Saturday, July 13, 2002

Dav, I put something in the post to make you simle. Yes simle.
posted by Irdial , 10:31 AM Þ 

ah yes, the new sneaky sploit.

how many times does everyone have to be told:


I mean, honestly....
posted by Irdial , 10:29 AM Þ 
posted by john , 10:17 AM Þ 

My summer holliday

Power to the imagination
posted by Claus Eggers , 10:06 AM Þ 
posted by Claus Eggers , 10:04 AM Þ 

Respect mabn. I drink., I cant even fuckin gytpe right now.

Fuckin blighers vomiting! AMATERUES! hehe.

Jesus, I forgot what I was going to post. I'll post later
posted by Mikkel , 3:12 AM Þ 

Alas JB I don't drink, although it could be a pint of coke or lemonade or something - if you pushed me around and I spilt that I'd probably get mad, though I'm not the beating up kind.

There's lots of drinking going on in Blighty on a Friday night though. Since I can't get the loft hatch shut now I can hear the youth of west oxford vomiting their way home much more clearly than usual.

Thanks for the crisps Barrie...much appreciated!
posted by captain davros , 2:03 AM Þ 

Damn, dav. You look... very unimpressed. *proffers bag of crisps* Chip?

Thanks, john, for posting the Bermuda Triangle! *loves*

As for the virus thing: HOLY MOLY CRAPHELL THAT'S EVIL ON A STICK FOLKS. I wouldn't put them on the moon, since if they got too crazy up there they would just DROP DEADLY VIRAL HELL ON US FROM ABOVE GOD HELP US ALL (the heat is making Barrie abuse the capslock today; we apologize --the mgmt.). And really, how silly is that? Why would they even want to make a virus? Just because they accidentally did it and said "Hey... something happened. We might as well tell people, because it's probably the only useful thing we'll ever do, since we have no good ideas what to do with science"? I do think it's an improper way of behaving. This to me has no benefit, other than to prove that deadly diseases can be "created" and dropped like bombs upon our enemies. Wow, that's sure fucking ethical. And they better have handled the virus in good conditions, I don't want to hear stories of children being unable to move just because some stupid "scientists" thought it would be cool to fuck around with a virus.
As for "believing" in evil, I'm not sure what that implies. Evil just exists... it's a state of mind that, I suppose, violates the rights of others and treats things cruelly. It exists as much as the chair I sit on exists, and I don't think "I believe in this chair" sounds right. Evil is just evil... but it can come from stupidity and ignorance as well.

Not *our* Mikkkel, but then again, it could easily pass for him:

Mikkel: If you went camping and you got REALLY drunk with your friend and you woke up the next morning with a condom stuck up your ass would you tell anybody?
Celestya: i dont think so
Mikkel: Wanna go camping?
posted by Barrie , 1:23 AM Þ 

dav you tough englishman. if i was there i would buy you a pint
and then push you around till you got so mad that you'd beat
me up.

wouldn't that be a great way to spend friday eve? ok maybe i'd
get you "awholehellofalotta" pints and we could throw grapes
at people from the roof. and dude if you stole my car i'd jump
off a bridge, drown, invite you to my funeral and make you feel like
total shit. then you'd see the evil in your ways!
posted by john , 12:59 AM Þ 
Friday, July 12, 2002

posted by captain davros , 11:33 PM Þ 

Reasons to be annoyed part 1

You (i.e. me) you buy a loft ladder, get it home, all unwrapped and assembled, and it...doesn't fit in the loft.

Bah. I'm all messy and dusty now. I hope, come sunrise tomorrow, that those jackanapes at the out of town retail park accept my item for refund or exchange.
posted by captain davros , 11:10 PM Þ 

...Don't listen to it. Or read a mag like Nature or Science for a much broader and balanced view of these things.

But that research is from Science!!!
posted by captain davros , 11:07 PM Þ 

1/ The moon is sterile.

2/ "I dont believe in Evil", people used to not believe in all sorts of things. Many of them still do. Personally, I dont have to have something slap me in the face for me to accept that its true.

There is something, for me at least, completely crazy in not accepting something as real, a thing that you have not personally seen first hand, simply because you have not personally seen it.

If we applied this way of thinking to everything equally, as one should, then one wouldnt "believe in Scotland" unless you had been there personally and heard the pipes.

3/ Spotted the Hippocratic bit; you're paying attention: Good!

4/ Its still Friday.

5/ What is "wickedness" exactly? If there is no good or evil, no right or wrong, no reason to behave, save the chance of being caught by the police or a vigilante mob, there is no "wickedness" or "goodness", there is only "what I want to do".

If I want to murder, there is no problem with this, because there is no law laid down by any authority that I must obey, save the laws that I make for myself. "Society" might be able to bully me into getting in line, and they might gang up on me to put me in jail for eating human flesh, but if they dont catch me, why should I NOT eat human flesh, or mass murder, or murder just one person I dont like? There is no afterlife, no judgement, only nothingness, and during life, the choice between obeying the herd or being an outlaw / outcast / outsider / Free.

Why is murder wrong? Where do your rights emanate from? What is wrong with me knocking you, Alun, over the head and stealing your car?

If man is just an accident, then I am responsible to no one but myself, the only law I should obey is my own, and me help you if you get in my way.

6/ Its STILL Friday!

7/ Did you know that there are statistics showing that when there is a full moon, crime goes up in N.Y.C? No?
posted by Irdial , 9:07 PM Þ 

but if they were on the moon isn't that nature too? maybe
shooting them into a black hole would be best. crushing
their tiny pathetic bodies into the singularity. they are
pigdogs.. "ack ack, polly shouldn't be!" it's also probably
not the first synthetic virus they've been making.
tools, every last one of t.h.e.m. i think there is evil in this
world. either that or extreme insecurity.

put my site up for all to ck out:
posted by john , 7:28 PM Þ 

Yesterday I found a cartoon I cut out years ago from who knows where...Quantum Mechanics. "My atom smasher's broken" "Well, guv, it could be your particles or it could be your wave form. We won't know till we have a look." Better visually..... sigh. But on the same theme...
Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar.
One says, "I think I've lost an electron."
The other says, "Are you sure?"
The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive..."

Cartoon Laws of Physics

posted by Alun , 5:12 PM Þ 

Carthag: my comics folder is 2.5 gigs :P
themssomesock: nice
Carthag: only 800 megs of hentai, too
themssomesock: which, you do realize, is still insane
Carthag: I do
posted by Mikkel , 3:03 PM Þ 

My Hypothesis about Fridays and rantings gathers more evidence...
First, I don't believe in evil. There is human wickedness, to variable extremes, but evil suggests spiritual/religious overtones and as an atheist... Pedantic I know.
Second, most basic research is done by Doctors of Philosophy (PhD), who earn the title through original ideas and the examination of a hypothesis by experimentation. As opposed to Doctors who take the Hippocratic oath and want to cure the sick, and get their title through the patient learning of textbooks with a modicum of practical application.
Third, this viral stuff. Yet another example of certain scientists shouting loudly (ably assisted by the megaphonic media) and whipping up interest in something of little scientific interest at all. Don't listen to it. Or read a mag like Nature or Science for a much broader and balanced view of these things.
posted by Alun , 12:19 PM Þ 

First synthetic virus created

"The US researchers built the infectious agent from scratch using the genome sequence for polio. The most amusing part is this snippit: 'To construct the virus, the researchers say they followed a recipe they downloaded from the internet and used gene sequences from a mail-order supplier."

Pure Evil.

If there was a lab on the Moon where these gene splicing, nature offending frankenstininan God wannabees could work, all of this would be OK, but sadly, these people make their "creations" and then unleash them into nature, as if nature itself was a private lab for them to work in.

They unleash modified plants, insects, bacterium, all without really knowing what these things will do in the long run. That is irresponsible, and evil.

Did you know how gene splicing is done in plant experimentation? They use the word "splicing" to convey the image of somone carefully and deliberatly manipulating molecules individually. This is not how it happens. They put genetic material under a particle beam to damage it. After this, they try and grow the damaged material. They then see what grows, and throw away the dead stuff. They then try and determine the properties of this new plant. If they find some useful resistance or other property, they sequence the gene and then PATENT IT.

This is pure trial and error, "throw it against the wall and see what sticks". There is nothing wrong with this approach, as long as the results are contained, and do not enter the environment, or even worse, the food chain.

I say, send them all to the Moon, every last one of them.

And of course, if they eventually are able to create viruses with very specific characteristics, they can also manufacture the perfect vaccination and or antidote.

But of course, these people are responsible, adherents to the Hippocratic Oath, and would NEVER do something like that.
posted by Irdial , 10:56 AM Þ 

Rats. Just tuned into resonance, and I'm off time... I don't really know how far ahead Britain is from me... I think it's around 4 AM there, and it's around 9 PM here...
Oh well... someone better have the Irdial Show mp3ed...

Asides, the heat over here is killing my ability to think. It was +37 C today. I basically get up, work, do a bit of mindless crap on the computer, and go to bed. It's been so hot now that I'm barely on the computer, and have retreated to the basement where I am reading some Tolkein. Currently I am going through the Appendecies to The Return Of The King, and after that I will move onto The Silmarillion. Good times had by all.
This heat CAN'T be good for my vinyl collection.
posted by Barrie , 4:00 AM Þ 

uncircumcised at heart.
posted by john , 12:37 AM Þ 
Thursday, July 11, 2002
posted by mary13 , 10:45 PM Þ 

EDIT. mission accomplished.
posted by mary13 , 10:39 PM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 9:17 PM Þ 

REZ FM show: dude we are so there! it'll get dat'd!!!!!! at midnight gmt holds these records attached to
domain whois.

dns is funny.
posted by john , 7:36 PM Þ 


THESE RADIO Broadcastsss :::
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an ongoing series of broadcasts presented by those
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hosted by IRDIAL DISCS
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for future presentations by guest artistes watch this space.

we love you and only you.

posted by Irdial , 6:34 PM Þ 

are we going to do this then? what extentions
does nextra support? does a. want to go there?

as for the are our script engine mikkel
me thinks. your skills are above mine so i am not sure
what i can add. i guess outlay what lauguages and
functionality are going to be used and then we can pick
from there depending on what we are best at. so i guess
an outline and clearence is what is needed.
posted by john , 5:50 PM Þ 

single disc firewalls:


posted by Irdial , 4:48 PM Þ 

HEEHAW I get off work early! I'm out the door in a bit. Ch-ching!

Let's write the goddamn blogdial script, then. I have some crap I made for myself called blogx0r which I'm sure we can reuse parts of. Shouldn't take more than a few days to hack some stuff together.

We need:
- posting, editing
- different templates (editing, displaying, for emailing) (also makes update of design easy as pie)
- log in, cookies
- html tomfoolery? (auto-making urls into links, etc, via regexps, very simple shite)

Post your ideas here, I have a few hours to get a head start and can implement features.

One thing, do we use mysql or flat text for data storage (this one depends on the server we are on, see. I have no idea what our privileges are here on ibmpcug)?

[Ironically, I couldn't post this from work, cause the whole thing kept crashing. Maybe they try to work against people writing their own shit?]
posted by Mikkel , 2:20 PM Þ 

Akin, what was the name of the firewall/virus checker that runs from cd-rom?
posted by chriszanf , 12:57 PM Þ 

Alex: AbiWord bites the big one. OpenOffice is what you want.
posted by Irdial , 1:47 AM Þ 
Wednesday, July 10, 2002

a couple of thoughts:

1. blogger pro and the recent(seemably increasing occurance)
outages with blogger. it is smart business to offer a free service
then offer a pay version with advanced features and slowly "nudge"
the free users to pay for reliable service and 'advanced' usability. i
am not claiming a dastardly plan here with pyra but it just a thought
as i have seen it when the .com world broke down that companies
looked for an alternative to the advertising revenue business model. paying
for a use to be free yet comfortable service.

2. what is going on? something is i feel. the attorney general is going
now after quest comm. those are two of the most senior and centeral
telecom backbone providers who probably carry between them say 50+
percent of the web traffic coming from the americas. probably more.
again just a thought, you make the conclusions.

not too push but we can go php with authentication and all the posting features
ourselves if wanted, easily. we are smart® people. no public face would necessarly
change except for the url. it could be a good learning experience too. also to note:
we lost a recent change of our template on a blg for our friends. perhaps they had to
do a backup and something happened is my guess. i don't know the problem that
happened with akin's ftp but i am guessing a change somewhere in the profile or
template data maybe. i'd love to know.
posted by john , 11:53 PM Þ 

From the fine folks at b3ta (Taz_etc or something)
posted by Mikkel , 6:57 PM Þ 
posted by chriszanf , 6:32 PM Þ 

Akin - stuck at work - will contact post 7pm.

That pic was taken last year, somewhere between Oxford and Woodstock.
posted by captain davros , 5:25 PM Þ 

When I hit publish, and then status, it says that it's that stops the transfer. Did their ftp rules change? Try looking into that, Akin... [update: Nevermind, it works now! (?)]

I have views like that, but it's more like 10 minutes walk. I see that from the train every day. I like nature :)
posted by Mikkel , 4:02 PM Þ 

dav, have you sorted yourself a decoder? mail me!
posted by Irdial , 3:29 PM Þ 

And there is no mention of the problem on

patience i think.
posted by Irdial , 3:25 PM Þ 

I like dancing but everyone else seems to ask me if I'm ok and in any pain. I don't get the trance thing at all. The funniest dancing i saw was when I was in India about 5 years ago. The person seemed to be dancing to completely different music as there appeared to be no synchronisation with the tune that was playing, just this mad guy with arms flaying, spinning about.

The picture reminds me of when i lived in hertfordshire. 5 mins walk from my house and I had views like that. After seeing that, I know without a doubt, I've had enough of living in London.
posted by chriszanf , 3:24 PM Þ 

i hate trance too. i dunno i never used to like dancing, when i was younger. but now i do, i dunno... sometimes it doesn't feel right though.

i like that picture, though. beautiful.
posted by alex_tea , 1:56 PM Þ 

posted by captain davros , 1:25 PM Þ 

I _can't_ dance, and I don't even like dancing, but often when drunk, I tend to dance with girls anyway, since, well, they're girls, and I wouldn't want to be a jerk, eh? So I usually dance all fucked-up-like and try to have fun by consuming all the alcohol I can get my hands on.

What I don't get is the whole trance-thing. I have a couple of friends who go to parties and just stand in the same spot and dance by waving their arms for 8 hours straight. That's just stupid. Not even on drugs is that fun. Jesus.
posted by Mikkel , 11:28 AM Þ 

The page hasn't been updated in over a day, right?
posted by captain davros , 9:43 AM Þ 

blogger blogger BLOGGER!
posted by Irdial , 1:32 AM Þ 
Tuesday, July 09, 2002

will this work?
//This is Colorado Memories Dos backup software version 4.50 for the Jumbo 250 drives.
This upgrade also allows you to use the 350 meg tapes (2120 XL tapes).
posted by john , 5:37 PM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 5:02 PM Þ 

i dance. i danced last night. went to see the rapture. awesome. then danced around a lot, they even played huggy bear so i was happy.

i was dancing in my room just now to the dfa remix of deceptacon by le tigre. and i just put on 'extra' by ken iishi the luke slater mix is quite awesome.

trying to install XFree86 so i can run AbiWord as I refuse to use crappy microwank office... anyway having problems with root passwords etc. baically there is only ne user set up on this machine. me. i know my adminstrator password and it works when using sudo, but when i type su, the password isn't recognised. so i try sudo tcsh and that logs me in as root and then i run the install script and it sys some directories are missing and the guide on the o'reilly site says this is to do with root permissions... so i dunno. i saw mikkel had it installed so if he could email me that would be great.
posted by alex_tea , 4:58 PM Þ 

Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 12:59:19 -0500
From: Matt Deatherage
Subject: Font copyright and embedding problems


Agfa-Monotype's response is disingenuous on a number of levels, and I find
it hard to believe that a fine type foundry would not know that.

First, you'll notice that Agfa-Monotype consistently refers to a font as
"font software." That's because in the US, fonts _cannot_ be copyrighted.
Specific typefaces may be trademarked or even patented in some situations,
but the 1976 Copyright Revision Act explicitly removed typefaces as
"artistic works" that may be protected by copyright.

It is an odd law -- a drawing of a typeface can be copyrighted as an
illustration, but the typeface itself cannot. Typefaces may be protected
by copyright in almost every other copyright-friendly country, but not in
the US. The "TypeRight" Web site exists to explain why fonts should be
protected by copyright, including explanation of current laws and why
they're inadequate.

If DMCA or other copyright revisions since 1998 have changed this, I am
unaware of it. That's why digital typeface companies consistently refer
to fonts as "font software." Courts have ruled that while the typeface
design itself can't be copyrighted, the computer program that displays the
font can be protected by copyright, just like any other computer program.
Adobe, Agfa, and others have argued that the Type 1 PostScript code or
TrueType "hinting" instructions are a computer program, and that their
full expression in "font software" is a work protectable by copyright.

I'm not saying typefaces themselves _shouldn't_ be protected by copyright.
In most countries they are, and I don't believe in font piracy. I'm just
noting that in the US, a typeface is _not_ protected by copyright.

> We have become aware of the distribution of a program that has only one
> function, that is, to alter the embedding bits on a TrueType font to
> make the font fully embeddable. In other words, even though the creator
> of a particular TrueType font may have carefully limited the
> distribution of the font by setting the embedding bits to level 1 or
> level 2, this software alters these bits to a level 4, installable
> embedding.

As the creator of a font program, "Tom 7" is allowed to set those bits
however he wants. Unfortunately, one of the leading font creation
programs, Macromedia Fontographer, does not have that capability. In
fact, Fontographer creates _all_ TrueType fonts with improper embedding

The embedding permission bits are stored in the "fsType" field of the
"OS/2" table of any TrueType or OpenType font.

Bit zero _must_ be reserved under this specification. Unfortunately,
Macromedia Fontographer was written in a day before these bits were as
important as they are now. It writes the value 0x0001 into the fsType
field of every TrueType font it creates. That's an illegal value that
should say nothing about permissions.

The problem didn't come up much until Adobe released Acrobat Distiller 4
in 1999. Distiller had previously more or less ignored embedding
restrictions on fonts. With version 4, it started obeying such
restrictions, either in fonts embedded in the PostScript stream or in the
local font on your system. Finding an illegal value of 0x0001 in the
fsType field, Distiller takes the conservative route and does not embed
the file.

This came as a shock to hundreds of independent typeface designers, whose
customers were suddenly telling them their fonts could no longer be
embedded in PDF documents. The designers usually had no intention of
restricting embedding. Rich Sprague published a detailed analysis of the
problem at PDFZone in 1999.

Since Fontographer has not been updated since this started (Macromedia is
now pretty much a Web multimedia software company), no one using it to
design fonts has _any_ way to control the fsType field or the embedding
bits. Fontographer's own control only allows values of 0x0000, 0x0001,
and 0x0002 -- two of those are legal, but they don't provide full control.

Macintosh developers that really want to bit-twiddle can download some of
Apple's bit-level font tools and play with them, but only TrueEdit offers
table-level access to TrueType fonts, and even it's flaky in days of Mac
OS X (it hasn't been updated since 1999 either).

If "Tom 7" wants to exercise his DMCA rights, he may _have_ to use a tool
like his own program, and he's certainly within his rights to do so
because he is setting embedding bits on his own fonts. He also makes the
tool available for other people to use on their own fonts. To argue that
he cannot is like arguing that Agfa-Monotype cannot create or distribute
its own tools that set the fsType field in TrueType or OpenType fonts,
because someone might use those tools to remove embedding restrictions.

Surely Agfa-Monotype is aware that _some_ software has to set the bits to
the desired value. Their own in-house font creation software does it, but
the company would seem to want to deny other font developers that same

> It is difficult for us to understand why the author of a font would
> need software to alter embedding bits in his own font, since the tools
> widely used to create TrueType fonts allow the creator to specify or
> later change the level of desired embedding.

Fontographer does not. This is also widely known.

> The Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") makes it a violation of
> federal law to distribute a product that circumvents a "technological
> measure" that controls access to a copyrighted work. Embedding bits are
> obviously such a technological measure, the program at question clearly
> circumvents the embedding bits, and the fonts containing the embedding
> bits are copyrighted.

By this reasoning, as noted, Agfa's own software that sets the fsType bits
is also illegal under DMCA unless it never allows making fonts less
restrictive than whatever value is already in the fsType field.

But as another Politech reader pointed out, embedding bits are _not_ a
technological measure. Embedding bits tell _other_ programs what is and
is not allowed with the font. It would be a DMCA violation to hack Adobe
Acrobat Distiller to ignore embedding bits, and it may be a personal
ethical violation (and a copyright violation outside the US, at least) to
change embedding bits in fonts you did not design.

Changing embedding bits is like changing a copyright string embedded in a
font -- it's wrong on many levels, but it's not a defeat of copy
protection and therefore not under DMCA's purview.

> Embedding bits are "technological measures" which cannot be
> circumvented without running afoul of the DMCA. Embedding bits are also
> an important method by which the creator of font software can protect
> the results of many hours of his or her labor and years of expertise.

Repeating it doesn't make it so. Software that refuses to embed based on
the bits is a "technological measure." The bits themselves are not, and
any font designer is free to alter them on his own fonts however he sees

Easy solutions:

If Tom 7 revises his tool to set fsType fields to *any* of the permissible
values and adds a splash screen noting that it's only for use on fonts you
created, the tool would avoid DMCA scrutiny because then it could *add*
restrictions to fonts instead of just removing them. Agfa couldn't very
easily complain that it's allowed to set embedding bits on its fonts
however it wants, but the competition is not.

If Agfa wants to stop people from clearing embedding bits on its own
fonts, it needs to send letters to the people doing it -- not to people
who use tools ranging from Tom 7's tool to TrueEdit to (for pete's sake)
ResEdit to change the bits. They are not a "technological measure," they
do not in themselves protect fonts (non-embedded fonts are neither
encrypted nor restricted in local use), and Fontographer sets them to bad
values. Resetting them by any means on fonts you created is not what DMCA
tries to prevent.

(Obligatory notice: We covered such issues in MWJ 1999.05.12 and
1999.10.09, from where some of this information originates.)


Matt Deatherage
GCSF, Incorporated

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posted by Irdial , 12:04 PM Þ 

I have some even EARLIER backups, the earliest being September 20th 1993.These backups were made on a Colorado 350 drive.

These tapes have some fax files on them for sure, but I need to find a version of Colorado Backup that will restore them under windoze.
posted by Irdial , 10:29 AM Þ 

Looks nice, John. Ahhh, summer nights.
I admit, though, I don't dance. I can't dance, nor will I even go to a place that gives a chance to dance. I don't understand what dancing is all about. Sure, it's moving with the music, but I don't think it feels right. I can move with the music if I play an instrument, but flailing my body around just feels wrong wrong wrong! And I've never experience a chance where I would want to flail around.
So what's with dancing? Me not understando.

Though, often I *do* flail around, but it is only when I'm going bat-shit insane on whatever air instrument I feel like playing ("air instrument" meaning I am playing something that is not there, not a trumpet, oboe, etc). Of course, I never even think of doing it when other people are around, it is FAR too silly. So I don't think that's dancing.
posted by Barrie , 4:23 AM Þ 

the space during the day a bit before the party started
(at the bbq). the tables were up on the porch. beautiful space
for a party though. another friend had mentioned that it was
a bit of a singles pickup vibe that night, perhaps that
had something to do with it? i just don't know anymore.

is this complaint trite?
posted by john , 2:36 AM Þ 

ok two things;
1. the 'hand written" skin for winamp is awesome
2. so is cosmat selection!

also i had another "difficult" night on sat. we were asked to
set/play a benefit for a theater company which was in a
beautiful outdoor location nestled in a industrial area of
vancouver. sounds great right. beautiful photos to show off
later as well. ok so the as for here to mentioned "difficult" part.
after a friend got them warmed up i thought ok i'd love to play
now; he concured and we were going to tag for a little bit. still,
no problems. so i play a record and then another and i'm jumping
around rocking out and all...just loving the sounds. playing some
jams but noone is dancing. i mean noone. so i up it a notch; still
no result except for our friends who love to hear good techno and the
one person who heard kraftwerk and responded by running over to
the area where we were and went on about how she used to love
to dance "b/i/t/d". basically what i am saying is after about 7 or so
records i gave up. another guy with records shows up and i handed
him the tables and just went down to hang out with our friends. noone
danced all night and these were "loose" people. now please understand that
this is all too f-ing common. dosen't anyone like to dance anymore??? this
was a damn party and the music was mixed very well and i mean geez!!!!
what the f*ck?????????????????? what is an adult anyway? you should be
secure enough to let loose not feel like you have to be some image.

f*ck did we wake up on some parallel planet??? i am so sick of being
marginalized with techno. it makes me feel sick and disillusioned. frankly
we are still wondering why "adults" feel like dancing is past in their lives.
i just want to have fun!! why is that so damn difficult???

funny that everyone said "the music was great, really thanks for setting it up
john". ok, great so why the stiff shit people? arrgh! if 69sound on sound dosen't
make you want to dance that you may just be dead.
posted by john , 2:03 AM Þ
Lots of useful stuff...
posted by Irdial , 12:34 AM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 12:31 AM Þ 

Software Systems Consulting are still in business!
posted by Irdial , 12:29 AM Þ 

This AIDS vaccine is a business proposition. They will not manufacture it commercially just to protect nurses (though it would be great for nurses to have it available, I agree).

There are not enough high risk individuals with any brains that will voluntarily line up for this vaccination. This means that there is no business model for VaxGen, without some form of coercion.

And that spells "evil on the horizon".
posted by Irdial , 12:06 AM Þ 

Well, ive been looking through my CDR archives that are plaintext, and there is no sign of any fax files. There was however, everything else, including the original fax software, and a copy of the irdial-discs website from July 20th 1995.

I think I will post this most amusing document on the exact seven year anniversary; did you know that back then, there were only 20,000 websites online?

posted by Irdial , 12:01 AM Þ 
Monday, July 08, 2002

posted by captain davros , 11:52 PM Þ 

AIDS vaccine. Well, I do think it would be a good idea to have one around, but I think only if it is used in conjunction with education. Personally, I wouldn't get one, but I am not a high risk individual. However, I have a very dear friend who is a nurse, and I worry about her getting jabbed with needles (this does happen). I would like to think that there would be some protection for her, especially seeing that she is doing such a selfless (mind you, well paying and globally in demand) job. In fact, while she was in SE Asia, she broke a fight up between two men at the bus stop (yes, she is amazing, shining star). She pushed one man off another, who was getting kicked in the head. She kept the injured man conscious until the ambulance came. And her reward? She got blood on her. I was quite worried until I realized she has been immunized against hep etc.

Nothing is ever simple. Especially when you put love into the equation.
posted by mary13 , 9:16 PM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 9:02 PM Þ 

"Trailing edge tehology"

Pinnacle Micro is bankrupt!

The only way to get the data off of these proprietary backups is by using both the Pinnacle Micro "RCDPC" software AND one of thier shitty drives!

This means that if I cannot find a Pinnacle Micro RCD1000, I cannot get the files back.

A site, has one for sale for $40. Talk about depreciation; I paid 1200 pounds for my RCD1000 originally.

So, there you have it. Unless I find a piece of software that can do this job without an RCD1000 that data is toast (sorry had to). I was dilligent in keeping the original software, but neglected to keep the original drive thinking that any CDR would do the trick.

A lesson to you all, on my tab.

BTW the earliest backup I have dates from August 1995. I'll post some of the more intersting stuff as I come across it from the plain backups.
posted by Irdial , 8:33 PM Þ 

Im trying to restore the image files from 1996. I used to use an incredibly bad Pinnacle Micro CDR, one of the first generation of CDRs. Its maximum speed was 2X but in reality, because of buffer underruns, it was impossible to ever use 2X.

The archive utility created CDRS that have a proprietary format, meaning that if i didnt dilligently keep all of the backup software from 1995, my shit would be lost.

Mind you, the application is looking exclusively for a SCSI CDR, so no joy just yet. I have some other backups that were saved in a non proprietary format (the penny had dropped that i couldnt share these proprietary CDRs with my repro house)

Another cautionary tale of the hazards of proprietary data formats.
posted by Irdial , 6:09 PM Þ 

.aspx(-treme!) eeech!

this AidsVax convo is giving me the heebie jeebies. i even
felt wierd, very wierd, when people would leave the
office during their lunch hour and get a flu shot. dummies...
calves to the slaughter.

what about the posibility of aids going the way of an even
more deadly mutation of the "basic" aids if vaccinations
started. sounds dangerous. i say stop tinkering around
with this shit. it can't be a good way to go.

and friends i am pretty sure that one backend reason that aids
is left to desimate africa has more to do with global positioning
and long term future manouvering than we think. remember "we are
the world" i fear that africa is just part of the P.L.A.N.

the business of health is a phrase that just shouldn't be.
posted by john , 6:09 PM Þ 

I know the technology for making recombinant proteins does sound insane, but it works. And its been used for a couple of decades now. The market for these things is another wargame altogether, as demonstrated by the disgusting greed of companies marketing antivirals (which don't cure but may or may not prolong life) and multi-drug concoctions (good word Akin) in the 'developed' world, whilst refusing to either supply at reasonable cost levels or allow the production of generic copies in countries with the highest incidences of HIV which simply cannot afford to pay. The Rich will pay heavily to stay alive another week.
I would debate FOR the 'need' for a vaccine against HIV though. Whether this is the right one is up for argument, and the reasons behind it are dubious to say the least. But education is slow, and easily avoided or forgotten. And there are cultural and religious backgrounds which may preclude education of certain groups, not to mention the practises being taught. However, there is no excuse for not running the two hand-in-hand. Not-for-profit vaccine (profit into education?). It can work. Some politician out there must have the cojones to grab this fucker and make sure its used right.
When will humans start behaving humanely to one another? The sooner those bloody ETs stop pissing around, stand up in Trafalgar Square and show us our true importance in the universe the sooner we might act a bit humbler. Help me! I'm going to start ranting and drooling about removing the idea of a god from the minds of all humans by force if I don't stop now.
Is it age that does this?
posted by Alun , 6:09 PM Þ 

A post from 1994!

If he was reading r.r.sw in 1997, he probably did!

I'll try and dig up some of my old pictures today, and post them. I don't decode fax anymore, though if I had a dedecated machine/laptop to do it on, I would.

It got to the point that I could recognise what kind of picture was being transmitted just by the sound of the transmission.

But then, I'm like that.
posted by Irdial , 5:39 PM Þ 

Yes, I thought it mentioned it in the Conet Book. Do you have any images to post online? Do you still hunt for images?

Incidentally whilst hunting for info, I found this. Cute really! I wonder if he ever bought the Conet CD when it came out?
posted by captain davros , 5:03 PM Þ 

From the VaxGen website:
The primary components of AIDSVAX are genetically engineered proteins. These synthetic proteins are identical to a protein (gp120) on the surface of HIV, used by the virus uses to fuse through and infect healthy cells. The synthetic proteins in AIDSVAX prompt the immune system to produce antibodies to gp120. If the antibodies can successfully attach to gp120 and prevent the virus from entering cells and replicating, it cannot survive. .

Manufacturing Process
Using recombinant DNA technology, the gp120 used in AIDSVAX is cloned from HIV into Chinese hamster ovary cells, which act as cellular factories to produce commercial quantities of the synthetic version. VaxGen has an exclusive license from Genentech, developer of the proprietary manufacturing process, to all the technical know-how and genetic material required to produce synthetic (or recombinant) gp120.

I will leave it to someone else to provide a gut reaction to that.

What I will ask, is where are they going to sell this, who are they going to convince to take it? They wlll need to sell tens of millions of doses to make a profit, that means an enforced, mandated injection programme.

Military people would fit the bill instantly, since they have no rights; then school children, who also have no rights, then "Black Africans".......

In the case of Black Africans, VaxGen will have to get a contract from the United Nations to inject the millions of Africans "at risk from HIV infection". If they dont do this, they will have no market. Period.

Of course, that same money spent on EDUCATION would not only prevent the spread of HIV, but also empower the women of africa to take control of their fertility, produce smaller families that will be economically better off and better educated, all of this, without risking exposure to a frankly insane sounding concotion for which there is absolutely no need (Unless you are a shareholder in VaxGen).
posted by Irdial , 4:23 PM Þ 

Dav: as you know I got into numbers because I was hunting down and decoding weather faxes.

The system that I used was "PC HF Facsimilie" by John E. Hoot Software Systems Consluting. You got some floppys a thick ringbound manual, and a black connector to go on one of your COM ports.

It was simple to use, and you could leave it on unnatended to collect faxes.

If you have the knowlede, soldering iron, spare parts, you can build your own coupler from schematics, and there are many freeware decoder packages; both of these can be found online....
posted by Irdial , 4:04 PM Þ 

From the VaxGen website: "Because AIDSVAX induces antibodies using genetically engineered proteins, not the actual virus, it cannot cause HIV infection." Even Dubyas FDA wouldn't be stoopid enough to allow anything containing real bits of HIV onto the market. Unless he got a real big percentage.

Unfortunately it is an antibody-mediated protection base. I would prefer a vaccine that induced not only antibodies but also cytotoxic T cells, which specifically kill infected host cells. These are what you normally need to generate in order to clear a tumour or viral infection (which lives inside your cells, as does salmonella, listeria...). But if it protects against HIV...
posted by Alun , 2:56 PM Þ 

Anyone got any info on receiving weather/other types of faxes/data using ye olde SW radio and PC? I have a sudden urge to try this, and hope it's just a download away.
posted by captain davros , 2:15 PM Þ 

Aids vaccine 'within five years'

A potential vaccine to fight Aids could be available within five years an international conference on the disease is set to hear.

Now. Which one of you would like to have your child forcibly injected with "Killed HIV", or "Attenuated HIV"?

Of course, if you do not consent, your children will be branded as "HIV carriers" and banned from going to school!
posted by Irdial , 2:07 PM Þ 

I could be a journo/columnist goddammit!

This is in IE4.5 and I see no buttons (link/bold...). Have we been through this before?
Whatever, The Observer piece is about Ken Livingstone and political manipulation in re: MMR.
A good weekend. Saw Harvey Keitel in Claridges (CLANGGGGG!!!!! as another name hits the floor). It was my birthday, a special treat meal. I don't think it was Harveys bithday. Mind you, I don't think the young ladies he escorted to his limo were his nieces either.
posted by Alun , 1:54 PM Þ 

Web server on a gameboy advance with ZX SPECTRUM font! Haven't seen that in ages!

Anthony - you probably already know this but temping, via a decent tech agency, can be a good way in. John is right though - the two year thing won't matter when you meet the right people looking for the right person. Just got to keep looking, that's the dull bit.

posted by captain davros , 9:50 AM Þ 

best of luck but i am sure that once they
meet you...two years will have no credence

celestia is providing hours of entertainment!
posted by john , 12:42 AM Þ 
Sunday, July 07, 2002

Deutsche Grammaphon are vinyl

just spent the last hour or so trawling through it recruitment sites looking for vacancies in the south west ...... i knew it'd be the case, but to see it confirmed is mildy disconcerting : all need the golden two years experience ........ time to start calling these people to find out what, if any, junior positions are out there ......
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 11:17 AM Þ 

i'm off to tokyo in 8 or so hours! a week of japenese madness with my brother who is living there for the summer.

yankee hotel foxtrot was the perfect soundtrack to leaving NYC in a car. the foggy bridge passages spoke of Jim O'Rourke's hands twiddling knobs and making all the right decisions.

and speaking of O'Rouke, why hasn't anyone mentioned the new Sonic Youth album? Once again, Lee Renaldo proves that the band is his with the song Karen Revisited: poempop that unfolds into dreamdrone. i may just have this album on repeat for my entire 16 hour flight.

oh, and Slavotislav Richter. his playing on Debussy and Chopin makes my spine tingle. especially as reproduced on that THICK Deutsch Grammaphone vinyl.
posted by Josh Carr , 5:59 AM Þ 

Webserver on a Gameboy Advance?
posted by Barrie , 4:51 AM Þ 

So my modem dies on Tuesday. Flashing red lights. The idiot on the other end has no idea what to do, so he just tells me he'll send out a service man TODAY (SATURDAY) between NOON and FOUR. Yes, I had to wait at home ALL AFTERNOON, WASTING MY TIME.
Of course, none of you know that LAST FRIDAY I had a previous serviceman come to my house to "fix" my modem!
And to add further insult, the serviceman didn't even come around today! No, he just called, and said he fixed it (which he did). WOW, SHAW. FUCKING THANKS FOR MAKING MY WASTE MY ENTIRE FUCKING GORGEOUS SATURDAY AFTERNOON.
We're cancelling our subscription to these stupid shitheads as soon as we can afford a DSL modem... I've had over four years of their SHIT SERVICE and SHIT response time. Enough is fucking enough.

I think I heard someone mentioning a Set Fire To Flames record, on FatCat. If this is true, why don't I own it yet, or even know about it? I love that band! Must... buy!

As for Hi-Fis, I have a harman/kardon 690i (1982, I think) amplifier. It's beautiful and sounds lovely. It's hooked up to a pair of Grado headphones. I can't afford nice loudspeakers, but I do so dearly want them. In between buying a car and trying to buy a computer (don't think I'll be able to), I'll have to wait till later. The turntable is an old Dual direct drive that I took from my dad. And a shitty Sony 5-disc CD player that verily sucks. I also want a nice CD Player...

Also, I must say: XTC FUCKING RULES. They are one of the most under-rated, under-appreciated bands EVER. I mean... holy SHIT. These guys must just be genetically predisposed to make amazing pop/rock/whatever songs, because they rarely ever fail. So skilled, so smart, and just so bloody cool. Why don't more people know about them, at least over here in North America?
And, buildups to nervous breakdowns make for mighty fine albums. The song "Travels In Nihilon" is so bitter, entrancing, and completely neurotic, it must be the weirdest song XTC ever made, and is totally in contrast to almost their entire catalogue. On the album "Black Sea."
(the japanese folks responsible for the CD re-issues of XTC must be lauded; they are the best reissues I have ever seen or felt)
posted by Barrie , 12:31 AM Þ 

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