Saturday, March 02, 2002

I was thinking mostly about spreading out bandwidth load so redirection would be the way to go - it depends on content but mostly what I was thinking about was distributing legtimately free content, mostly

6am, yeah I would envision a member type upload just make it easy so content can get out there

Its good to see the feedback so shall we go for it then, Im sure some of the snugglers would be interested as well
(i'll direct them over here)


posted by paul , 9:48 PM Þ 

We are in a time of desert famine in popular music

that depends on whether or not you enjoy eating what's being offered ....... the grey sludge that we so despise is enjoyed by many, and that by default makes it popular music ..... in its short history, pop has always pandered to the lowest common denomenator, the lowest common denomenator being what's accepted and enjoyed by the majority of people buying it ...... it is unfortunate for us that most people who buy records on a saturday afternoon in shops who contribute their sales figures to make up the charts actually enjoy the crap that's being fed them ........ i would guess that there are plenty of people making the "good stuff" out there, but i don't think it'll be made visible within and by the music industry machine because the majority don't want it ...... it is a pointless endeavour to try and point out the error of the mass-market's ways to it, because the mass-market enjoys its food ....... i don't like that fact any more than anyone else with an idea of what the alternative could be, the only difference is that i'm not inclined to poison myself with angst about that fact ............

No one thinks that that plateau and the many others of previous generations are now boring

what i meant was that if everyone wrote like bach, bach would cease to have the resonance that he does, because his standard would be the norm, and that as a consequence people who judge whether or not something is "good" according to how different it is might consider it to be boring, not that it would be boring per se

this is simply not true

how can you conceive of something as being on the left if you do not first have an idea of where the right might be positioned ? how can something be high if the concept of low hasn't been established ?

....... and yet, THEY LIVE.

we don't need u2, but we need the essence of what they represent in order to justify praising what they are not ..... stinging nettles and ivy thrive in this country because they have adapted the most effectively to their surroundings : if you're not careful you can walk / drive around and not see anything else living in a hedgerow except these stifling breeds, but every now & then, and then more & more regularly as you become accustomed to looking, you see tiny flashes of colour where the most intense flowers do their thing ..... am i saddened that they are not as numerous as their bullying cousins ? no, i am glad because i have seen them, and enjoy the little bursts when they do occur .......... their presence is made all the more striking because of the conditions in which they grow ......... have you forgotten those great writers just because u2 still breathe ? no, you remember them with greater clarity because of whom they're being compared to ....... maybe they're still writing, maybe they've come to the conclusion that attempting to broacast their message through such a diluting medium is detrimental to their sense of well-being, maybe they don't feel the desire to tell thousands what they're thinking, maybe like us they're happier being part of a smaller group that is interested in what they have to say, comfortable in the fact that many many many similar cells exist that give their members the same sense of satisfaction without having to look further afield .......

..... a long time coming ....

it will be if that's really what you're looking out for ........ i think that "culture" will become, is becoming, or is returning to being a much more dissipated affair, in the way it was before the invention of publishing ........ people who went out to the local drinking hole made their own entertainment because trecking over the hills to the nearest neighbour was too arduous, and dangerous when pissed ....... it really didn't matter whether that entertainment was crap or not, because the point of the whole enterprise was to share some time with other people and get some perspective on what you considered to be problems .......

everything is engineered to exclude .......

what are we doing here ? ............ i think that these areas where people can discuss topics of shared interest are where we should be looking for our stimulus, not a market that is geared towards reaping the rewards of the economy of scale ...... i think that the era of mass entertainment that appeals to the whole of society will prove to be a minor socialogical blip ......................... i think we should meet at the dog & duck, sounds like it might do you some good ; ]
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 8:17 PM Þ 

........ come to this ?

It was better before than it is now; there was more water in the well, more fruit on the trees, less whores in the streets.

i would suggest that it always has been and always will be like this,

no, it has never been like this before, where there was a huge culture to feed from that has now largely been decimated. you dont have to believe me, ask anyone who was there in the past 35 years. We are in a time of desert famine in popular music, there is no doubt about it; its a quantifiable phenominon.

for as long as our minds see things in a dualistic fashion ....... if by some miracle everything that anyone accomplished attained the grade of " ( insert adjective denoting great worthiness ) " we would be faced with a plateau which we would regard as boring ......

Bach. Nuff said. No one thinks that that plateau and the many others of previous generations are now boring, in fact, they are eternally inspiring and shocking.

in order to experience something as interesting, exciting, out of the ordinary, whatever, we first have to denote its oppposite : we cannot have one without the other ........

this is simply not true, and in any case, we have so much crap surrounding us as whitewash, any speck of brilliance will stand out and surprise. This is what I am saying, and it is true

we should embrace the fact that u2 exist for they act as a pointer to what we do not want to be ..... it is necessary that they exist in order for us to know this .......

no, we do not need them, there are enough pointers. That group only serves to pour salt on our desperation, to constantly remind us that Darwin was completely wrong and only the most useless survive. They are the worst torment, because they come from an era when they were surrounded by groups and writers who were giants compared to them, and yet, THEY LIVE. This is wrong. Terribly wrong. The opposite of right.

there is no escape,

there is, figuratively.

there is just the facing up to the fact that you can give yourself that oxygen with really the minimum of effort ......

if that were the case there would be no cause for complaint. The fact of the matter is that everything is engineered to exclude, dissuade, quash, stifle, disrupt and break the back of any effort to reach out to ones peers so that we can defend The Good®

if we spend all our time looking to others to provide what it is we think we need we'll be forever disappointed, and in grave danger of eventually finding ourselves enjoying corned beef sandwiches ..

Well we certainly can't be accused of that particular sin, having spent the greater proporiton of our time on this planet doing exactly the opposite of sitting around wating for someone else to bring to our ears what we want to hear.

The sound of one hand clapping is no sound at all. If we are the last dying remnants, the last witnesses of powerful times and great potential, then meet me down at the Dog & Duck to wash it all away.

They say that these phenomina are cyclical. There has only been one hill in this phase; hopefully we are in a trough that will soon arc upwards. My bones tell me that if it comes it will be a long time coming. One half of a cycle is by itself is no guarantee that there will be another sweeping away of the crap; another generation of collected greatness and originality.

Please, let me be wrong.
posted by Irdial , 6:21 PM Þ 

........ come to this ?

i would suggest that it always has been and always will be like this, for as long as our minds see things in a dualistic fashion ....... if by some miracle everything that anyone accomplished attained the grade of " ( insert adjective denoting great worthiness ) " we would be faced with a plateau which we would regard as boring ...... in order to experience something as interesting, exciting, out of the ordinary, whatever, we first have to denote its oppposite : we cannot have one without the other ........ we should embrace the fact that u2 exist for they act as a pointer to what we do not want to be ..... it is necessary that they exist in order for us to know this ....... not everyone / thing can have natural beauty because then the term would have no meaning ........ ( akin, if you really do believe that u2 are that bubble then you may as well give up now and start listening to radio 2 ) .............. there is no escape, there is just the facing up to the fact that you can give yourself that oxygen with really the minimum of effort ...... if we spend all our time looking to others to provide what it is we think we need we'll be forever disappointed, and in grave danger of eventually finding ourselves enjoying corned beef sandwiches .............
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 1:52 PM Þ 

Death Wish VII

Christoph Luxenberg, a scholar of ancient Semitic languages in Germany, argues that the Koran has been misread and mistranslated for centuries. His work, based on the earliest copies of the Koran, maintains that parts of Islam's holy book are derived from pre-existing Christian Aramaic texts that were misinterpreted by later Islamic scholars who prepared the editions of the Koran commonly read today.

So, for example, the virgins who are supposedly awaiting good Islamic martyrs as their reward in paradise are in reality "white raisins" of crystal clarity rather than fair maidens.

Christoph Luxenberg, however, is a pseudonym, and his scholarly tome ""The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran" had trouble finding a publisher, although it is considered a major new work by several leading scholars in the field. Verlag Das Arabische Buch in Berlin ultimately published the book.
posted by Irdial , 1:16 PM Þ 

How has it come to this?

Some days, I point my finger at 2-dimensional, near-sighted education of the public.

Through lack of funding and the over-valuing of those 3-r's (no, one of them is not resistance) I've watched programs be cut, like choir and open library. Through ignorance and fear of change, I've watched innovative art classes be shut down.

To change, everyone will be challenged, students and teachers alike. Its not easy to see 1 excel and 29 suffer because they just don't get it. And it takes time and persistance and caring to create a system where everyone can succeed And see/hear/feel/experience and mostly appreciate the uniqueness of their own creation.

To create your own personal aesthetic... that's challenging even when you "know" what you're doing. And with the cult of the Star dictating perfection... well, that will shut down at least 80% before they will even try.

**I remember a moment, working at the open studio at the art gallery. We were teaching a simple print making process, in tandem with the Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit. This woman was so damn sure that she couldn't do it. I walked her through the process, draw on here, now trace, get the ink, line up your paper. She ended up doing a double imprint, which could have been "wrong" but the effect was awesome and we were both thrilled! I feel really honoured to be volunteering in the studio, because its such a fun and accessible way for the public to experience art, and what's interesting, the gallery truly deconstructs itself there, some of the mystery of creation dissolves. The trick is getting more to come.
posted by mary13 , 7:07 AM Þ 

plan a:
i got it, we dump acid (trippy kind) into the water supply in every major city worldwide. simultaneously ebombing hollywood and molotov cocktailing every virgin megastore and hmv. then we rebroadcast a u2 concert(any) and everyone will have a bad trip and freak out.

and i'm sure you know the feeling after a bad trip, right? all you want to do it change everything around you. viola! an army of newly rogrammed destroyers of the old. we can continue this process until all crap is eliminated.

plan b:
move to woods and write manifesto
posted by john , 1:34 AM Þ 

When you are suffocating under ten feet of ice in arctic water, you will breathe any bubble of air you can find, and be happy for it. Even if that bubble is the stale and fishy fart of a seal.

U2 are that bubble.

Watching the Grammy awards, MTV in general, MTV2 in particular and MTV Bass in the extreme, the group U2 are, to my astonishment, refreshing.

And yet, I know for a fact that they are crap. They have been crap since I first saw them at Futurama 2 in 1981; how can this be, how has it come to this, that they are the only bubble of bad air for the suffocating millions?

Mimi Majick says that ,"they are like an plain looking woman, who has made the best of her assets. She is plain, but she manages to pull it off and look good because she works very hard with what she has, and makes herself shine. There is none of the effortless beauty and grace that you get with a natural beauty. Thats whats wrong with U2"

Yes Indeed®.

How has it come to this? How did we get here, why do we stay here, and most importantly, how can we get the fuck out of here.
posted by Irdial , 12:32 AM Þ 

there is more than one way to do it:

chomp($variable = \<\STDIN\>\);

one day ill commit what \<\ is in html to memory
posted by Irdial , 12:15 AM Þ 

via email:
Subject: in response to today's Irdial-list message
I saw this and thought of you:
posted by Irdial , 12:12 AM Þ 
Friday, March 01, 2002

default vars are brill, I say.

while (<>) {
print "$_\n";

(or perl -pe "y/a-z/n-za-m/;")
posted by Mikkel , 11:29 PM Þ 

yes, but do you understand $_ and @_?
when you love those, you have gone Super Sayan!
posted by Irdial , 11:10 PM Þ 

favorite perl function so far = chomp.
gotta love it.
posted by john , 9:54 PM Þ 

best done thru some client validation/authentication. a request for password etc.
annon logons of any type are never a good idea. this could be very interesting if
we all took some slice of the responsibility on the project. it seems we have the
hardware and skills here. is anyone behind a router of there own?

akin, that's nail on the head re:rosen's comments.
posted by john , 7:46 PM Þ 

it could be very simple to make such a service, if based on redirection. if it also needed to hide the original URLs of the sites actually hosting the files, it would be slightly harder, and require massive bandwidth for the directory server. Still, a very simple database could contain the files, along with some sort of serial code as primary key, which would be used to access the files as such:

where 0a3b54 is the serial, and the filename is extracted from the original url. The directory server could then load the file from the server only listed in the database, and send the data directly on to the client requesting it, completely transparent. this is what would require bandwidth. the redirection alternative would have the server doing a http push and throw the client on to the actual location of the file, thus not hiding it, but saving bandwidth for the directory server.

in the end, it comes down to what weighs more important, money vs privacy.
posted by Mikkel , 7:27 PM Þ

Hollings has also adopted the industry's basic stance, that copying is primarily about piracy and only rarely about honest fair use, at one point calling the Internet "a haven for thievery." But the best expression of this comes from Recording Industry Ass. of America President Hillary Rosen, who wrote yesterday that, "surely, no one can expect copyright owners to ignore what is happening in the marketplace and fail to protect their creative works because some people engage in copying just for their personal use."

The 'some people' says it all. Most people are criminals, and only a tiny minority are honest and decent, Rosen assumes. This is also the official perspective of Hollywood -- of Eisner, and Valenti, and Hollings. It is a perspective natural to a certain class of person. Consider that we all imagine others to be more or less like ourselves. Decent people expect others to be decent, just like themselves. Criminals expect others to be criminals, just like themselves. When Eisner and Rosen and Valenti and Hollings see a world populated by cheats and frauds and freeloading scum, what does that say about them?
posted by Irdial , 7:03 PM Þ 

Market Target

by Mark Driver

I've been targeted right out of the market.

I've had it. I can't take any more advertising. Television, radio, magazines, billboards, even the Internet for Christ's sake. Everywhere. Why do they keep targeting me? I never did anything to them. I don't even buy anything! They're wasting their time! Fast food makes me feel like shit, soft drinks make me dizzy, candy is disgusting, chips make my stomach hurt, I don't smoke, and any band that has ever been advertised anywhere sucks unequivocally. I eat tortillas and vegetables, I drink tap water. I ride my $40 bike for entertainment. I buy a new pair of Dickies at the army navy store every year and I get all my other clothes at Costco in 3-packs. My car works fine, I use my Internet connection for long distance, I've had the same boots for three years and re-sole them when they wear out. As far as booze goes, well, as long as it's wet…….

So why do they keep attacking me? Why are they filling every square inch of every available space in my life? Above urinals, on concert tickets, underneath the ice at hockey games, on blimps, in video games, as props in movies, plugs in rap songs, on shitty Web Sites (No, I will not visit your motherfucking sponsor. If you're not in it for the love, and you can't figure out any better way to pay for your site than by slapping some ugly, corrupted banner across the top of your pathetic work, then fucking close up shop, kill yourself, and leave the Web to non-polluters). They'd advertise on the backs of my eyelids if they could get away with it, and I can't hack it anymore. They win. I lose. They succeeded. I failed. Like Brian Wilson, I just wasn't built for these times. I fold. Here are all my cards. Keep the pot, keep my ante, keep the goddamn jacket on the back of my chair for all I care, I can get another at Costco. I'll be out in the parking lot getting drunk and yelling at cute girls because I can no longer stand the taste of tentacles. Marketing has poisoned everything worthwhile under the sun, so I'm giving it all up. Everything.

But the way I figure it, there's no real loss. I've seen all of the episodes of the Simpsons 200 times each. Most of the good writing was done 100 years ago. I haven't listened to FM radio in years. I could play all my records beginning to end alphabetically and I'd be 76 years old when I got to the Zeni Geva. Online culture is a fucking yawn, only good for buying stuffed goats on Ebay and getting cracked copies of $1000 software. Movies always end up at the 99 cent video store across the street eventually, and you can fast forward through those commercials. My girlie's cute and the corner bar has Pabst on tap. What else matters?

True, by shutting myself off to everything, I'm probably limiting my future potential as a 'community building' or 'bleeding edge' cog in someone's nightmarish vision of Internet profitability, but fuck, a simple read through my writing should've cured that anyway (Note to potential employers: The bidding starts at $120,000 a year with full dental).

So I'm out. No more.

I just feel bad for those of you I'm leaving behind. You'll be wearing your Slave Labor Nikes, sweating under a Third World Vest, listening to Everqueer or Fratboy Slim, your hair styled stupidly with gasoline and aborted pig placentas, trying to choke down a Double Meat Fuck Splattered Cow Testicles On The Slaughterhouse Floor Pus Coagulated Lactacious Secretion Yellow Dye #2 Deluxe. Man, will you be looking dumb. It makes me want to cry. You poor, oversugared demographic you. You're filling your apartments, your bodies, and your minds with useless junk. You stagger under your own weight, throwing money in random directions until you collapse and die, buried by a bunch of people who you failed to create meaningful human bonds with, who forget about you on the way home from the funeral.

Maybe I'm just oversensitive, but I actually feel those fingers reaching out at me - cute little girl fingers, feeling at my face like a bind man, pulling at the loose threads all over my brain, trying to find a sensitive one, one that tweaks me. Desires to be successful, attractive to the opposite sex, spiritually satiated, or conversely, the fears of disease, dismemberment, of being outcast, of repressed homosexual desires. Herd mentality as dictated by herd mentality. A gas mask of soiled wool, worn in a steaming shower of chlorinated pond water. A lumbering culture created by profit motive, existing as window dressing to disguise the brutal cynicism of the architects, the brassy checks and balances of accountants bleating commands to the flunky tastemakers on the production line. The subversion of anything subverting. The conversion of something dangerous into something profitable. The gutting of the lion and the championing of the taxidermist. And the puffy vests, my god, the puffy vests……..

I give it one more shot.

I hit that little "on" button, and immediately this little red dot appears on my forehead. I feel the barrel rising on the other side of the glass as some powersuited executive attempts to get me in his sights. His scope is the best money can buy, but my nausea and skittishness mark me as difficult prey. I make a sprawling leap over a pile of books, spilling a glass of wine and sending my cats scattering. The TV takes a shot at me. It misses, but after the smoke clears, there's a shimmering can of Pepsi on the coffee table, seductively held by a well manicured (but severed) hand. Then the Taco Bell dog is outside, scratching at my window, singing "That's Amore", the secret code that alerts Col. Sanders and Ronald McDonald to get their tumor inducing grease guns at the ready. "We have a resistor! Alert Cap'n Crunch and Mrs. Butterworth. Tell Hogan to pull that Subaru around!" And then, as the entire posse of 1-800-COLLECT goons attempt to joke their way through the front door, a helmeted uberyouth does a backflip on rollerblades against the window, almost crushing the Taco dog, thankfully getting tangled in the iron jungle of security bars designed for such a moment. The severed Pepsi hand launches itself across the room onto the stereo, turns it to HOTROCK 99.5 FM and starts dancing suggestively on the turntable. Warm, gooey songs ooze from the speakers, blurring the lines between commercial and product, product and art. The walls are running with honey, blood, and Gatorade. Limp Bizkit tries to sign me up for the Rap Metal MasterCard, but is outvolumed by a chorus of creepy NY Gap models, dead eyed and Children of the Damned style, singing nostalgic 80s songs with cool detachment, trying to sell me vests. Close inspection reveals UPC codes on the backs of their beautiful necks and a legion of bulimic girls behind them, mascara mixing with puke on ten thousand toilet bowls. Budweiser frogs are crawling out of the toilet bowls. A one-eyed, mutilated Asian girl holds a pair of new Levi's against the window with a thin, purple arm and starts screeching "It's a Small World After All" at the top of her lungs. Magic, The Old Navy dog, is sniffing butts with the Taco Bell dog, who had since bit the Asian girl on the leg and now yelling something about Gordidas. A waifish beauty suddenly appears on my bed, vying for my attention, trying to talk me into a new car, her hand slowly unbuttoning her blouse, batting her doe-ishly brown eyes, "C'mon Mark. It's only a test drive. No one ever has to know."

Realizing my one escape, I yank my battered wallet out of my back pocket and pull out a twenty dollar bill. The entire scene freezes. All eyes are transfixed to the damp, smelly piece of paper. Andrew Jackson snickers and you can almost smell the cannibalized Indian on his breath. A miraculous cross breeze flows through my apartment, and I let the money go. It catches an upward draft, a hot air thermal, and is gone out the window.

And then, something even stranger happens. The spokespeople, animals, models, body parts, and corporate whores all disappear in a anti-climactic 'puff' of yellow smoke, leaving a slight smell of perfumed intestine twisting through the air. My twenty freezes in mid flight about thirty feet above the ground. A helicopter drops out of the sky, and lowers a rope down to the cash. A man in a business suit slides down the rope, commando style, and captures the money in his mouth, gives a contemptuous snort, mumbling something like "sucker" under his breath. And then the helicopter is gone, vanishing somewhere behind the radio towers spiking the top of Queen Anne Hill. Everything is quiet again.

I didn't just turn that TV off. I unplugged the motherfucker.
posted by Irdial , 6:40 PM Þ 


yeah there are many uses - I'm on the snuggles list (supposedly the negativland fan list but wildly off topic, and all the better for it) where people are always posting music and discussions on bandwidth gave rise to some thoughts in my head - imagine a network of machines hosting (some of the) files sitting behind 1 server which redirects to a local machine/according to server load bandwidth/randomly to distribute load, automagically in a similar to the akami servers add an upload facility and automatic nightly (partial) mirroring and bingo a muisc distro system that could utilise/share bandwidth in a P2P way but have the speed/reliability/ability to link of webserving. Certainly not beyond the range of possibility, something to think about anyway.

Along these lines - anyone used filepile?
posted by paul , 6:13 PM Þ 
posted by alex_tea , 5:40 PM Þ 

if you are not sick:
  • gin
  • chocolate chip cookies
  • dinner at gyoza king
  • more gin
  • kissing your sweetie
  • gin

    also barrie and paul: we are planning to host a mirror over here as well. it may be a bit
    more time due to some machine issues and $ as i have just immigrated to canada.
    we are looking at may or so to start. exciting many of us will be mirroring as there may
    be further uses for these machines later. perhaps in a p2p sort of way; there are many
    possibilities open to us.
  • posted by john , 5:16 PM Þ 


    yeah, it will probably be up for a while yet, they don't seem in any hurry to cut us off. I will be sticking it up when I do have to do the changeover its just I'm going to have to be a bit more carefull with the bandwidth. I'll post the IP here when it happens. Another mirror would be good though so we can spread the bandwidth load about a bit.
    posted by paul , 1:42 PM Þ 

    Who could abolish the monarchy while they remain at the forefront of modern humour?
    posted by Alun , 1:23 PM Þ 

    some awesome stuff here that I have'nt seen before:
    posted by Irdial , 12:26 PM Þ 
    posted by Irdial , 11:07 AM Þ 

    For a cold, your choices are:

  • Liquid Ibuprofen (childrens strength).
  • Sliced Root Ginger, Lemon, Honey, Green Gea. (all organic)
  • small spoon of Crystalized Vitamin C from Solgar. (if you are REALLY sick)

    Of course, never to be taken in combination.
  • posted by Irdial , 11:02 AM Þ 

    Is it possible that I could d/l all the Irdial stuff real quick? I could temporarily host it on my server of ownage.
    posted by Barrie , 6:18 AM Þ

    This is really interesting. I've only read the first few sections, but some good points are made.
    posted by Mikkel , 5:26 AM Þ 
    Thursday, February 28, 2002

    ...all that is solid melts into air...

    Unfortunately the mirror of the irdial mp3's I have been hosting at (a.k.a. will be disapearing at some point in the near future. Unfortunately the lease line it has been sitting on is going to be repalced by ADSL. I will try and bring it back up again on the new ADSL line but there may be bandwidth restrictions and early indications are that it is none too reliable. Also my own position there, always somewhat, er, irregular, may be under threat too as I have just discovered I am under investigation by the fraud departments of certain government agencies.

    ...and in other news...

    Feedback in the New Scientist reports that the BPI is trumpeting " Sales upturn lifts UK market to new high,.. Total revenue grew by an impressive 5.3 per cent over the year. . . As has been the pattern for the last couple of years, the growth was attributable to buoyant CD album sales."
    As feedback notes hardly the loss of sales, due to illegal copying, that the BPI and others have been using to justify new CD copy-protection schemes.

    Since we are on the subject of cold treatments here's two of mine.

    Chop up 1 or two lemons pit into a jug sufficient to hold to pints of water, add 1 tablespoon each of the following herbs:

    Yarrow, Hyssop, Peppermint and Elderflower.

    Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, a large piece of fresh ginger, chopped, and honey to taste. Add two pints of boiling water, cover, and leave to steep for at least twenty minutes. Strain the mixture and drink a wine glass full a regular intervals, gently warmed.

    The 'sun-leaves' - i.e. the large shade leaves growing at the base of a certain plant well known for its medicinal qualities may be gathered and 'slolarized' by putting them in a clear glass container and covering with brandy (or similar) and then leaving them on a windowsill or other place where they will catch the sunlight. At the end of six weeks strain and decant into a dark bottle srored in a dark place. A teaspoon or two of this mixture, taken straight or added to a glass of the above mixture or your own favourite remedy will prove to be highly eficacious in cases of the 'flu.

    Handy hints: in Mozilla 0.98 press shift+ctrl and click on a link. (You are runnnig Mozilla, aren't you.)

    [posting this on my shiny new Pentium 1Ghz laptop but we've only just retired a 386 (with all of 4Mb of memory) in my house]

    posted by paul , 8:39 PM Þ 

    Awww, thanks! Blogdial cares!
    posted by captain davros , 8:31 PM Þ 

    eeeeeeeven better than lemon & honey : slice up 10 oranges & put them into big pan, skins & all, crush them so all the flesh is pulped, add a peeled, grated fresh ginger root, say 4 inches or so, add 4 or 5 pints of water, bring to the boil, add half a jar of honey, simmer for half an hour, strain, drink as much as you can, then whatever's left at regular intervals over an evening ( it's great cold, really thick & spicey ) ........... you'll be better in a day

    AMD K6 500 ....... my win98 installation has never crashed ( ! )

    has anyone tried out one of the new handhelds running the minimised windows os ? i'm coming to the end of a visual c++ course, was thinking of writing something for it, wasn't sure whether the language might generate too much overhead .........


    be careful not to fall asleep when bathing in nutella : escape is impossible once it's set
    posted by a hymn in g to nann , 7:43 PM Þ 

    hmm nutella.

    my (new! improved! french!) girlfriend loves her nutella. she made me crépés the other day... mmm... i would also like to bathe in nutella.

    as for old computers, mine is just over a year old (G4 / 400) but i do sometimes post from my palm, which is younger, but maybe the smallest computer? wouldn't it be cool if you could post from a gameboy?
    posted by alex_tea , 6:33 PM Þ 

    pIII 866

    the p4's are getting so cheap in pricing it's tough not to want to upgrade
    right now. memory has been going up or at least stablizing in price though. i
    find it's still expensive for 256 sticks but not like when we were buying those
    64meg 72 pin simms.

    i just started learning perl via an on line course, yahoo!!! does anyone here
    use it often?

    and lemon and honey dav! lot's of it. sleep and movies dosen't hurt either. btw:
    after this mornings breakfast i am convinced that

    is the most evil invention of all time. i want to bathe in it.
    posted by john , 5:38 PM Þ 

    I got you beat Dav; I work day in and day out on a P][ 400

    Its true, its true.

    Ive been swearing to fix this for AGES, an am actually looking for a motherboard, box, processor combination: hence the posts about custom boxen, ovaclokas & suchlike.

    posted by Irdial , 5:21 PM Þ 
    posted by Josh Carr , 3:40 PM Þ 
    posted by Paul , 1:58 PM Þ

    Two questions:

    Is anyone else stuck at home with a nasty awful cold? I had the shakes very badly on Tuesday night. Today I have a throat like broken glass and a head full of hot cotton wool.

    Who's using the oldest computer to blog here? Mine is a PIII 750, not very old at all.
    posted by captain davros , 12:07 PM Þ 

    So much for the First Amendment:

    U.S. court acts to limit tax-avoidance promoter
    David Cay Johnston The New York Times
    Thursday, February 28, 2002

    "A federal judge in Florida has ordered one of the biggest sellers of tax-evasion plans in the United States to stop making statements that income taxes are voluntary and that the Internal Revenue Service has no authority to collect taxes.

    On Tuesday, however, the Web site used by the promoter, Joseph Sweet, still featured statements declaring that income taxes are voluntary and are turned over to eight bankers in Puerto Rico and that the Internal Revenue Service is a criminal organization.

    Word of the decision against Sweet, who says he has close ties to a congressman who wants to end income-tax withholding, came as several anti-tax groups calling themselves the tax honesty movement were set to begin two days of meetings Wednesday in Washington to build support for their views. The groups have petitioned the federal tax agency and the Justice Department to show them the law that authorizes the government to collect taxes and prosecute those who do not pay, and they have urged people to stop filing tax returns until their 299 questions are answered."

    Very poor journalism: here are the links that are missing from the article:
    posted by Irdial , 11:46 AM Þ 

    "$.0023 per download...record companies and press play get 91% of revenues."

    It should be clear, even to rock drummers that putting your IP in the hands of a monopoly is commercial suicide. What I find amusing is that the managers of these drug soaked sluts in leather can get them to parade themselvs like westside whores to denounce Napster, but when its revealed that they are being screwed by the monopoly, they are all totally silent. 1000 downloads and they get $2.30: now thats what I call Prostitution®!

    "As one rock manager computes it, if a consumer buys the standard Gold Plan on Pressplay, paying $19.95 for 75 songs downloaded to a hard drive and 750 streamed so that they can be heard only once, an artist, after these deductions, gets $.0023 per song downloaded. To earn a penny, more than four songs must be downloaded.

    "I did the math with several other managers and lawyers, and the labels and Pressplay get just under 91 percent after they've paid all the artists for all the downloads," said Jim Guerinot, who manages No Doubt, Offspring, Beck and Chris Cornell. Other managers come up with other figures that they say are even worse for the artists."
    use cypherpunks/cypherpunks to register.
    posted by Irdial , 8:41 AM Þ 


    I fucking hate the RIAA. They expect to get huge amounts of money by right of being a legitimate "organization" that thieves off both the consumers and the artists that they rip off. Stupid fucking shits. They get insulted when people buy from independent labels, I bet. I haven't bought from a major label for ages. RIAA disgusts me.
    posted by Barrie , 6:26 AM Þ 

    i love the goon show. it was fantastic comedy.
    posted by john , 12:28 AM Þ

    "Third time's the charm. Napster came out in 1999, and the Recording Industry Association of America had two great revenue statements for that year and the next. But now that CD sales finally are down year-to-year, at long last they get the chance to blame Napster for their woes. There's just one thing wrong...
    ...they don't have Napster to kick around anymore.
    For yesterday's press release, the RIAA commissioned a survey by a research firm to prove that music-downloading is to blame, but all they tell us about it is that "23 percent of surveyed music consumers say they are not buying more music because they are downloading or copying their music for free." No more details provided, no link to the survey's raw numbers. So what does this mean? I guess 77 percent are buying more music because they're downloading it for free?"

    Read through the comics, there are some quite interesting insights, as well as the usual FP! shite.

    My own comments: I bought my first CD after listening to Mp3s, and all of the CDs I have bought, I have had full mp3-copies of before buying. Now, I might be special, but it seems to me that there are a lot of cases like this, when reading through various online discussions. Then again, less than 10% of my CD collection comes from any of the so-called quintopoly, instead coming from minor/medium labels such as Irdial, Rephlex, Warp, etc. So I'm not really an ideal customer to them. Heh.
    posted by Mikkel , 12:20 AM Þ 
    Wednesday, February 27, 2002

    Father Thames
    by Spike Milligan

    Let us look at the River Thames
    One of England's watery gems,
    Oily, brown, greasy, muddy,
    Looking foul and smells of cruddy.
    The Conservancy say they're cleaning it.
    So why is it the colour of shit?
    posted by Irdial , 10:15 PM Þ 

    Ying-tong-ying-tong-ying-tong-ying-tong, etc...
    posted by captain davros , 9:54 PM Þ 

    oh yeah,

    street style!

    photoshop anyone?
    posted by john , 7:10 PM Þ 

    Spike Milligan has fallen in the water. May he swim, float, sink or walk as he feels fit. Bless him.
    posted by Alun , 5:45 PM Þ 

    posted by Mess Noone , 3:12 PM Þ 

    What the fuck?

    U.S. drops pledge on nukes
    By Nicholas Kralev

    The Bush administration is no longer standing by a 24-year-old U.S. pledge not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states, a senior administration official said yesterday.
    posted by Irdial , 2:47 PM Þ 
    posted by Niclas , 12:08 PM Þ 

    thank you very much for the links, i'll read them when i get home...

    just looking through the suggested reading material on the uni website and they mention this cathedral / bazaar thing too... they have a lot of good stuff here, i think i will be mostly reading this month.

    also, i'm thinking about getting some guest lecturers in... semiconductor are up for it, and they'd fit in well to both global digital communications and 2d / 3d design. maybe you'd to do some stuff on open source? the whole a212 will really wet my tutors' pants!
    posted by alex_tea , 11:20 AM Þ 

    Morpheus is down because the underlying protocol has been yanked from under thier feet. Whilst checking out Kazaa's website:
    You see Cameron Diaz in 3D making a pitch: take a look at it, very slick, very neat.
    posted by Irdial , 10:44 AM Þ 

    Your welcome back gift:

    The Cathedral and the Bazar:

    The obvious one:

    German Govt sweeps out closed source software for the good of the nation

    and here is more on that

    implications of Open Source software

    in the news

    thats alot to read if you are reading carefully.

    Where the hell have you been??!!
    posted by Irdial , 10:08 AM Þ 

    ok, sucky sucky long time no post. err... lots of boring crap stuff went on...

    anyway, now i'm here and back at uni at last. but look at these essay questions, this is such a relief considering the crap i put up with last year!

    Write an essay of
    between 1500 and 2000 words, using one of the following titles:

    • Discuss the influence
      of science fiction narratives on the development of our own virtual
      identities. Would it be true to say we are living inside a book?

    • Discuss the way
      in which cyberspace has affected the way either race or gender
      is represented. Has this had any effect on the 'real world'?

    • Discuss the effectiveness
      of the Internet as an art medium. Would it be true to say it is a
      more useful means of expression today than painting?

    • Marshall McLuhan
      wrote in the 1960s that "The Medium is the Message". Discuss how effectively
      this can be applied to cyberspace.

    • Discuss the global
      implications of the Open Source software movement. Could it be said
      to be pro- or anti- globalisation?

    • Assess the distribution
      of power in relation to the internet: who is in control and what strategies
      can individuals use to undermine them?

    • Evaluate the
      impact of Napster and its imitators.

    i think i'm going to do the open source question and could do with your help on research and resources to read...

    thank you...
    posted by alex_tea , 9:31 AM Þ 

    This is pretty well made, well made and pretty.
    posted by Irdial , 8:35 AM Þ 

    put down the crack pipe
    perhaps this is the answer
    posted by Irdial , 7:53 AM Þ 

    When I was young, empty aluminum soda cans were everywhere in the streets. They literally lined I95.

    Then something happened.

    Machines were installed all over the place that paid you cash for old cans. You took your cans to the machine, it crushed them and paid you coins.

    In short order, there were no empty soda cans to be found anywhere. Today, you would be hard pressed to seen a can lying in the street.

    When recycling pays you, your garbage dissapears, because suddenly it has monetary value.

    This is something that has always inspired me; make garbage valuable and it will dissapear; just imagine using this pressure to clean up every other type of garbage. The cities of the world would soon be cleaner than...well, use your imagination.

    In London, the mayor is charging 5 pounds for people to drive thier cars into central London. This is stupid. Back in the 1980s, the Greater London Council reduced the price of an underground ticket to someting like 20p. The cars literally dissapeard from the streets.

    London does not need charges to enter with your car; it need cheap or zero cost, abundant public transport.

    Also, the motherfuckers are going to use digital cameras to scan the licence plates of cars driving through the city. You will be billed automagically (aparently). If you do not pay, you get fined 80 pounds.

    Of course, that computer will have a record of all the people who have driven through the city. No statement has been made about how this data will be used and who will have access to it.

    They say that around 180 million will be generated each year. This is not enough money to fix the problems of Londons public transport. Its probably not enough to maintain it at its current state of broken-ness.

    Either way, Ken Livingstone is DOING SOMETHING instead of sitting on his hands...admirable, if flawed in response.
    posted by Irdial , 7:51 AM Þ 

    "Reaching the highest level of Plug and Play capability occurs when the BIOS, operating system, and system hardware are all Plug-and-Play-compliant. When a new device is added to the system, Plug and Play will detect it, install it, and configure the system resources and driver software for the component. The user doesn’t need to do anything but plug the device in and use it after it has been dynamically detected and configured. This is Plug and Play at its best, and when it works, it definitely makes everybody’s life much easier."

    maybe this is the answer

    posted by mary13 , 7:00 AM Þ 
    Tuesday, February 26, 2002

    diahhrea is no good. it makes the bum chafed.

    posted by john , 11:38 PM Þ 

    I'm not so much outraged as I am baffled by this country. Well, it annoys me that I cannot buy a beer and drink it outside, or even carry it without a silly brown paper bag that doesn't conceal anything. I feel like drinking soda from a brown paper bag in the streets just to piss off the silly hypocrites. That is perhaps what could outrage me, the hypocrites, the people who want to control others, or the people who 'know better.' Someone came up to me on new years and told me I was a rich bastard. That I thought I was so much better than him it gave him diahhrea. That me and my brother were so fucking arrogant that we made him shit his pants in disgust. I had no idea what he was talking about. I have never been rich, though I was wearing a suit, but who doesn't on new years? I bought that suit with money I earned myself by working in a supermarket.

    I don't know what world would be better than the current one. I prefer personal freedom to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. I saw a spot on TV with young kids and adults proudly proclaiming support of a terrorist regime or killing innocents. It was a War on Drugs ad, and my first reaction was, well, if it was legal to start with, you wouldn't be supporting regimes and killing innocents. What a ridiculous argument. I mean, the reason we shouldn't take drugs is an effect of the illegality of said action. I wonder if other people see it that way.

    What a ramble. I need more structure, heh.
    posted by Mikkel , 9:10 PM Þ 

    "After all, the group that controls security also controls surveillance."
    posted by john , 7:15 PM Þ 

    that is absolutely right.

    commerce is good. for now it is the system with the greatest possible
    freedom and the most potential for future growth when we move beyond
    the need for commerce, however it's achilles heal; responsibility. the individual.

    when 'free thinking' banner carrying western sheep yuppies are crying
    (and rightfully so) about the money influence oppressing
    third world economies causing civil unrest, extreme discontentment
    and finally murder what they fail to see is their malaysian made
    jogging suit they wore to the protest is more responsible for the
    exact situation that they are protesting against; more so than any bomb.

    it is the lemming support given to the purveyance of oppression that makes
    me sick while one believes that they are doing what they can to stop and heal
    the conflicts by going to peace protests; which in itself has even more stigma attached to
    it. it's cool to protest, don't you know?

    you can carry a sign till the cows come home but until we choose to
    understand holistically why these problems exist and see the multitude of
    causative factors for ourselves, free of the self imposed constraints of the comforts
    of blind so sold "cool" conformity then we will have what we have got now: death.

    i have wanted to post this for a long time and now seems the perfect one. this
    sign hangs out by our recycling bins and outlines the kind of thinking we need more of:
    "when you factor in the overwhelmingly small amount of consumer waste that actually
    gets recycled with the fossil fuel required for this process, all for the purpose of making
    more consumer products to keep us perpetually contained & distracted in the illusory
    sensation filled world of the matrix, then you may eventually come to the conclusion that
    recycling is a bit of a feel good but do nothing scam.

    reducing and reusing are where it's at!"
    posted by john , 6:23 PM Þ 

    Think of it from the point of view of someone else. Would you rather that you were this person or someone with an income from a sponsorship deal?

    Im not quite sure what kind of world everyone expects to live in; it would be interesting to read what kind of commerce free utopia you would like to see exist.

    Explicitly and in detail.

    Certainly, there are aspects of buying and selling and advertising that are not, for example, to my liking, but these aspects can only exist if the population are sheep; it is the "fault" of the illiterate, blind, deaf and dumb unwashed masses who can take the blame for the "cattle business" that is the management of the masses of human beings in the west.

    When a monkey is hungry and he is siting in front of an apple tree, he takes an apple. There is no confusion. Humans are the same. If a country is empty, they take it. If the population are undefended, they over run them.

    Americans, and the way that they approached the creation and the current running of thier country are very "natural" people. They do what they want, take what they want, and have done so from the start. At least, they are consistent. At least, there are avenues of redress (even if sometimes they are theoritcal only) available to evey citizen.

    Frankly, I would rather trust them than trust people who have no respect for themselvs or thier own freedom, not even theoretically.

    I'm talking about the pass laws and enforced labor laws in certain European countries. The undemocratic and unrepresentative European government which arbitrarily controls European destiny, without a whisper of complaint, or single legal route of challenge. I am talking about the laws in Canada that make certain types of speech illegal.

    The silence of people who sit quietly and take that sort of abuse is more loud and more sickening than the most crass commercialism, and if crass commercialism is the price of being free, then I'll hear that noise, and embrace it.

    Like I said, anyone has a better idea, give it; don't keep it a secret.
    posted by Irdial , 9:30 AM Þ 

    Looking at my clothing, I can say that I am not wearing any major brands, but thinking closer, I know that I have never been able to afford these brands in the first place, and has therefore never even considered buying them. I don't know whether I would buy brand clothing if I actually had the money, but I doubt it (I hope I am right), as I am a cheap bastard and it generally hurts me to use money.
    posted by Mikkel , 7:10 AM Þ 

    is it any different in australia or norway or canada or germany
    or spain or the uk? america is just too stupid even try and
    hide the cold truth we all live under. it's the big show. fact.

    indirectly we are all responsible. how many blogdialians wear nikes etc??

    i was at a peace 'protest' here in vancouver. many were waving banners and
    half heartedly cheering..."no war" "stop the enslavement" "stop the corporate
    war". yes...yes!!! so i am among friends all of us standing there feeling determined
    to look and to see and to change. then as my eyes wander the crowd; i notice dasani
    water bottles and north face jackets and nike hiking boots. the once not so pathetic
    60's revival tunes being sung began to fade into the true nature of our western mentality.
    blind concession to protest®.

    i am baffled, really.
    posted by john , 3:01 AM Þ 

    America is a bizarre country. The olympics were sponsored by Zoloft. I shit you not. And when Sarah Hughes won the skating gold, the speaker said she'd have an interesting future dealing with fame and endorsements. Yes, that is how commercialized their nation has become, that any sports star is automatically expected to be part of the advertising engine.

    I am baffled, really.
    posted by Mikkel , 12:35 AM Þ 

    posted by Irdial , 12:29 AM Þ 
    Monday, February 25, 2002

    yes winmedia=poo
    blogdial=the best!

    btw: i got in deep on osx last night at a friends and ....whoa! that is an interesting
    interface. i like that you can navigate thru many folder structures so easily in one
    window. i didn't get into the back end stuff too much as he just payed the mega$$
    on the powerbook but still i really liked all the navigation elements on the desktop etc.
    hell that machine is made to run software, and run it well! it's just know, mac.

    negativland-time zones=yes!
    posted by john , 6:38 PM Þ 
    posted by captain davros , 3:34 PM Þ 

    Over 20 years ago I got one of these for christmas, with RAMPAK and tapes full of programs. Is the sound of ZX81 programs the next step... I guess its already been done somewhere.
    posted by Alun , 10:05 AM Þ 

    A lovely little programme from BBC Radio 5 (direct to audio). Tim Berners-Lee discussing the set up of the WWW and his personal web philosophy of freedom of information, open source, non-profit...
    posted by Alun , 9:52 AM Þ 

    thanks anthony, that link worked.
    i like your clip, playful little groove with that punctuating high-hat...yah!

    here's something i do when it hurts:
    lemon + honey
    put the kettle on
    squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into large mug
    add 2 teaspoons of honey
    pour hot water over, stirring
    slow movements, deep breaths
    ask your friend to rub your toes
    or maybe the cat will come and sit with you
    while you sip... :)
    posted by mary13 , 5:37 AM Þ 
    Sunday, February 24, 2002

    First of all, one shouldnt be running XP. Period.
    Secondly, one should be running a firewall.

    We STILL have to run Win98. we run it with a firewall. Whenever windows media player tries to connect to the internet, it is blocked by the firewall. It tries to do this even if you are viewing or listening to a local file

    There are very few circumstances where you need to run WMP7, and so, this is not really a problem if you know what you are doing. There are SO many windows DivX and DVD players that you should never EVER have to use WMP7 to view anything.
    posted by Irdial , 8:50 PM Þ 

    Thank you.
    posted by Mess Noone , 7:49 PM Þ 

    nothing new but...winmedia7.1=
    "February 24, 2002

    Technology's Threats to Privacy
    Microsoft's newest Media Player, included free with Windows XP
    software, has a privacy-invading feature that came to light last week.
    Media Player quietly keeps a log of the DVD's it plays. So users who
    thought they were watching movies privately were actually leaving behind
    records of what they have viewed. The software also sends information
    back to Microsoft in a way that allows the company to match individuals
    with their music and movie choices."

    "After the problem with Media Player was revealed, Microsoft amended its
    policy statement to tell users that it was logging DVD titles. But Micr$oft
    did not tell users how to stop Media Player from logging the information."
    posted by john , 6:56 PM Þ 
    posted by Irdial , 1:17 PM Þ 

    music / art / any enterprise that seeks to inspire fear of intrusion is as good as dead ....... it has no place, except in those murky, cold, dank and uninspiring places where people who propagate such fear lurk and lead miserable lives ...... josh got it when he said ' pure fun ' ....... mr g is the man because he is without pomp ........ you can hear the guy singing along ( badly ) as he plays !! ........ the austere brigade tend to be a little sniffy about his playing, because he played fast ........ he played fast because ( i would guess ) he enjoyed passing on the joy encapsulated in bach's ( or whoever's ) ideas, in contrast to enjoying showing the listener what a great performer he was ...... he was for the the music, not for him, which was one of the reasons he gave up playing live ......... being without fear means to take pleasure in seeing, it opens one up to enjoying the thing, as against whatever is associated with the thing ........... we must work to remove the fog, for purveyors of fog are joyless ........................... my head hurts
    posted by a hymn in g to nann , 12:53 PM Þ 

    Re: the Gould. Thought I might feel like the council estate scumbag intruding in the lord's chamber.
    posted by Mess Noone , 12:09 PM Þ 

    Does anyone here use Max/MSP?

    Just starting to get my hands dirty.
    posted by Mess Noone , 12:03 PM Þ 

    "Last Updated: December 4, 2001"

    Yes indeed, I have seen it; it used to come up as the second result when you searched Google for Irdial...
    posted by Irdial , 11:25 AM Þ 

    From the Daily Telegraph: (use / guest)

    The Government absolutely lacks the political will to deal with the violation of one of the most fundamental liberties of the people it governs: their right to feel safe in their own homes.

    Given this scandalous situation, it is time for the Government to confer a new right on the people: the right to bear arms. Gun control in this country is in any case a joke. There is far more gun crime now than there was before the idiotic law passed by the Major government to ban handguns after the Dunblane massacre.

    The police obsessively regulate shotguns and rifles held by sportsmen who have no intention of killing anyone with them, while failing utterly to control illegal weapons. In America, the two states with the highest level of gun ownership - New Hampshire and Vermont - have the lowest levels of crime.

    One of the most murderous places in the United States, Washington DC, has the most rigorous gun control in the Union. For a householder to shoot a burglar in most states in the US is regarded not so much as permissible as part of his civic responsibilities.

    There is, as a result, very little burglary in America. In this country, when a man shoots a burglar who is part of a gang with more than 100 previous convictions between them, it is he who goes to jail - for life, until Tony Martin's sentence was reduced on appeal.

    Many of these appalling crimes are committed by junkies, which might lead some to argue that they would be insufficiently rational to respond to greater deterrence. They may well not respond when they are on drugs, but that is their problem.

    Apart from the error that rights are conferred, this article is pretty amazing.
    posted by Irdial , 11:20 AM Þ 

    have you registered the Irdial name akin ? ........ might bill have to pay you for this ? ........ might bill try to make you pay for this ? .......
    posted by a hymn in g to nann , 11:15 AM Þ 

    mary, what player are you using to listen ? the file is a compressed .wav, labelled as an mp3 because .wav tends to hint ' large file ' ........ i tried to save it as a real audio file, but soundforge threw a wobbler & refused, sulking .......... it's reposted here, with the original .wav extension ( i just tried to open the .mp3 version with an early version of windows media player & it refused because of the extension, so maybe that was the problem ? ) ...... you'll need to set your player to loop the file, because it's only tiny, and isn't all that interesting when played just the once........ i'm going to get around to uploading a few new sketches to the site soon ........

    having trouble co-ordinating thought into coherent sentences this morning as i decided that waiting to master the art of brewing would be a pointless, joyless, and ultimately i suspect, fruitless pursuit ....... memories of college experiments with gallons of grossly vile mixtures helped in coming to this conclusion, although these liquids had the magical effect of rendering you unconscious until early evening the following day, by which time hangovers had passed, a by-product i miss as i stare at the screen this morning with pulsating temples, forehead & eyes
    posted by a hymn in g to nann , 11:02 AM Þ 

    Heh, ah, the Wall. I like Waters. "The Final Cut" is like, the lite version of the wall. I like it better.

    Speaking of Bush, I recently got a new Godspeed You Black Emperor! bootleg, and in between the set and the encore, they pay this fucked up tape of a George Bush speech. They mangle it brilliantly.

    I had some Dutch beer tonight called "Glosch" I think, in a green french-cap bottle. It was good. Some guy told me that the ones in brown bottles are better. Whatever. It was good. I also had some stuff called "doppelbock" which was wicked-good, and incredibly drunkefying. Mmm mmm mm.
    posted by Barrie , 9:31 AM Þ 

    anthony, would like to hear your snippet but i am getting
    an unsupported document type on clicking.
    can you post again??

    posted by mary13 , 3:02 AM Þ 

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