Saturday, July 21, 2001

I had an email from someone (unrelated to Irdial-List) saying that HTML email is "obnoxious". This "complaint" came after the THIRD email that was sent to this person, (two similar emails failing to solicit a complaint) who is a "UNIX sysadmin".
hmmmm lets see what Mr. Webster says...

One entry found for obnoxious.

Main Entry: ob·nox·ious
Pronunciation: äb-'näk-sh&s, &b-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin obnoxius, from ob in the way of, exposed to + noxa harm -- more at NOXIOUS
Date: 1597
1 archaic : exposed to something unpleasant or harmful -- used with to
2 archaic : deserving of censure
3 : odiously or disgustingly objectionable : highly offensive
- ob·nox·ious·ly adverb
- ob·nox·ious·ness noun

Nothing there that can be in ANY WAY related to recieving HTML EMAIL, unless you are using archaic english. Disgustingly objectinonable? Highly offensive? Not applicable here for rational people.

Perhaps it can be called "Annoying"? hmmmm lets see:

1 : to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts [my italics]
2 : to harass especially by quick brief attacks
intransitive senses : to cause annoyance
- an·noy·er noun
synonyms ANNOY, VEX, IRK, BOTHER mean to upset a person's composure. ANNOY implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent petty unpleasantness
"repeated acts" three emails, so annoy might be applicable; >IF I KNEW THAT YOU DIDNT LIKE HTML EMAIL.

It would be better, more mannered, useful, sensible, human, to simply say, AFTER THE FIRST EMAIL, and NOT THE THIRD, "please do not send me HTML email, since I cannot see it."

How hard can that be? There is nothing like good manners and good humor. It makes the world infinitely more pleasant. For example, someone who subscribes to Irdial-List said:

if you are going to continue sending lists in html, i will unsubscribe.
plaintext ONLY please.
or did you recently subscribe to AOL? 8)

now that is a well mannered, balanced complaint. It is gentle, humorous, (AOL, oh dear!), makes its point forcefully but keeps human civilized relations intact.

Over reacting, illiterate use of language and ill manners solves nothing, exposes ones weaknesses and alienates your potential comrades.

Aparently, AOL in version 6 is HTML only for its email. Why is this being done? HTML email looks good and works good for the millions and millions of "ordinary people" who are populating the internet in increasing numbers.

Everyone has to make a choice, and some have already sided, by excluding all AOL6 users from forums because of this HTML issue. This is one way of doing it, but you will NEVER gather new believers in any substantial numbers by taking the incredibly irrational stance of saying that HTML email is "Obnoxious". You will never reach them with the important messages, like "get off of AOL".

Linux will not reach its full revolutionary potential if it does not embrace even the most simple things like HTML email. No "ordinary person" will put up with being constrained to plaintext email. Asking people to accept only plaint text email is like asking everyone on earth to live without telehones just because the majority of people on earth do not have telephones.

That is absurd.

No one will go for it. Of course there are people who WANT to be separate from everyone. These isolationists are actually the enemies of change and the improvement of the software and hardware markets. Thankfully there are some farsighted people who are thinking ahead, with a wide vision, and are taking the steps necessary to make powerful systems that are palatable and usable to everyone, no matter what your skill level is. Gnome have just done a usability study in conjunction with SunMicrosystems to evaluate the Gnome desktop. Moves like this are essential if "the better result" is going to happen.

The alternative that we will end up with if people cant start behaving is two paralell and separate types of internet, one populated by AOL / .net people, and a small number of aggressive, bitter, isolated, shrinking, bickering hobbyists who, thanks to thier inhuman, mannerless and tunnel vision constrained attitudes will consign any hope of a breaking of the stranglehold on software (including music) and hardware to the garbage. If you dont think that this can happen, just ask anyone that used to use dial up BBSes in the 1990s. They have all dissapeard, the culture that went along with them has also dissapeared, replaced by the internet. The internet as we know it will also be replaced. You can bet on it. Wether its replaced with something we want or something that a small clutch of business men want is, literally, up to what we do today, and how we deal with each other.

As for Irdial-Discs, after sending out HTML email to Irdial-List containing BLOGDIAL, we SOLD SOME T-SHIRTS when people clicked on the pictures. Text links to t-shirts dont sell t-shirts. Do you want Irdial-Discs to die or survive? If the difference between us selling t-shirts and surviving and not selling t-shirts and folding means making a choice between using HTML and text only email, then the choice is clear, and I think you will all agree with me; HTML email is the way to go, especially since people seem unable to respond to a written call to action to do something.

"Prove Me Wrong" as Beniot says!

posted by Irdial , 6:52 PM Þ 
Friday, July 20, 2001

w00t. I just ordered the Conet & Blogdial ones :)

I'm so fucking impulsive.
posted by Mikkel , 3:56 PM Þ 

This week, we got our first check from Cafe Press!
Thanks to everyone who bought a t-shirt, just in case you didnt know, this is what they look like (for the moment)...

The Conet Project

Open Content
Baby Doll. Nuff Said

We are the best!

Buy...Buy now...and....Be Happy

posted by Irdial , 11:52 AM Þ 

ATC vermin, under strict hear no evil see no evil speak no evil instructions LIE AND LIE AGAIN year after year. But does it matter anymore?
posted by Irdial , 11:33 AM Þ 

"That's what I mean when I say, 'Boom!'"
posted by Irdial , 11:30 AM Þ 
Thursday, July 19, 2001

Just spend hours on this with Satie playing underneath. Stunning. Breathtaking.
*** D.E.C.A.D.E.N.C.E ***
posted by Claus Eggers , 7:09 PM Þ 
posted by Claus Eggers , 5:57 PM Þ 
posted by Claus Eggers , 5:53 PM Þ 

all these aphex-memories that makes me think of the time when I was not even a teenager. I was 11 or 12. my brother worked at a record shop or some label or something and on his last day at work he got some cd's. one of them was SAW II. that night I (for some reason) had to sleep in my brothers room, on the floor. he asked me: niclas, is it ok if I listen to this new album I've got. I said sure (well he's older and stronger and dumber; he would have listened to it no matter what I answered) and from that moment on I was in another world. I didn't sleep all night and spent many nights in my brothers room (cd-players was far too expensive for an 11 year old boy). of course, my brother didn't like this at all having his younger, annoying brother sleeping on the floor in his room so eventually I had no other option that save all my money for a long time and finally buy my own cd-player. my dad gave me money to buy a cd and the one I bought was of course '... i care because you do'. SAW II had I already borrowed for long time from my brother.

have to say that my parents didn't like me listening to ventolin at max volume. I liked it though. still do, 7 years after that.
posted by Niclas , 1:20 PM Þ 

I admit it. I am guilty of giving Barrie a buttload of Aphex to listen to... Lemme see, I myself heard about him first back around the time Windowlicker came out (mind you, I never had a musical taste 'till I was 16 or so - I'm 20 now). I was rummaging through Hotline looking for some "real techno" as I called it at the time, I think I was actually looking for some silly trance/euro-techno or some shit like that. Anyway, I barge into this server & ask the admin if he has some real techno & he points me to KMFDM (which is industrial... I guess he didn't know his genres either) and Aphex Twin. Now, I wasn't so happy about the KMFDM, but the Aphex Twin track ('twas Girl/Boy Song) blew my mind. The violin and the snarerushes... Mmm... Today my taste is eclectic at best & I find myself enjoying any and all music that is clever (and some that is not, but don't tell anyone, I'm ashamed). Barrie forced me to listen to GYBE! some months ago and I can't stop. My recent acquirings include Roger Waters, Nobukazu Takemura, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes (Mmm punk covers), Less than Jake, Bullfrog (Kid Koala's band) and Live Human (DJ Quest and band are simply admirable in their funkiness). Yep.
PS: I can't stand Creed.
posted by Mikkel , 8:55 AM Þ 
Wednesday, July 18, 2001

haha, auntie... you sound a lot like me in terms of musical taste. My palate is all over the place and really can't be defined.
My first musical transformation occured when I listened to "Echoes" by Pink Floyd. I had known of "One Of These Days" previously, but had never listened to Meddle, the album each song is on. My father got me the box set Shine On years ago for christmas, and I was like "alright, Meddle!" I put it in, and Fearless astounded me when it came on. I now realize that that song was VERY early to be having a found sound in it. Echoes blew me away. It was long, and deep, and very original. It was all over the place. The amount of emotion that exploded at the climax of the song made me want to cry. I started getting more and more interested in music after that, and amassed quite a collection, though nothing I bought had more of an impact than Echoes did.
Mikkel here turned me onto AFX just under two years ago, I think. I was listening to SAW Vol. II, not a good thing for a beginner, but then White Blur II came on (for some reason disc 2 came before disc 1). I was freaked out and amazed. A musical epiphany, if you will. I never knew there were people doing things like this with music. How did RDJ do it? What did he use? What inspired him? I was set for a musical journey.
My third big epiphany came when I listened to Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven by Godspeed You Black Emperor! I had always been a fan of loooong tracks, and had read a review mentioning the track times. That's the only thing that inspired me to get this album. When I listened to it, I was amazed people were doing this with rock instruments. The song structure was completely different to any rock song I had previously heard (I later learned this was called "Post Rock"). I was blown away by its depth and beauty. After listening to that album, I began searching for things like it, and now my record collection is filled with oddities from all over. How wonderful!
PS to auntie: I too have a great fondness for Pearl Jam. I have since discovered many of their newer works and was pleased to find a great depth and complexity in their songwriting.
posted by Barrie , 11:11 PM Þ 
posted by Claus Eggers , 6:08 PM Þ 

I know I'm a little late but I just wanted to bore you all with my own little Aphex Twin story .... let me take you back to 94 - I was a dyed in the wool grunge head: Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam (for whom I still have a secret fondness), etc. - I was blinkered and chest-thumpingly passionate about this music to the exclusion of all else.
Picture this - Friday night stoned at home (yeah yeah I know.... ), flat mate out with his extremely annoying girlfriend - I fancied a change of music - rummaging through some tapes (when was the last time anyone played a compact cassette ?!?) I found a forgotten tape someone had lent me months before: a Black Dog live set on one side and Selected Ambient Works 85-92 on the other. I stuck the tape in the player and was carried off somewhere else. Music has always been important to me but this was a revelation - a personal paradigm shift (I kid you not!). Music of awesome depth and subtlety - the more I listened the more I heard (like a magic eye picture) - I found something in music that I hadn't previously known was there.
Now I listen to and enjoy pretty much anything and everything (my last two vinyl purchases were Kool and the Gang, Best of and Vocal Studies and Uprock Narratives by Prefuse73). The lack of consistency in my musical taste has led to me being banned from the decks coz I love to fuck everyone up .... "Whadya mean ? This is my set !"
...... and that's the end of my little story - which was basically to say that Richard James is a dangerous, piss-taking, disrespectful, irreverent genius and thankfully he's not alone.
posted by > parge , 1:20 PM Þ 

Eep. Someone oughta port fast track for mac. that would rule...

Interesting read, davros. I agree with Willett. Religion is inevitable in intelligent beings... For many people it is not enough to know facts - they need more. A meaning, if you will. Personally, I'm agnostic with regards to the concept of a supreme being. I believe it possible, yet unrealistic, and I haven't seen it proven yet. With regards to creationism & all that, well, it's bollocks.

I also ordered 2 Remixes by AFX. Mmm...
posted by Mikkel , 12:28 PM Þ 
posted by captain davros , 9:51 AM Þ 
Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Have you all seen this?:

Fast Track

Its the company that has created the improved, scaleable Gnutella like network protocol that has fuelled the services that are now bigger than Napster was on Kaza, Morpheus and Grokster. Based outside the USA, and with an unnasailable infrastructure, this is something really exiting, especially as they have had 1 million downloads in one week.
posted by Irdial , 5:00 PM Þ 
Monday, July 16, 2001

I just bought Come To Daddy by the almighty RDJ today... that's one freaky track. I fucking love it. Genius, the whole EP.
Also got SAW 85-92 a couple of weeks ago. On sale price of course. The regular price here was 28 bucks... for 1 CD. Ouch. I got it for 22, I can live with that. Also a great great disc. Many of the tracks aren't really "ambient," though, but who cares...
posted by Barrie , 11:51 PM Þ 

Irdial-Discs "top ten" as reported on the BBC website
And now, the BBC is transmitting an MI5 signal, in the form of a clip from The Lincolnshire Poacher!
posted by Irdial , 9:07 PM Þ 

In Russia, apparently, it's illegal to sell software without the ability to make "at least one backup copy of the data it works with."
Crack Adobe Ebook 2 Webpage
Sunday, July 15, 2001

"In order to decide if the Victory he is interrupted, in the intention, they sichtbarmachungen he to arrestarsi that they are these, if therefore necessarily if, surely, this he. This has..."
posted by Claus Eggers , 8:40 PM Þ 

Description: Official Bootsy Collins website, the albums, gallery, and music.
Category: Arts > Music > ... > Bands and Artists > Parliament-Funkadelic > Collins, Bootsy - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
posted by Irdial , 10:47 AM Þ 

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