
posted by john , 11:36 PM Þ 

hahaha, the blinks are great lately. keep it up.
I just got accepted to university today! HOORAY!!!
posted by Barrie , 4:05 AM Þ 

Mahir gets nookie.

fuckin' rock till ya puke man!

oh, and "a seven-year period." ?????
-who's going to fit that bill? fuck them..scumbags.

magic juan ain't just jokin'...techno sound is smokin'

posted by john , 12:06 AM Þ 
Tuesday, May 22, 2001


and stick it to the electric companies, right in their wallet. a mass blackout
could have financial impact on those bastards. and show us how dependant we are
on that little buzzing wire...


JUNE 21, 2001 THURS EVE, 7-10pm worldwide, all time zones
In protest of George W. Bush's energy policies and lack of emphasis on
efficiency, conservation and alternative fuels, there will be a voluntary
rolling blackout on the first day of summer, June 21 at 7pm - 10pm in any time
zone (this will roll it across the planet).

It's a simple protest and a symbolic act. Turn out your lights from 7pm-10pm on
June 21. Unplug whatever you can unplug in your house. Light a candle to the
sungod, kiss and tell, make love, tell ghost stories, do something instead of
watching television, have fun in the dark.

Forward this email as widely as possible, to your government representatives and
environmental contacts. Let them know we want global education, participation
and funding in conservation, efficiency and alternative fuel efforts -- and an
end to over exploitation and misuse of the earth's resources.


MOMENTUM: for a cooler planet. Pick it up.

MOMENTUM magazine


posted by john , 11:56 PM Þ 

thanks captain

the link's now fixed, but won't display properly in this page for
some reason
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 7:26 PM Þ 
Monday, May 21, 2001

Remember that tired old Darwin Awards story about the guy who bolts an army surplus rocket unit to his car ..... ?
Looks like cDc know what really happened
posted by > parge , 3:42 PM Þ 

Labour supports email spy policy

by Wendy Brewer Friday, 18 May 2001

The government is backing EU plans to extend the state's power to snoop at
private emails.

Under the proposals, all email communications will have to be retained by
ISPs for a seven-year period.

"Only people who have something to hide should be worried," said a
spokesperson at the Department of Trade and Industry. "The government will
only have cause to browse emails if they have their suspicions about a user.
They simply don't have the time or money to check every email sent."

The proposals were revealed in a leaked EU report earlier this week.

But Human Rights groups are enraged by the proposals claiming they breach a
fundamental right to privacy.

Having already campaigned against RIPA (the Regulation of Investigatory
Powers Act), which gives government the right to demand encryption codes,
protestors are now infuriated these powers may be extended.

"This was meant to strike a balance," said a press officer for the EC.
"Governments need maximum powers to catch cyber criminals, but there will
always be people who are unhappy."

The European Union's Justice and Home Affairs Committee will consider the
proposals on 28 May.
posted by Irdial , 9:48 AM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 9:46 AM Þ 
Sunday, May 20, 2001

Antony - the link to your artworks pages goes to a 404 - just thort I'd let you know...
posted by captain davros , 11:19 PM Þ 

and the spotty kid at the back came up with the idea of privet hedges
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 10:17 PM Þ 

I found the best quote.

"God made the country, man made the town, and the Devil made the suburbs."

William Morris. no date, or any other reference.
posted by alex_tea , 10:15 PM Þ 

germsite, in association with cafepress have devised a range of exclusive momentos to celebrate the discovery of the genius germ.

It is thought that this mysterious organism propagates itself by inducing in its host a feverish
desire to communicate joy through symbolism. In weaker strains the signs manifest
themselves in the ability to create strange gadgets.

Until recently, serious scientific research was focused upon the pursuit of evidence to support
the notion that genius is transmitted genetically, thus rendering the possibility of the offspring
of dull-witted parents being smart void. This theory has been turned dramatically on its head
by the discovery that, upon contact with inspirational material / events / people, some subjects
of study showed signs of their being inspired to propagate what they had witnessed.

Lodged in a part of the brain that had been thought to be useless, in every subject studied,
was found this quietly pulsing microbe, emmitting what seemed to be random signals. When
analysed, a pattern could be discerned, forming a sentence that one researcher described as
" an incitement to enjoy being alive " ( although it was stressed that neither a precise grammer
nor syntax have as yet been established ).
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 10:12 PM Þ 

My little sony tape recorder rules. If it weren't for it, I would have completely forgotten the great tune I was humming this morning. Now I have a good recording of me HUMMING it. Hooray!
Now I'll just keep it in the archive, and make it whenever I learn to play an instrument. :D
posted by Barrie , 3:55 AM Þ 

stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by john , 12:49 AM Þ 

*sighs* I love my cats. Yoshi just killed 4 birds today & gave them to us. I know I will never grow hungry with her around :)
These days, me, my brother & our parents are looking into getting a pad in Copenhagen for me & bro. I really look forward to trying to live without the folks. It'll be great =)
Barreh, your sister rules. And VX is sooo slow for me. I guess it's the routing, cause I actually managed to upload something via FTP to my site, but hotline times out. Right now, I'm listening to "Karlheinz Stockhausen - Fais voile vers le sole" and I'm loving it.
posted by Mikkel , 12:01 AM Þ 

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