Saturday, May 25, 2002

I eat meat, but mostly we buy it from the local butcher who only butchers animals that have access to pasture. Not that it's less evil or anything. But damn, it tastes so much better than the cage-crap. I drool at the thought. And the beef doesn't shrink when you prepare it. How's that for quality. It's not even more expensive. It's cheaper than supermarkets.

bagtax is great. Or even greater: buy a canvas bag and dont ever throw it out. Plus you can use it for a lot of stuff, like carrying books and crap around.
posted by Mikkel , 11:29 PM Þ 

yeah, all right Mary, theres a line you know!!!!!!!

sitting with a couple of mates,drinking beers (right there with you, Anthony!) and we're dicussing the plasticbag thing and aparently theres over 20 billion bags get used every year.
posted by chriszanf , 10:58 PM Þ 

yo chris/alex, i was slapping your dad last night...

if i don't eat meat, i get a hemoglobin issue. The moodiness, oh the moodiness...

it's funny that it would be assumed the plants are suffering. most of the plants i know welcome a good pruning/thinning.
maybe its the sound of submission?
posted by mary13 , 10:26 PM Þ 

Susan Lawly -
posted by Mess Noone , 10:19 PM Þ 

blather post

beer & code do not mix ........ it's saturday night, a beautiful sunset is raging all around me, and by rights i really should be sitting in the pub mulling over a book & warm beer, but, the fever has gripped me, and instead i'm sitting staring at the screen attempting to unjumble reams of apparently nonsensical pointers, references and convoluted interdependent structures in order to get my little memory aid client up & flying ....... it's nearly complete & i'll post a link to it so that anyone who fancies can give it a test & inform me of bugs, ideas for additions etc etc etc ..... but anyway ...... yes ...... so .......... midway through attempting to decipher a particularly tricky couple of dozen lines of code i thought 'beer' and, not being one to ignore compulsion if no reason to do so can be invented within the first 20 seconds of it manifesting itself, went to the fridge & returned to my now natural home in front of the cathode ray tube ......... the combination of relaxant ( beer ) and stimulant ( code ) had a pleasurable effect for a few moments, but the more i imbibed, and the more i tinkered, the less certain i was that what i was doing was wise ( particularly as i had omitted to take the precaution of backing the work up ) ............................... so ................... mmmmmmm .............. there's no point to the story really .......... i didn't wreck the program, a moment of sanity descended, i quit the binary juggling, and thought i know i'll log onto the creampool ( here ) and ............ oh fuck it .................

plastic bags : next year a government ( uk ) tax will be imposed on the use of plastic bags - it'll cost you at least 10p per bag every time you take a new one from a shop

meat : i'm lucky to be living in an area where, when shopping, i'll be given a good idea ( if not exact ) about where the meat has come from ...... there was a very amusing article on the radio a few weeks back about a group of scientists who have managed to convert the movement of energy within plantlife at the moment of cutting into soundwaves, therby giving us an indication of 'suffering' that crops go through at harvest time
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 9:48 PM Þ 

ea correction: blogger IS allowed.
posted by john , 9:18 PM Þ 

I eat meat, and I know all about how they're processed and what they're fed and everything... and I still don't care. I guess I have a very strong stomach, or *really* like meat.

What kind of music is this Susan Lawly? It looks very interesting. Of course buying things from Britain for me is like shooting myself in the foot - the pound sterling is a very strong currency. The exchange rate is usually around 2.2x. Ouch.

That audiogalaxy thread is hilarious. If only they were smart enough to realize the RIAA is about as far from communists as you can get. They're wayyyy over at the other end of the spectrum. But irony is funny as hell.
posted by Barrie , 8:59 PM Þ 

i don't have a problem with anyone eating meat. Just don't want to myself.....but if you knew what they fed wouldn't want to either!!

the best 'mum' insult i've heard is ....You're so ugly that when you were born the doctor slapped your mother!
posted by chriszanf , 6:37 PM Þ

i hate the way illiterate (or maybe even literate? and by literate i mean thinking, maybe i should have said ignorant, but seeing as american's can't spell any word with the suffix "our", they're all illiterate*) american's are brainwashed into think communism and anything vaguely left leaning is pure unbridled EVIL. does this happen in schools? or is it just mom's little helper? tv?

also i eat meat and i have no qualms about it*.

i was red m&m by the way. your mum's so stupid she got sacked from the m&m factory for throwing away the 'w's!

*this is flammage, obviously.
posted by alex_tea , 5:57 PM Þ 

my site's gone down ( and i'm not getting any response from my provider. i think i'm slowly turning from 'yellow' to 'crispy'!!

talking about not using oil for polymers...the bain of my life is/are plastic bags....evertime i go into a shop they want to give me a plasticbag. most of the time i have already have a bag. This incenses me. everywhere you see discarded bags. I once heard that you can derive a 'plastic' from sugar.

Another thing that always 'perturbs' me is when i go into shops and see the rows of meat counters and i can't help but think of how many different individual animals have died to fill those shelfs (multiply by the amount of shops), just for the taste of their flesh. errrggghh!
posted by chriszanf , 2:21 PM Þ 
posted by Mess Noone , 9:22 AM Þ 

crispy but sexy barrie...meow

no really...true, polymers are derived from petroleum as well as many plastics
etc. it's next to impossible to get away from. funny i was thinking about this as i
left the house and walked past a car that was all hippied® out if you know what
i mean and geez, i don't know how to explain it. it's complicated i's hard to
get your thoughts straight on it. but "the world is lazy" is probably the best way
to say it. fuel cell iz promising indeed but where to fill up. i had heard that there were
some test fuel cell hydrogen stations in germany opened a couple of years back but
even that i am unsure of. need to investigate...

beatdown rating today=1.2
posted by john , 3:05 AM Þ 

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain

lazy and lovely.
i just tried dolce + gabbana feminine

posted by mary13 , 2:57 AM Þ 

I am Crispy! eeek!

Stop buying oil?
If I couldn't drive, i couldn't go to school. And moving closer to the school (it's 40 minutes away) is out of the question. I don't like using oil but I have to. Also, if I didn't use oil, I would not be able to use my computer - polymers are derived from oils.
Oil is a problem, but no one can stop it's use. The solution is to USE these new sources of energy we have - most notably hydrogen engines. The trick, then, is to get around the huge evil oil companies (and oh yes, they are very evil) and implement new technologies.
The world is lazy.
posted by Barrie , 2:00 AM Þ 
Friday, May 24, 2002

update for ea canada: as i mentioned a
long time ago that they were scrambling
outgoing pgp via an unknown means, the
new word is that is not allowed.
no bogger for the employees as i hear they
consider it a time waster. hmmmmm....
posted by john , 11:09 PM Þ 

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain
but i wanted to be blue....

TY AF 33
posted by john , 6:40 PM Þ 

[G3neral] Question 6596: homophobia is the fear of?
[Loki`] sameness
[G3neral] Loki` got the answer: sameness. In: 9 secs. Current score: 197!
[Assasin8] gays
[Perl1p1p1] mens
[Perl1p1p1] man
[Loki`] !addhost ripcord__ ripcord_
posted by Irdial , 5:56 PM Þ 

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain
posted by chriszanf , 1:54 PM Þ 

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain
posted by captain davros , 11:45 AM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 11:37 AM Þ 

posted by Irdial , 11:33 AM Þ 

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 9:39 AM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 8:26 AM Þ 

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain
posted by Irdial , 8:24 AM Þ 

I just rebuilt Irdialsys from scratch, hence, away.


Stop Buying Oil
Run Linux.

CD copyprotection cracked....but we knew this!

"This is not a genetically-modified chicken"
Professor Avigdor Cahaner: This is not not an asshole And by the way, that chicken is not being done in the name of science, it is being done in the name oc commerce, to which, certain immoral evil scientist whores are ever eager to suck the dick of to make more money for someone and keep tenure/job/research money. The same goes for the super rice super wheat that is supposed to feed more people. That is bullshit. Iron age man was getting more wheat per acre than pre chemical farming man in the 1950's.

HB JB 33

Captain Beefheart..."Doc At The Radar Station" Awesome.
posted by Irdial , 8:24 AM Þ 

revolution yesterday!

stop buying oil!!!!!!!! stop driving your car or
we will all suffer. stop feeding the machine
with your/our manufactured blind consent to
self destruction. ignore and perish. i am not
kidding, the time is now. the time was yesterday.
we are facing a point of no return. perhaps we have
passed it already. for my childrens sake i hope
not. we live on a jewel and we treat it like shit
while making the evil more and more powerful
out of what we view as a necessity. the car is
not a necessity. stop using oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is the truth; albeit a friendly reminder with
a militant tone. the time is not for scarcasm but
for direct interaction. direct intervention. stop using
oil. recycling dosen't mean a damn thing when we burn
as much carbon as we do. step one is oil. i ask you
honestly are the seasons the same as when you were
young? no, i thought not. 100 years and we've almost torn
it all down.

beatdown rating=7.0
posted by john , 6:59 AM Þ 

Josh, I'd like to hear the kid606 too. I read a review and it sounds hilarious/awesome.
I also read about the latest album by Lesser - basically, it's his entire musical career (10 years, spare two albums) on CD, thanks to the wonders of mp3 - it's called "LS-MP3CD-R_1990-2000." It is made by tigerbeat6 records - kid606's label. Coolness.
posted by Barrie , 12:22 AM Þ 
Thursday, May 23, 2002

a mixed cd i just made in mp3 format.

check it out if you want. i like it in the headphones. :)
mark bell->lars sandberg

(it starts 23 secs in btw)
posted by john , 6:07 PM Þ 


you can search for a plugin for winamp that will play real audio files that you can then write to disk as you play them.

here is one:
posted by Josh Carr , 2:50 PM Þ 

has anyone heard kid606's "The Action Packed Mentallist Brings You The Fucking Jams"? i heard the first track on WFMU last night and it proceeded to blow my mind. blasting through bootlegging, outofcontrol raga-drill stuff, lots of vocals tweaking. i've never had so much fun washing my roommates' dishes.
posted by Josh Carr , 2:42 PM Þ 

Is it possible to download realaudio content somehow?
posted by Mess Noone , 12:18 PM Þ
posted by chriszanf , 11:55 AM Þ
posted by chriszanf , 11:55 AM Þ 

"When you start up your compiler, you should do as if you were never to quit it." ( )

As if any of us have any choice once we start on the slippery road of attempting to attain binary nirvana ; ]

congratulations on the java test result alex
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 9:29 AM Þ 

From: "Keith F. Lynch"
Newsgroups: alt.math.recreational

WARNING: Do NOT calculate Pi in binary. It is conjectured that this
number is normal, meaning that it contains ALL finite bit strings.

If you compute it, you will be guilty of:

* Copyright infringement (of all books, all short stories, all
newspapers, all magazines, all web sites, all music, all movies,
and all software, including the complete Windows source code)
* Trademark infringement
* Possession of child pornography
* Espionage (unauthorized possession of top secret information)
* Possession of DVD-cracking software
* Possession of threats to the President
* Possession of everyone's SSN, everyone's credit card numbers,
everyone's PIN numbers, everyone's unlisted phone numbers, and
everyone's passwords
* Defaming Islam. Not technically illegal, but you'll have to go
into hiding along with Salman Rushdie.
* Defaming Scientology. Which IS illegal -- just ask Keith Henson.

Also, your computer will contain all of the nastiest known computer
viruses. In fact, all of the nastiest POSSIBLE computer viruses.

Some of the files on my PC are intensely personal, and I for one
don't want you snooping through a copy of them.

You might get away with computing just a few digits, but why risk it?
There's no telling how far into Pi you can go without finding the
secret documents about the JFK assassination, a photograph of your
neighbor's six year old daughter doing the nasty with the family dog,
or a complete copy of the not-yet-released Pearl Harbor movie. So
just don't do it.

The same warning applies to e, the square root of 2, Euler's constant,
Phi, the cosine of any non-zero algebraic number, and the vast
majority of all other real numbers.

There's a reason why these numbers are always computed and shown in
decimal, after all.
posted by alex_tea , 3:37 AM Þ 

os >< heads, check out this site for pure g33kiness:

also check out the software the guy makes: i hate saying guy actually. but anyway... see how he has melt banana playing. apparently he's my new god.

also, i want to make a list of 33 words in l33t speak indexOf(33) > 0. here's my first two entries.

g33k and l33t

can any of you help? not sure what i'll do with them yet... something net / art based... i finish my second year of uni a week on friday. i nearly got 100% in my java assignment (i handed it in late, the only penalty). yay for me!

as for paper on vinyl, i bought gonzales uber alles brand new from selectadisk back in february, but never got round to listening to it as i spent about £250 in a week (student loans for you!) on records and got sucked into listening to all the other stuff.. anyway, recently put it on and noticed some paper stuck into the groove... very annoy, tried water, and white spirit although i was a bit cautious... at fatcat i used to clean the returns with lighter fluid and a jif-cloth, that might work?

reading through that kung-foo site a bit more, he's writing a Coder's Bushido!

Coders and samurai have many attributes in common. Both are destined to overcome hardships on the narrow and dangerous path to excellence. Both have to continuously sharpen and develop skills to achieve their ideals. Both always have to be on the look-out for possible traps and threats.
posted by alex_tea , 3:16 AM Þ 
Wednesday, May 22, 2002

the closer they get to the truth:

expect another terrorist® "incident".

this is NOT funny but why do i feel like laughing? it's disgusting.
posted by john , 11:16 PM Þ 

sans 1's and 0's i have a vinyl question. does anyone know
how to get paper off of vinyl properly? i can tell you not to
use nail polish remover/rubbing alcohol as i f*ucked one up already
doing a test. i just picked up something i've been looking for²
sometime and it has a paper stain on it. any thoughts?

ps. there is NO issue in copying vinyl to ANY medium! ;)

not to rant too much but i find the whole anti-piracy thing
so outlandish and stupid. we all know this is a waste of the money
that t.h.e.y. say they are losing in the first place. dummies. and anyone
with a dat player et al can just copy it to the dat bring it in and convert it
to mp3 with very little signal loss. so who are they fooling? probably aol
users. "now anyone can feel like a computer genius"......"no more computer
mumbo jumbo"
-that's what the commercial says.

what we need is some real proppaganda™! and that is what
we get here on blogdial!
posted by john , 9:11 PM Þ 

It seems from the 'copy-proof cd's cracked' article that no matter how much money corporations spend on restricting the flow of information, a bit of sticky-back plastic and a washing up bottle will defeat their efforts!!
posted by chriszanf , 8:25 PM Þ 

My (crappy - seeing as how I know very little swedish) translation of the relevant paragraph: But this is also a program about spy-radio and the secret number stations. Radio that on shortwave and ultra-shortwave jabber out numberseries and lettercodes. Are these spy-radios or is it just postal services and telegram agencies that send their codes in the aether ocean over all continents? In the program it is speculated about these mystical radiotransmitters that one doesnt really know anything about, and if nothing else, are a well kept secret.
posted by Mikkel , 6:55 PM Þ 

was listening to conet project when my 13-year old sister suddenly said "i heard this on the radio today". i was suprised, but it turned out she had been hearing this
it will re-run tomorrow @ 18:15 in swedish radio P1. might be worth checking out (if you udnerstand swedish that is)
posted by Niclas , 6:00 PM Þ

'Copy-proof' CDs cracked with marker pen

LONDON (Reuters) -- Technology buffs have cracked music publishing giant Sony Music's elaborate disc copy-protection technology with a decidedly low-tech method: scribbling around the rim of a disk with a felt-tip marker.
posted by alex_tea , 2:14 PM Þ 

posted by mary13 , 12:10 AM Þ 
Tuesday, May 21, 2002

> Dear Editor(Of Georgia Straight),
> I am miffed. As a recent transplant to Vancouver I find your paper a great
> resource for local Vancouver happenings however your continuous support for
> commercial music is troubling. Considering the new levies weighed on us by The
> Private Copying Tariff shouldn't we all be questioning why we buy music issued
> on major labels?
> You can continue to ignore the underground but until the mass public tires of
> Mark Farina, Dj Dan and Moby and digs a bit deeper I assume you will show your
> blind support for pathetic lifeless acts. There is more happening in this town
> than yuppies snorting coke in the bathroom at Sonar you know. Perhaps you
> should stop kissing ass and do some real reporting. Anyone can go to the NMW
> out on a free pass to get complimentary drinks and schmooze. There is too much
> at stake in our community these days wouldn't you say? Stop being such tools
> of what you are fed.
> You can choose not to print this which will further illustrate your ignorance
> of what really fuels the bottom feeding commercial music industry's success;
> the underground. Open your eyes, get off your pampered asses and earn your
> keep!
posted by john , 9:20 PM Þ 

Alternative One - elimination of a huge portion of world population.

Alternative Two - to build many underground bunkers, as large as small towns, to protect the government in seclusion until the surface population thinning was finished.

Alternative Three - to build a "transfer station" on the backside of the Moon, build an underground base on Mars and remove a certain limited "Noah's Ark" cross section of Earth's population, artists, scientists, engineers, writers, etc., to Mars as a survival colony in the event of "catastrophy" on Earth.
posted by Josh Carr , 7:30 PM Þ
posted by chriszanf , 3:07 PM Þ 

Happy birthday Mr Burke!
posted by chriszanf , 2:57 PM Þ 

"It's a normal chicken except for the fact it has no feathers" Professor Avigdor Cahaner.

It takes someone with years of education to tell us this! Where did he go to universtity? University of stating the bleeding obvious!

"This is not a genetically-modified chicken"

Is it not? Then what do you call it when you genetically crossbreed animals?

OK professor, lets go over the important points again:

1. Its a GENETIC cross between two breeds of chicken.

2. It is a MODIFICATION so that it doesn't need to be plucked.

3. And finally, it's a CHICKEN!

I'm so glad we've got people like the professor helping to advance science for the benefit of everyone on the planet.

posted by chriszanf , 2:52 PM Þ 

I am ashamed at some of the things done in the name of science.
posted by Alun , 1:53 PM Þ 

oh dav!
oh alex! *blush*

thanks a bunch. guess what i did? i had
a diner® break-a-lunch and then bought a
750ml bottle of bombay saf.

we be chillum....
give it a sec it's v. worth it

danke everyone!!!!!
posted by john , 4:24 AM Þ 
Monday, May 20, 2002

clerihew for John Burke on his birthday...

Mister John Burke
Seems busy - is it work?
Even so, he's thirty three!
So have a Happy Birthdee.

Happy Birthday John Burke!
posted by captain davros , 11:09 PM Þ 

oh my god. i am l33t today.

happy birthday!
posted by alex_tea , 8:58 PM Þ 

oh my god. i am 33 today.

lots to do...
posted by john , 8:45 PM Þ 
posted by alex_tea , 3:14 PM Þ 

this seems to consolidate a few things that have been mentioned on here in the ast few days. odd..

X-Mailman-Version: 2.0
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So I hope everyone is well. I just finished my degree...four years, such a
long time. But not as long as watching xfiles for nine years, and all for
the series finale shit: seinfield meets supersoldier episode. Oh well.

Anyway, I've been keeping myself pretty busy lately. I just completed an
online radio site for milk. this weekend. It will be launched this Friday
(may 24th @ roxy blu), so if you're in toronto; come on down. Well, I'm
also giving you a sneak preview:

You'll be able to see the whole site. If you find any bugs (esp. IE 5/5.5
for PC) please let me know.

Okay. Finally, I'll have some time to work on mud stuff. I'm doing a new
issue for mudpub (I've been talking about it for way too long) and I will
work on a redesign of (faster load time guaranteed).

Anyway, maybe we'll all talk soon.

Ps - just wanted to remind you that the html tutorial starts this coming
weekend, so if you're interested, email me now.

-mud(tm) [ takashi okamoto ]

----------------------------------------- .//_mud's_art+design .//_art+design_community
t+416_516_3424 m+416_910_3928 aim+mudpubNet

mudpub mailing list
posted by alex_tea , 2:30 PM Þ 

is grow fins the box set on reventant? i bought that for my dad for christmas... i want to listen to it myself now...

i like the takashi murakami artwork mary.. i have his superflat book... last year was japan 2001 over here (and elsewhere?) and tehre were laods of exhibitions and shows, most of which i missed, but i did get to see maywa-denki at selfridges, and although i couldn't afford any of their curios i did pick up a lot of manga... issues 2, 3 and 4 of dragon head... issue 2 of blame... some of those telephone directory sized manga weeklies! and some art books, the most exciting being this weird gundam tribute where the artist dresses people up in jet packs and shields, or paints gundams fighting in the background of photos on the beach or at school... and then tatos gundam silhouettes onto babies, girls and boys...
posted by alex_tea , 2:26 PM Þ 

More experimental music from the Monty Python team - Conrad Poo and his amazing teeth and the wonderful sounds of life and death that was the Mouse Organ.
Books, Haiku by RH Blyth. Issa is my favourite, and Blyth is an amazing scholar and teacher. Contexts.
Also, Mark Leyner. I've been meaning to mention him for ages, and this weekend I re-read bits of his books. My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist is fabulous, but then so are his others. How can I not like a story that begins 'Dad was in the basement centrifuging mouse spleen hybridomas'. The kind of stuff I dream of writing when I'm wrecked. Also (link: Mark Leyner portrays himself as a beef hunk macho god of a man, whilst the next is about bodybuilding (foreground)) Harry Crews, almost everything from Body, to the Gospel Singer, Feast of Snakes..... brutal.
Do Thing: Broadcast. Where to Start? What to Do? How to Get Noticed?
I'm going on holiday from the 22nd, so maybe some sunshine will crystalize a few thoughts.
posted by Alun , 11:34 AM Þ 

posted by mary13 , 9:55 AM Þ 

Beefheart, yes.

Coincidentally, I got Trout Mask on Gatefold 180g vinyl a couple of days ago.

Has everyone got Grow Fins and the new Bat Chain Bootleg?

Believe me, it IS a bootleg.
posted by Mess Noone , 8:30 AM Þ 

I stopped watching the xfiles, and thus tv completely, in early december. I wish I had started watching it a few weeks later after they stopped making annoying shitty episodes... oh well. I had been a devoted viewer for it's entire run, it's kind of annoying not seeing it end...
posted by Barrie , 7:55 AM Þ 

just watched the final episode® of the x(-treme!)files. all
i can say is to quote the commercial that ran during the
2hrs episode..."the xfiles may be over but the conspiracy
continues forever on DVD"

posted by john , 6:00 AM Þ 
Sunday, May 19, 2002

wow is it just me or is really difficult to get round? it's very interesting though. MP3s are cool but I am crazy about MODS/tracking, just because that way the d/l's are smaller and you can play with the songs when you get them loaded in the tracker. Yes, monotonik is cool! There's bad stuff out there as well. I got some Norse Metal MODS a while back - ouch!
posted by captain davros , 11:14 PM Þ 

mikkel you read my mind... i was wondering if you could set the prompt... i tried echo $PROMPT but i got PROMPT: Undefined variable. anyway... once i've finished this little bit of java i'm going to install bash... bish bash bosh... anyway you can exchange localhost for your ip address? huh? ella guru?

apparently i rule. respect is due to akin who uploaded 'sue egypt' to my ftp which shook memories of my dad's beefheart love and how i used to listen curiously to his zappa and beefheart tapes in the car... also mix that with more beefheart exposure the other week on the journey to/from all tomorrow's parties... the person who transported me is none other than gaverick devis of giddy motors who are playing at the garage on the 6th. definately worth seeing live... i'll rip some mp3s and put them on audio galaxy soon...

as for mp3 labels. don't forget! and fatcat are launching their mp3 label very soon... it's oh so close..
posted by alex_tea , 10:01 PM Þ 
posted by Mikkel , 9:49 PM Þ 



to try out, just paste the appropiate line in a terminal window. To save, add it to your .(tc|ba)shrc file. For root, it's located in /var/root/ (on os x). The number after bash/tcsh is the command history, the others should be fairly self-explainable.

for bash:

PS1="\[\e[0;93m\][\[\e[0m\]\[\e[1m\]\s\[\e[0m\]\[\e[0;93m\]:\[\e[0m\]\!\[\e[0;93m\]][\[\e[0m\]\T\[\e[0;93m\]][\[\e[0m\]\[\e[1m\]\u\[\e[0m\]\[\e[0;93m\]@\[\e[0m\]\H\[\e[0;93m\]][\[\e[0m\]\w\[\e[0;93m\]]\[\e[0m\]\$ "

for tcsh:

set prompt = "%{\033[0;93m%}[%{\033[0;37m%}%{\033[1m%}tcsh%{\033[0m%}%{\033[0;93m%}:%{\033[0;37m%}%h%{\033[0;93m%}][%{\033[0;37m%}%P%{\033[0;93m%}][%{\033[0;37m%}%{\033[1m%}%n%{\033[0m%}%{\033[0;93m%}@%{\033[0;37m%}%M%{\033[0;93m%}][%{\033[0;37m%}%~%{\033[0;93m%}]%{\033[0;37m%}%# "
posted by Mikkel , 9:38 PM Þ 

© Copyright 1991 STEVEN M. GREER, M.D.
-wow 1991. where has this been? why has discolsure
been fringed?

i had heard about h12o6 but still don't know how to feel
about it. i hear things on both sides of the fence...more on
the neg however..

what is science????????????????????
posted by john , 8:23 PM Þ
Clustered Water Online - Dr. Lee Lorenzen,
posted by Irdial , 7:26 PM Þ 

A Cape Girardeau, MO, police officer reports witnessing a
large, unlighted, disc-shaped object, which floated across State Route 74 while
he was on traffic radar patrol on Saturday night, January 26, 2002. The
object's ventral surface was light colored, and it reflected the lights from
oncoming vehicles. The object was approximately 50 feet in diameter, the officer
estimated, and it was traveling at approximately 30-40 m.p.h., he believed. He
had the presence of mind to "shoot" at the object with his hand-held radar unit,
but curiously, no return was registered by the instrument. 

More Info :

Officers Written Report

comments on the Jeff Rense radio program

posted by Irdial , 7:12 PM Þ
FUFOR: Frequently-Asked Questions
posted by Irdial , 6:45 PM Þ 

The nature or 'reality' of these craft and these beings has been incorrectly characterized by some as belonging to 'another dimension or reality' from this dimension. Unfortunately, these statements are made without fully considering what 'this reality' is. A more correct understanding of this is that the Full Spectrum of Reality is a singular, integrated one which may be perceived wholly or in its various aspects, such perception being entirely dependent on the level of consciousness of the perceiver. The various aspects or 'dimensions' of this reality, which are limitless in number, are not restricted to or by time and space as we know it commonly. These beings and their craft belong to the same Reality as humans, however their advancement in the realms of physical science and the science of consciousness has given them competence in a broader aspect of the Full Spectrum of Reality than is usually experienced by humans. The difference, then, is one of degree and not fundamental reality, since humans potentially have access to all aspects of the Full Spectrum of Reality just as extraterrestrial beings do. These differences are not insurmountable, nor are they truly fundamental; in fact they are relative and only temporary. While these beings are utilizing and experiencing a broader aspect of the Full Spectrum of Reality, so too can and will humans, for we are as 'inter-dimensional' by nature as they...
posted by Irdial , 5:59 PM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 5:36 PM Þ 

Great article, but the USA is not the only country on earth where software is written and music equipment manufactured; in fact, most music equipment comes from and is sold /outside America/.

This legislation will cripple American innovation and programmers, and will do nothing to stop the rest of the world from galloping ahead of the USA in these fields.

Once the Americans smell that they are "loosing the bucks", or that they are even /about/ to loose the bucks, they will repeal this legislation as quickly as they passed it. The same pressures forced a complete 180 on the legislation restricting the export of encryption software. Once they realized that other countries would start benefiting in places that America made itself absent, they woke up and changed the law.

As for software development, the same rule applies. The biggest revolution in software has come not from America but from /Finland/. Of course, I am talking about Linux. If America passes any law that restricts the copying of software, or that in any way damages the ability of programmers to write exactly the type of software that they choose, the "brains will drain" to free countries like Finland and the UK.

The same goes for manufacturers of entertainment equipment. America will see a huge grey market in freely working equipment flooding into its streets, legitimate outlets will be squeezed out of business, and the remaining manufacturers situated in the USA will simply go bust since no one outside of the states will pay for crippled speakers, recorders, and players. Manufacturers outside the USA will of course benefit greatly. They will innovate freely, at a pace that they choose, and flourish in a truly free market.

America is an important place, but it is not the whole enchilada, and no one (with any sense) is following their lead anymore. The excesses of congress should be reported as /cautionary tales/, and not as legal disasters / successful hijackings of the law by lobbyists, since these laws have no effect on countries outside of the USA, save to make programmers run into our arms.,4273,4416356,00.html
posted by Irdial , 5:33 PM Þ 

Excuse my prolonged absense. I was on my fourth (4) drinking binge of the week, with some friends last night.

I; monotonik is also an excellent web-label.
II; I actually like System of a Down (their music is so much more varied than the crop of the mill -- did I just rape that expression?). Tool is brilliant.
III; loud profanity kicks ass, even though it might very well be the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.
IV; Gibson's Hinterlands is the best shortstory, evar.
V; I am honored by the crazy limericks about me. I love you guys.
posted by Mikkel , 2:06 PM Þ 

posted by alex tea , 2:10 AM>

the wire like to think this, and they did infact say so, i have a magazine from around 1987 where the term's used when refering to the prog-pomp band univers zero..

i have the 'evidence' somewhere at work...
posted by THESE , 1:31 PM Þ 

Anyone read "Moab is my Washpot" by Stephen Fry? There's an excellent section about him discovering music and records in the 1970's at public (read private outside the UK) school, and how he misheard Captain Beefheart and thought it was Captain Bee-Fart.

Then of course bees farting makes me think of the Monty Python sketch "The Wonderful World of Sound" which I think was only on one of the records they did.
posted by captain davros , 1:23 PM Þ 

BEEFHEART! Okay, you rule.
I agree with you on the love/hate with "metal" thing. Seems that some bands, like Tool, know what metal is. Tool is also capable of writing proper lyrics, unlike say, Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park. "Improper Lyrics" to me include songs that are just whining about ANGST rather than saying anything that is interesting or relevant to the listener.
I have some tool videos I can mirror on my KDX server. The newer ones are quite amazingly weird, very well made. I feel they are a band that knows exactly when to get loud, emotive and complex and when to get quiet and pensive, as opposed to the "one chord distort" that the aforementioned Bizkit et al. are very fond of. Complexity is a thing that "prog" bands have a hard time with - many can be complex, but can't time it well, so it ends up being pretentious glop that's much too convoluted (see: most of Yes' catalogue).
Though, good musicianship IS an important quality of music, It think.
I'm rambling. It must be the beer. Beer is good.
posted by Barrie , 4:36 AM Þ 

some friends of mine went to see tool last sunday in brixton. one of them (the same person who i leeched the fugazi from) gave me an mpeg of the video to prison sex. an awesome video, and the music isn't bad. i have a weird relationship with metal. i like and loath it. some metal i can really 'relate' to. or just listen in plain english. stuff like system of a down, zeni geva, faith no more (are they metal?) and marylin manson (becuase it just so over the top and well executed. amazing production and quite dark, like a good horror film. not to be taken seriously.) other stuff i just can't get my head around. it's dumb and not even funny. metallica, korn, limp bizkit (ok, it's not metal) etc. but tool seemed interesting. kinda emo core, but then everything is emo these days...

anyway, i've finally gotten an audiogalaxy client for mac that works (sputnix). it's awesome. just downloaded 80 beefheart tracks, and loads of joy division, buzzcocks and i got your love by frankie knuckles... i just need more disk space... if / when i get that 120 gb drive i'm going to host the irdial catalogue! and the file names will work because os x supports 255 character names thank god!

didn't simon reynolds coin the term 'post rock' in the wire a few years back...
posted by alex_tea , 2:10 AM Þ 

I will leave my server up for several days, so anyone please come and visit if you'd like.

I was listening to a band called Tool the other day, a band that I had deprived myself of for a while and recently got back into. I think they are very very good - they play heavy songs that are sort of like rock songs (their early material was rock), but it is more like what one would call in the 70's "progressive rock." It is music that you cannot quite define - sometimes it has the traditional blues structure (what all "rock" songs are) but it mangles it and sometimes tricks you into believing it is traditional, but it is not. Choruses don't come after verses and verses don't come before or after the chorus, thereby nullifying the actual concept of chorus and verse. The band will sing in a certain way because the song requires it, not following some 90-year old tradition that says you must have a verse of poetry and then a chorus that follows. You still can't define this music, and there's no need to.

Re: Akin's newsletter: ripped from the Aquarius list, here is a very good description of post-rock.

The Starfuckers website ( features the following statement from one Henry Clitus Colagetti, the President of something called CAMC (the Commitee for Abolition Of the Middle Class):
posted by Barrie , 1:12 AM Þ 

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