Saturday, November 02, 2002

He insisted, though, that "intention" was more important than "extension". No matter how many "Poilâne" loaves were ordered, they had to be baked in the same way, using flour, sea salt, water and a piece of the previous batch of dough, called "the starter".

All the Poilâne loaves ever baked could, therefore, trace their genealogy through an unbroken chain of starter doughs to the first batch made in the 1930s.
posted by Irdial , 9:40 PM Þ 

posted by Irdial , 9:33 PM Þ 

get your war on has been around for over a year, and yet i haven't fucking heard of it? fucking hell.
ditto. thats what we are here for...
posted by Irdial , 9:26 PM Þ 

he spat at me once
we bitchslap that motherfucker.
posted by Irdial , 9:22 PM Þ 

Ugh. It's been a fucking long week. Having the flu but having to go to school anyway... good fucking god. Miserable. "Barrie's painted the loosest painting of his life," my painting teacher said. Waaagh. I made some fucking badass prints, too. How the hell do I perform well under hard conditions? I just go like a machine. Weird, and unsettling.

On Islam: It used to be, before the early 20th centry, Islamic states really did like the Western world. there was a great amount of cultural exchange and good will. Then the west decided to fuck 'em over, for no good real reason, during the two wars, and constantly supported really terrible rulers. Interesting, ne? I wish more western people would pay attention to people like Fatih Alev and other muslim scholars.

That Turner art prize makes me sad. Where the hell are the paintings? Or the prints? Installations are *really* hard to do, but they're SO "in." The last really good and powerful installation I've seen was Damien Harris (the dead shark) - and that was several years ago now. It hits on a base emotional level. It's conceptual yes, as most modern art is (fuckin crap, Matisse was "conceptual" if you really wanna argue) but not so much that the meaning is lost in a haze of a) weirdness for the sake of weirdness b) a thick, impossible to fathom web of symbolism and c) lack of tact or subtlety. All those works are like "HEY! FUCKIN' *LOOK* *AT* *ME*!!! I'M A CONCEPTUAL WORK OF ART - LOOK AT HOW INTELLIGENT AND IMPORTANT I AM!! WHOOOAHHHHH!!!" Bluntness rarely ever works in art - Turner was not even blunt, nor was Rothko. Being subtle and calculated - while not beating the viewer over the head - is the best way to get the message across. And installations... they should not be nearly as prevalent as they are. They are most often pretensious and gregarious. Stick to sculpture - limit yourself a bit. People make these big complicated montages - one can't articulate an idea within an endless limit of means. There MUST be limits, or creativity has no bounds and becomes bloated and not understandable.
Though the black spheres on the hill were very nice to look at. But it's hard to judge a series of sculptures from ONE picture. :p
There has just been a gallery by a grad student here called Tomoyo Ihaya. Very beautiful, understated prints and drawings. They all carried a stronger meaning, but are set out in such a careful and quiet way. That's how it's done.

I am very addicted to music. I sing it in my head all the time - I don't have the opportunity to be able to listen to it all day. My car, where I listen to the most music, has been in the shop for weeks getting thousands of dollars in repairs (wah). Musical deprivation is getting to me. But, the Do Make Say Think concert was amazing. Total eargasm. Sound flowing around you, entering your body, filling your soul with MUSIC and power. Whoahh! I was actually "dancing" (more like headbanging), and I don't know how I did that. I just started to dance.

Queens of the Stone Age: YEAH!
posted by Barrie , 9:02 PM Þ 

irdial discs is a great record label which releases some really interesting
irdial discs is europes most forward thinking and acting record label
irdial discs is a london label that releases quality music goiing from ambient to techno
posted by Mikkel , 7:04 PM Þ 

foodpix reminds me of martin parr.

get your war on has been around for over a year, and yet i haven't fucking heard of it? fucking hell.

googlism. very now. meta mime meme type thing. the best result so far: "gross indecency is made possible in part by grants from the regional arts and culture council"

patchWerk has seen a revival due to someone posting a link on metafilter. weird thing is, i used to know that someone, and still know people who know him. weirder thing is, we never got on. he spat at me once, actually. i wonder if he realises i made it? strange...
posted by alex_tea , 5:24 PM Þ 

Jihad is the fight for justice.

"In God's name, the most merciful, the most chartiable."
A semtemce tjat startts 113 of the 114 chapters of the Qu'ran. Known by over one billion muslims in the arabian words: Bismillâh ar-Rahmân ar-Rahîm. An expression that means that you, as a muslim, put your trust in God in every situation until judgement day. A solemn prayer, before you eat, drink, etc. And a pointer in the direction in which islam points.
In essense, islam is about God taking care about our weaknesses and shortcomings. But it requires that we work with ourselves and diminush those shortcomings.
This is where jihand comes in. A term that makes people see scivitars dripping with blood, "holy war" a la christian crusades. Associatons, that are caused by the misrepresentation of muslims, and the lack of ability by the media to convey a more nuanced view of the next-largest religion.
Muhammaed the prophet (may God's peace and blessings be with him) has said that the greates Mujahid (one who practices jihad) is the one who fights his own nafs (ego) Hadîdth Tirmidhî.
Hihad, which means "effort," is a requirement for every muslim and means that you correct your own wrongs before you correct those of others.

If the society in case consists of Godfearing and just muslims, that have practiced jhihad on their own egotistical tendencies, it might better justice and human rights in other societies.
As Piet Hein said, "People who want to better the world, would do better to start at the center by making themselves better."
This soicety does not exist in modern day islam. Thus, no muslim country can declare islam on aother country, as they are not at terms with themselves. A state that supresses their own and does not listen to God's demands about justice on earth cannot base their right to liberate others from suppresion and injustice in islam.

It is known that many christan peasants in Europe would rather live under a muslim lord than a christian one that made their lives miserable through terrible taxes.
The islamic civilization once had somethign to offer, when it came to justice and rights, and this was why warfare was just in my opinion.
Besides, it's everytday knowledge that the western countries claim the right to critizising countries that look largely on human rights.
This is exactly what practicing jihad is about. The wester states, which in many cases should be called just and right, see it as their fine task to -if necessary- meddle with the intern conditions of other countries.
Such intervetions used to be done by the muslim empires - primarily through war - and had to do with military attacks priomarily.

The jihad coming from the western countries is said to bring peace and order to the populations of the 'rogue states.' The statements made by the western nations are great. But ask the people of these countries "what is up," they're not particularly happy about the "help" they're receiving.
So, jihad is meant as the principle of righteousness and justice, but only for your own folks, neughbors and citizens, but also for the global society.
If you know these principles, you need not worry for other people.

by Fatih Alev
posted by Mikkel , 4:45 AM Þ 
Friday, November 01, 2002

god imd runk. hvin dun=!FUN? :D I do. I just watched Gangster no 1. Great movie. REally good. do yerself afavor and watch it, its complete awesome. I forget. Huhm. Any of you seen it?
posted by Mikkel , 9:50 PM Þ 
posted by Irdial , 3:51 PM Þ 

Frank Iacobacci, contractor
I'm for Bush all the way. The liberals messed this country up for 40 years. They were for junkies and lazy people who don't want to work.

The Democrats are for giving away my money but Bush is in the middle there, trying to help working people.

What beautiful views. (In pictures popup link)
posted by Alun , 2:32 PM Þ 
Thursday, October 31, 2002

Bring a bottle of soy, Josh. I bet you'll get crazy people from to talk to you. Ah, dressing up. We don't have halloween here (although the toystores would bloody well like it if we did - they're trying like all hell to start it up).

We've a thing called fastelavn instead, which comes after the fast (I like how we drop the bad thing, but keep celebrating the end of the period if was supposed to last) around february. It basically consists of a mashup of old Viking rituals (such as whipping the kids with a birch, or walking around dressed as a ghost to get a glass of homebrew). Then later on, it warped into the kids dressing up as whatever, beating on a barrel full of candy (q.v. piñata), then getting crowned cat-king & cat-queen for the best dress-up. When you turn around 13-14 you stop doing that, though, unless there's a special party.

I once went to a party, that wasn't even a costume party, dressed as a Russian soldier. Got drunk/passed out, but had a lot of fun up until that.

I haven't been posting here lately, so bloody little time. Goddogit

Did you all hear about the Danish police arresting Akhmed Zakajev by request of Russia on the grounds that he is a terrorist? I'm not sure what to believe. It sounds like Russia being a bunch of whiny cunts over the theater thing (aprospos, way to go killing 100+ hostages with the gas, that's real smooth). They say they're considering cutting off all relations with the Danish government, although I've been led to believe that they need us more than we do them.

Those new paintings look like shit. And I sure can appreciate funky art, that stuff ain't art. Check out Michael Kvium or Christian Lemmerz for some bizarre Danish stuff.
posted by Mikkel , 9:05 PM Þ 

i wonder whether any of you are celebrating Halloween or All Hallow's Eve. i fashioned myself a wonderful Monkey costume and will be parading around in the Village and then off for some dancing/drinking into the night...
posted by Josh Carr , 6:38 PM Þ 

i will most definately be voting on tuesday. i've urged my friends/flatmates to register and vote, as well.

i would never let gentlemen like these into office in my state:
about a letter signed by 60 some congressmen attacking free/ open source software and stating, in part, "Licenses such as the GPL are problematic and threaten to undermine innovation and security."
posted by Josh Carr , 6:36 PM Þ 

In a world dominated by America, US elections are now, in a sense, our elections too. We don't have a vote in them. But we will all have to live - or in some cases die - with the consequences.
I agree. Please make sure any Americans you know will vote!
posted by Alun , 4:03 PM Þ 

I don't 'hate' modern art. I just can't see the point in most of it. And the stuff I like is like for 'fun' more than 'artistic merit'. An example... Bruce Nauman. I like lots of his stuff, especially the two clowns jumping up and down sreaming 'NO!NO!NO!' on his video piece in Tate modern. It makes me piss myself every time. The point being it moves me, connects in some way. The vast majority of conceptual art does not.
posted by Alun , 3:28 PM Þ 

Here is a 'concept' in art carried out very well... how to paint light? Like Turner, or, more directly, like this...

Yes, it's a painting!
From this article...,11710,781050,00.html
posted by Alun , 3:15 PM Þ 

Alun, your comment on art made me remember a wonderful pice of art I once looked at for quite some time at the Tate Modern. It is made by Sigmar Polke and I think the name is 'Hello Shiva' or 'Figure with hand (I am made dizzy by a carpet of rose petals), but I cant find it anywhere - wanted to post the picture here. Can anyone find the picture on the net? Not even Tate has the picture online - damn! It is so sensual and pure beauty... (yes, our product at my work crashes 24-7 I have no work to do right now, just surfing - wonderful)

By the way - What is art - what does art want to express? I never found the answer
posted by Alison , 2:30 PM Þ 

"If this is the best British art can do then British art is lost. It is cold, mechanical, conceptual bullshit. Kim Howells. P.S. The attemps at contextual ??? are particularly pathetic and symptomatic of a lack of conviction"

Posted on the wall of the Tate Gallery by the British Governments Culture minister, Kim Howells. Comment on the 2002 Turner Prize - pictures here.

Compare to their prizes' namesake...

Turner engages emotions. What do this years Turner prize pieces engage?
For me, little or nothing. Conceptualism is a shallow bowl to feed from, and seems to have excused a generation of exceedingly average artists from actually producing anything of worth. Conceptualism requires a concept. It must speak, or preferably shout. It should not stand there, rubbing its chin, smugly defying you to pretend to understand, to be intellectually high-brow enough to 'get it'. Conceptual art is The Easy Way Out®.
posted by Alun , 12:56 PM Þ 

The Korean Cover of "Stupid White Men"
posted by Irdial , 12:17 PM Þ 

But I am affraid of the addiction, it have socical and psychological consequences. The first thing I do when visiting other peoples home, is going through their records and books - to see what they listen to and if I find bad and uninteressting music, I cant even imagen becoming friends with them... I only want to be with addicts like me and some of my old friends are leaving me not understanding my world and feelings with and for music... I am turning into a music-nerd (and no I dont use glasses - but I think I might need some soon actually....damn damn damn...)

For me the addiction seriously startede when I got my degree in Librarianship... with first housemusic, but now.... And I have considered to get internet and a computer at home (at the moment I only use computers from work) - that for at matter of fact is BLOGDIALS fault...

I feel like a new kid in class - but there is no university to attend classes - so I find 'professors' all over Copenhagen to educate me. It is very interesting and I keep wanting more... I better just give in and enjoy the ride
posted by Alison , 11:50 AM Þ 

Music is definately my lover. Music gives me eargasms, hearinghugs, conjours up landscapes of awesome magnitude in the mind's eye, lets me travel time and can send me soaring with delight or push me off the cliffs of despair like no one or nothing else.

But just as the great Bryan Ferry sang, "Love is the Drug", so it keeps you coming back for more. I can't work at the moment without my earphones in, listening to...just about anything. CD reissues from my youth and the internet has only made it worse, so now I'm writing code and trying not to air guitar, or think about walking home from school in 1986.

And the fixes have to keep changing...I'm struggling badly at the moment since we have a big old ugly firewall that means I can't get MP3s or streaming RA thru the web, so I'm frantically ripping and burning things on a weekly basis to get me thru. Or hunting strange sites for standalone Realaudio, MOD files or wavs that I can throw into my brain. Phone sounds, pirate radio recordings, in fact any kind of radio airchecks, people's audioblogs, anything.

Will it ever stop??? Never! I'm on a Highway to Hi-Fi.
posted by captain davros , 10:05 AM Þ 

Do you ever have the feeling that music is your lover? I have had a hardcore serious relationship with music the last 2 years, and I'm starting to be affraid that I'll never get over it... Even when not listening to music the other sounds (wind, snow, fields, water,leaves falling from the threes, pen and paper, my keyboard, other people chatting and so on) surrounding me becomes music... I am an addict as never before... Will it ever stop? Can it ever stop? Should it ever stop?
posted by Alison , 8:23 AM Þ 
Wednesday, October 30, 2002

i recorded later with jools holland last week to catch queens of the stone age, qotsa, wanting to see what the fuss was all about ....... for five days now i have been unable to remove "no one knows" from my head .......... the only antidote, i suspect, is to buy the album and play repeatedly at earbleed level for a few days until he meerest whiff of a familiar riff induces vomiting ......... the muppets' animal lives !!!
posted by a hymn in g to nann , 6:45 PM Þ 

Digital Technology Users' Declaration of Rights


In response to the relentless encroachments we are suffering to our right to privacy, and right to freely generate, use and share information, this Declaration of Rights has been written.

This Declaration is put forward as the users' answer to the infamous 'Digital Millennium Copyright Act', signed into law in 1997 by President Clinton, and enforced in most jurisdictions in which internet access is available.

With some effort and organisation, governments can be lobbied to enshrine these rights into law.

Note - this Declaration aims at a level of completeness. One price paid for this completeness is a level of redundancy and tautology, which the author hopes will not unduly annoy the reader.


This document is not intended to suggest in any way that users should be free to evade paying for software which they are using.

However, there are situations where software authors seek to impose unreasonable restrictions on users' free enjoyment of software and other digital content, and/or interfere with users' ability to make reasonable pre-purchase evaluation of digital Content. It is to address and rectify such situations that this Declaration has been written.


Within this document, I will be using some common words and phrases with a meaning which may be ambiguous, or may differ from common interpretation and usage.

This section spells out the exact meaning with which certain words and terms are used within this document.

Storage Media

Any hardware component which is capable of storing any kind of information or digital material. This includes, but is not limited to, hard disks, floppy disks, random access memory, flash memory, read-only memory, modular memory (eg compact flash cards, 'Secure Digital' cards), removable media (eg compact disks, digital video disks). This does not include any information - text, graphics, audio, video, program codes etc which are present on such media.


Any information which can be stored within and/or retrieved from storage media. This includes text, images, audio, program codes and all other data.

Computer System

Any physical apparatus which contains one or more microprocessors. This includes personal computers, computer peripherals and other accessories, video game consoles, and any stereo systems, televisions, video recorders, DVD players and any other domestic appliances in which one or more microprocessors are present.

User, Users

A person who, by virtue of sale, trade or gift, is in lawful possession of one or more Computer Systems.

1. Storage Media

1.1. Right to Know

* All users have the right to know the entire contents of all storage media on their systems, and all physical storage media to which they have the right of possession.

* All users have the right to use, create and freely distribute any software and other information which may aid them in knowing the contents of their hard disks, and rendering these contents intelligible.

1.2. Right to Alter

* All users have the right to change existing content resident on all storage devices on their own systems, to change the format in which that content is stored on such storage devices, to change the structure of such content, to add new content and delete existing content as desired.

* All users have the right to convert any content present on their storage devices from one format to another as suits their needs.

* All users have the right to delete any Content present on Storage Devices within their posession where such Content contradicts the user's wishes.

1.3. Right to Backup

* All users have the right to duplicate any and all content present on storage media within their possession for the purpose of making backup copies. Users have the right to create these backup copies in the same form as, or in a different form to, the original content.

2. Content Flow

* All users have the right to be fully aware of all content flowing within their Computer Systems, into their computer systems from the Internet, out of their computer systems into the internet, and between two or more computer systems physically present at one location, eg a Local Area Network.

* All users have the right to possess, use, create and distribute software which can make the flow of media intelligible.

* All users have the right to intervene in the operation of software resident on their computer systems; to prevent certain information flows, to introduce new information flows, and to alter existing information flows as desired.

* For example, users have the right to intercept TCP/IP connections from a piece of software to a software vendor's server machine (or a third-party marketing company's server machine), and suppress personal information from being transmitted to that server. Users also have the right to block such communication from taking place at all, and/or to modify the software so that this software does not limit its usability due to the blockage of this information flow.

3. Structure and Configuration of Hardware

* All users have the right to modify all digital and analogue hardware within their lawful possession. This includes techniques such as: Adding 'mod-chips' to computer game consoles, Adding, changing and/or removing any hardware, for the purpose of enjoying full access to a computer system, Modifying hardware for the purpose of making backup copies of content accessible.

4. Right to Privacy and Encryption

* All users have the right to possess, use, write and distribute encryption software.

* All users have the right to apply encryption software to render unintelligible to others any Content residing on Storage Media within their Computer Systems, flowing within their Computer Systems, or to or from other Computer Systems or the Internet.

* All users have the right to modify, disable or delete any software residing on their Computer Systems which monitors the user's activities.

5. Right to Reverse Engineering

* Users have the freedom to decompile, analyse, and in any way reverse-engineer any Content residing on Storage Media within their possession.

* Users have the right to combat and defeat any technological measures present in any software or hardware which seeks to restrict the user's full freedom of usage. For example, users have the right to use, create and distribute 'serials numbers', 'cracks', 'patches' etc for the purpose of learning about programming techniques, also for the purpose of gaining the ability fo fully evaluate a piece of 'shareware' or 'demoware' in a way which would not be possible with these technological measures intact.

* Users have the right to convert to any format any content which is present on Storage Devices in their possession.

6. Right to Free Expression

* Users shall not be restricted from communicating what they understand to be the truth about any matter. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to communicate 'benchmarks', security weaknesses, and other performance and functionality issues of a piece of software or hardware, or honestly-formed opinions as to the nature or conduct of any company, person, organisation or government.

7. Right to Inter-Operability

* Users have the right to initiate flow of Content between two or more pieces of Software and/or Storage Media of their choice. For example, users shall not be bound by EULA conditions in one piece of software which demand that this software not be used in conjunction with any other piece of software.

8. Right to Develop Software

* Users have the right to design and implement software of any kind as they see fit. For example, users shall not be restricted from writing software which uses the Microsoft Foundation Classes, and competes with Microsoft products.

* Users have the right to create, use and distribute software which assists them, or any other user, in defending the Rights listed in this Declaration.

9. Audits and Disclosure

Users shall under no circumstances be required to:

* Disclose to any other party the contents of any Storage Media in their possession

* Surrender possession of any Computer System or Storage Media

* Allow any other party to gain physical access to a user's Computer System or Storage Media

* Allow any other party to gain remote or network access to a user's Computer System or Storage Media.

10. Limitation in Scope of End User License Agreements

* Users shall not be bound by any provisions in End User License Agreements in software or any other Content, or by Provisions within any other form of legal agreement, which contradict any of the above provisions in this Declaration of Rights.

This document is CopyLeft (C) October, 2002 by David McNab, .
posted by Irdial , 6:20 PM Þ 

posted by Irdial , 6:09 PM Þ 


What did you have for lunch?

I had a Tesco bean and cheese wrap, sour cream and onion golden lights (like celeron crisps) and a mullerice, vanilla custard flavour. £2.40 in total and quite satisfying.
posted by captain davros , 1:40 PM Þ 

on the partyyyy liiiiiiiiiiinneeeeee
paaa-paaaa-paaaarrty timeeeee
hell yeah!
posted by Claus Eggers , 12:21 PM Þ 


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posted by captain davros , 11:40 AM Þ 


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urke&Ma ry13?!?
posted by captain davros , 11:31 AM Þ 

Hi. My apologies, I have been reading and not contributing. So busy!

Viagra Swells Scarce Animal Count
Men definitely get a lift from the anti-impotence drug Viagra. Now there's evidence that threatened animal species may also benefit, say two researchers.

Since the blockbuster treatment went on sale in 1998, there's been a marked drop in global demand for animal products used in traditional Chinese medicine -- like Alaskan reindeer antler velvet and Canadian seal penises.


This gave us a bit of a laff this morning. I understand that the researchers approached Pfizer for funding, and have been well supported. Of course! But are there adverse effects of Viagra on the environment? I know that there are unnatural amounts of estrogen in the lakes in Ontario due to oral contraceptives, and the male fish are going girly. What could be the effects of abnormal amounts of Viagra in the waters? On the one hand, we have saved the animals from being killed off, but on the other, we could be causing a greater, long-term problem ...
posted by mary13 , 2:10 AM Þ 

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translate or
posted by Irdial , 12:15 AM Þ 
Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I'm at my wit's end. I need some sort of font management on OS X. The current offers Suitcase and Font Reserve doesn’t work, they crash constantly. I haven't tried Font Agent X yet (can't find a crack). I'm trying to manage my enormous collection – collected, traded, stolen, given, bought – during the years. If you know any tips let me know. For now, let Adobe (and the world) know that no print production will occur until they do an ATM DeluXe: ATM for OS Sign the petition and join the prestigious array of type notabilities, e.g. Jonathan Hoefler, Erik van Blokland, Jean Francois Porchez and Just van Rossum.

By the way, I have been enjoying the mmr9 Disco Lesson immensely. There were many tracks I hadn't heard before.
posted by Claus Eggers , 10:00 PM Þ 

Filesharing is killing music.

Filesharing is killing music. Click here. Now.

posted by Irdial , 4:49 PM Þ 

Crack-cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure completely outside the normal range of human experience. It offers the most wonderful state of consciousness, and the most intense sense of being alive, the user will ever enjoy. (S)he will access heightened states of being whose modes are unknown to chemically-naïve contemporaries. Groping for adequate words, crack-takers sometimes speak of the rush in terms of a "whole-body orgasm". Drug-naive virgins - slightly shop-soiled or otherwise - cannot be confident (unless in thrall to ill-conceived logical behaviorist theories of meaning) that they have grasped the significance of such an expression. For to do so, it would be necessary to take the drug via its distinctive delivery-mechanism oneself. This is at best very imprudent.
posted by Irdial , 3:46 PM Þ 

NOTICE: Daypop will go offline starting Oct. 25 for a couple weeks.
posted by Irdial , 3:27 PM Þ 

Assembly presses for ban on racist websites, including "illegal hosting"

Strasbourg, 08.11.2001 - The new Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention,
which was adopted today and will be opened for signature later this
month(1), should be supplemented as soon as possible by a protocol
eliminating racist websites from the internet and defining and
criminalising hate-speech on computer networks, according to the Standing
Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (2).

In a recommendation adopted unanimously today the parliamentarians said
drafters of the protocol should consider ways of preventing "illegal
hosting" - a practice whereby cyber-racists locate their servers in a
country with less strict regulations in order to sidestep the law. The
report's author Ivar Tallo (Estonia, SOC) explained: "For example, a racist
French site aimed at a French audience, but housed on a server located in
the United States, would not be able to hide behind American laws
protecting freedom of speech."

He added: "The eleventh of September has shown that hate speech can become
an action of horrendous magnitude. Therefore modern technology has to have
safeguards and one of those is to ban hate speech on the internet."
Assembly earlier recommended that Europe's governments consider including
measures to decode "terrorist messages" in the protocol (3).

The Cybercrime Convention, which was drawn up with the participation of
non-European countries such as the US, Canada, Japan and South Africa, will
be the world's first international treaty in the field.

Mr Tallo's report, Doc. 9263, can be found on the Assembly's website at the
following address:

The emphasis is mine.

My dear friends, there is no such thing as "Hate Speech"

There is only Speech, or Silence. Prefixing the word "Speech" is a way of sectioning off types of expression so that it can be cut off from use. Reasonable people instantly see this as unnaceptable. Do you?
posted by Irdial , 10:39 AM Þ 

Secret Immoral Weapons Programs

Once again, What are the names of the men and women who are doing this work?

they should be publicly shamed for perverting science.

And then EXECUTED!
posted by Irdial , 10:32 AM Þ 

Mr Giscard d'Estaing has compared his task with that of the US Founding Fathers who drew up the US constitution.

Every American will be laughing thier heads off at this. The US Constitution was written by free men to secure thier rights and protect them against the tyranny of governments. It was not written by filthy pig beaurocrats whose sole aim is to control every aspect of human life.

This document, by the very method of its creation will utterly fail to do what a constitution needs to do. Just look at the German Constitution for a taste of what these beaurocrats think the word "rights" means.

The notion that people will be given dual citizenship is absurd, as absurd as putting different reverses on the EU coinage. The fact of the matter is that forcing everone in europe to have this citizenchip (yes, citizenchip) will open the door to a europe wide tax, the eventual abandonment of every national identity, and the creation of a beaurocrats heaven of hundreds of millions of rightless people to fleece, shepard and prick.

The most hilarious part of the document is the "exit strategy". This is pure nonsense. Ireland was told by the Germans, when it voted "no" to European enlargement that it should keep going back until they get the result right. Of course, Ireland just voted "yes" in a recent re-vote on the matter.THESE are the type of people that are running the EU; they shouldnt be trusted with a drop of rainwater much less the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

A document like this cannot be written by beaurocrats, nor can it be written by the consensus of sheep or comitttees of control addicts or public consultation.

It is astounding that slave owners, military men, the rich and powerful wrote the American Constitution but it is true. The equivalent people today simply could not be trusted to write a document that addresses the needs of all men, yet, 200 years ago it was done. This is a measure of how much everything has changed in the hearts of men.


  • You cannot have two loyalties.
  • Citizenship, like government must be by consent, not dictat.
  • The current European Union, if it wants to "re-connect" with the people of europe, must cease to exist in its current form, and be rebuilt as collaboration of totally independent states, for the benefit of people only, facilitating freedom of movement, reduction of beaurocracy and choice of what manner of country you want to live in.
  • No paper must be executed giving the eu power over citiuzens lives, or devolving power from national governments to another body.

  • See, its not that hard to start. CERTAINLY you dont need expensive suites to start thinking sensibly about a beneficial collaboration between many states. What is for certain, is that the current EU is a runaway train with 100 drivers voting on wether to pull the brake handle.
    posted by Irdial , 9:16 AM Þ 

    Captain Beefheart? Reforming? MADNESS! Of course... it's probably not true. Cast in point, this:

    I should probably say that the Do Make Say Think/Fly Pan Am show was BRILLIANT. Probably the best concert I have ever seen. I have not seen that much energy on stage for a long time. My head almost exploded. Fucking genius.

    "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
    - Julius Caesar
    posted by Barrie , 1:37 AM Þ 

    f**kidy f**k...

    posted by captain davros , 12:36 AM Þ 

    'Tis always an utter clag when you've spent all evening modding your hardware (trying to install drive caddies to swap a HD and an IDE zip between a P200 and a PIII 750, took major slicing of cases etc) only to find it's 12.30am, it hasn't really worked too well, the cases & covers are all off, half the cables need re connecting, you got to go to work tomorrow, the girlfriend hates the mess (including guitars and tools on the bed, a sure fire BAD thing to do in chateau Davros) and all the dremel bits & pieces are all over the floor.... learn by example/mistakes/doing research in the first place.

    Where are the 1104 kidz? John Burke & Mary13?!?!?

    posted by captain davros , 12:35 AM Þ 
    Monday, October 28, 2002

    United States of Europe.

    "has not a cat in hell's chance of success".

    posted by alex_tea , 10:58 PM Þ 

    try going to this site in an operating system other than windows. now read the faq, in particular question 9:
    I received this error: "You need Windows to access this promotion", but, I am running windows. What should I do?

    This error can appear if you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer. You must use Internet Explorer to access the bonus material.

    and why is all this? there's no explanation on the site, but i guess it's down to active x. and the fact it installs software on your computer to read the cd in your drive.

    i think this kind of OS fascism, is really disgusting. plus the stupid idea of "bonus content" in the first place. i implore any one who does have access to this 'content' to start sharing it immediately. anyway, i'm gald it doesn't support my OS because there's no telling what else this software does, or what holes it could contain. the company's privacy policy relates specifically to the website and information gained from the website.
    posted by alex_tea , 9:10 PM Þ 

    did you read about the 419 anti-scams? there was one guy who was a sysop and used his expertise to extract all the scammers account details from their isp (full name, address, etc) and threatened them with fbi / cia officers if they didn't deposit $20,000 into an old account he had given them the details of. obviously they didn't. and he claims he wouldn't have taken the money anyway.

    the best has to this one though, spot the innuendo!

    this weekend i heard that captain beefheart and the magic band have reformed! they hav an album coming out soon... ;)
    posted by alex_tea , 8:51 PM Þ 

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    posted by captain davros , 5:05 PM Þ 

    The requested URL /~irdial/people/catfix.htm was not found on this server.
    posted by captain davros , 5:02 PM Þ 

    posted by Irdial , 2:44 PM Þ 

    I knew it was a scam (how can I write ironic on the internet?) - I have heard of it before, but what really supprises me is that the mail reaches my email...... And it suprises me if there really are some people responding to a mail like that...
    Besides - it was nice to read that that some people think librarians rawk! Thank you irdial!
    posted by Alison , 12:07 PM Þ 

    Alison read these NOW!
    posted by Irdial , 11:43 AM Þ 
    posted by Irdial , 11:42 AM Þ 

    What can one answer? got this mail from Anyone knows him?

    posted by Alison , 11:28 AM Þ 
    Sunday, October 27, 2002

    Not content with helping to translate "the Book of Life", Sir John has described the idea of venture capitalists patenting the genes or making private profit out of their work as "despicable".

    Campaigning for freedom of information, he explained how, "if you hang on to any piece of information, you create a monopoly because the human gene is unique".

    "It's not really a fight against business, but it is a fight against appropriate use of patenting and licensing," he said.

    "We must keep this basic information free because only in this way can all the world's people and their scientists get hold of it."

    A fervent believer in sharing information for human and scientific good, Sir John explained how he will continue to rally against the megalomaniacs of the scientific world.

    "There are always people who are trying to appropriate the common good for their own ends and one has to continue to battle against that," he asserted.

    At last, somone with a MORAL CENTER.

    Did you spot the mistake? "it is a fight against appropriate use of patenting and licensing" You dingbats, its a fight against INNAPROPRIATE patenting and licensing.

    posted by Irdial , 11:18 AM Þ 

    Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 17:19:34 -0400
    From: J Plummer
    Subject: NCP: Privacy Villain of the Week: DARPA's HumanID at a Distance

    Privacy Villain of the Week:
    DARPA's HumanID at a Distance

    The Defense Advance Research Projects Agency has been one of the more fruitful government agenies in the past, its DARPAnet computer network being the foundation for what would become the Internet some years later. That is why reading about what this outfit is up to now can at times be disheartening. One such project is the HumanID at a Distance program, which aims to move beyond face-recognition technology and purportedly identify people by the way the walk.

    The idea here is that by measuring with video or (clothes-penetrating) radar the distance between, say, 17 different points on the body and measuring how these points move in relation to one another, a person can be positively and uniquely identified.

    This "gait technology" by itself is neutral of course, just as technologies such as a gun or a needle or or the banging of flint against stone. The problem here arises in that by funding such research, the government is pushing a technology on society that it has not freely accepted through the voluntary choices made in the market. A patina of legitimacy is unfortunately added to such technologies when they have the imprimatur of the state behind them.
    Even when the lead researchers on the project issue a press release with conflictuing estimations of accuracy ranging from .0001% to 95%.
    posted by Irdial , 11:10 AM Þ 

    "The Echelonization of America: NSA to spy domestically?"


    Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 22:08:20 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Dan Tsang
    To: Declan McCullagh

    Declan, you can post this; it's the U.S. Privacy Act that is another
    result of the reforms against domestic spying of the 60s. ACLU and the
    Center for National Security Studies represented me in a lawsuit against
    the CIA for violating a provision of the Privacy Act that bars the
    collection or retention of First-Amendment related information on U.S.
    citizens and permanent residents (I'm a U.S. citizen). My lawyers were
    shocked that the CIA was ignoring that law. We finally settled our case
    (Tsang v. CIA) out of court for $46,000 with the CIA promising to expunge
    from its computers any records on me and to never spy on me again. It also
    changed its CIA web-site to concede it does spy on Americans.

    Post 9/11 and the USA PATRIOT Act, it is more than necesary to beef up the
    Privacy Act. Congress should hold hearings.

    I wrote a longer piece in CovertAction Quarterly (issue no. 65 -- fall
    1998: "The CIA vs. Daniel C. Tsang") but an earlier op ed, "A CIA Target
    at Home in America" (in Los Angeles Times) is posted here:

    My attorney Kate Martin's letter (to Washington Post about the case is
    poted here:

    She talks about the case on KUCI's Subversity
    show on how the CIA justified spying on Americans, claiming the National
    Security Act allows them to do that despite the Privacy Act: ran a story here: "CIA Double Checks its FAQs"


    Daniel C. Tsang
    Host, Subversity on KUCI (

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    posted by Irdial , 11:07 AM Þ 

    posted by Mikkel , 3:34 AM Þ 

    GWAH! That was a week from HELL. I'd have interesting things to post if I did anything other than school work for 5 days non-stop. At least it was remotely satisfying.

    However, I do get to go see Do Make Say Think (w/ Fly Pan Am) in concert tomorrow. I am excited.

    I got a scholarship from my highschool for $1200. My car got repairs for $1100. And it's still not fixed. Fuck me.

    DONT tune into the Bermuda Triangle tonight at 12:00 GMT.
    It might upset you.

    Does anyone have this recorded?
    posted by Barrie , 1:18 AM Þ 

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