Saturday, December 28, 2002

I'm not really prone to registering for newsservices, so I'm not sure what it's about aside from cloning. Being in the hellish position ofbeing able to see both sides of the argument, and not having decided which one I'm more prone to support, I'm not going to go either way just yet. What I /don't/ like is how many (not all) anti-cloning argumentators talk about the master race (again, not read the article) and how we're entering the fourth reich or some such. Which is not what (most) of the pro-cloning argumentators are talking about at all, as far as I've seen. The whole point of cloning, as far as I've been led to believe - feel free to correct me and such - is for health purposes. Growing organs for those in need, etc. Which I reckon is a good idea. IF it's for those in need, and not for those in need _with_ money. In which case it's really crappy and stupid. And what it'll probably end up being.

The sad thing is, is that it'll probably end up being that way in some way or another. Look at AIDS vaccines, and how they don't get it nearly as much as us "privileged" ones do. It saddens me.

On a good note, I went and saw the Cunningham exhibit today, and it was quite good, actually. The other guy who was there, Bonnen, I think, I liked his paintings. They were a mix of different viewpoints of rooms, laid upon each other, sometimes, 4, 5 layers. I really liked some of them
posted by Mikkel , 10:28 PM Þ 

Ooop! My inner Luddite was speaking ... we will have a better world with replicas. Once the technique is perfected (as natural mothering is so flawed), we can have a Master Race. More sameness, predictability ... it will be a relief, to know what to expect, and to love what you already know! I'm sure that's what the aliens had in mind.
posted by mary13 , 4:38 AM Þ 

I'm sure you have heard about this already.

One giant leap for science, one huge step back in emotional development ...
posted by mary13 , 4:31 AM Þ 

Jesus. People need to stop taking porn so seriously. It SURE IS totally depriving the world of virile men who could be plugging the holes of real live women instead of jerking and spurting and oh god. And it SURE IS totally depriving the world of any respect towards women as they are SO EXPLOITED.
"It's just porn, mum."
posted by Barrie , 12:44 AM Þ 
Friday, December 27, 2002

Part of the fight against porn
Please sisters give up!
posted by Alison , 12:18 PM Þ 

Christmas is over - YES!

More Fiction:

Klokken er 17.00 og jeg sidder tilbage alene i min lejlighed. Havde det ikke været for dagen, så havde situationen være som en hver anden dag (bortset fra at det er ret mystisk at være hjemme allerede kl 17.00), men nu er det dagen over dem alle. Dagen alle børn burde glæde sig til, dagen alle voksne mennesker tilgiver hinanden, dagen der er kendt som hjerternes fest. Dagen hvor det næsten burde sne, bare fordi der gør dagEN endnu smukkere. Dagen hvor hedenske traditioner blandes smukt med Halleluja og Christus fødsel. Dagen jeg alle dage har elsket og stadig elsker, på sin egen handicappede måde.
Dagen hvor lys glimter metallisk
Dagen hvor alle er glade, selv de mennesker der måtte holde i deres bil og vente på at broen skulle åbnes så de kunne besøge deres familie i Jylland og på Fyn.
Dagen hvor der er børne-tv hele dagen på DR, dagen hvor nyhederne er korte og meget glade, dagen hvor nyhedsoplæseren har smykker på, dagen hvor meterologen har sit sjove juleslips på, dagen hvor vi alle er glade og drikker lidt snaps! SKÅL!
Dagen hvor det var så pissekoldt, at jeg end ikke orkede en tur i grillen selvom jeg var sulten, dagen hvor jeg fik det bedre at ringe til min mor og fortælle hende at hun var en uansvarlig mor - faktisk er min mor slet ikke en mor. Hun er der bare, en ting fra fortiden, et spøgelse som min far. Men desværre lever hun.
Billederne farer rundt for mine øjne, som blodet i min krop.
Jeg er bange for mig selv
Minderne vælter frem
Med vilje slukker jeg alt lyset
Det er kulsort i lejligheden
Det fuldendte antiklimaks til dagen
jeg sidder og burde have meget ondt af mig selv, men af en eller anden mystisk grund så er jeg bare lettet!
Jeg tog konsekvensen og aflyste dagen over alle dage
Hjerternes fest! Den er aflyst jeg elsker kun mig selv højt nok til at tilbringe dagen med.
Er jeg kynisk?
Eller er der grund til at hade min mor så meget som jeg gør?
JA JA JA JA JA JA, det er meget muligt at min mor elsker mig - hun siger det hele tiden. Men hun kan ikke elske sådan rigtigt, det tror jeg ikke. Hun elsker handicappet. Hun blev selv elsket handicappet, jeg ved det godt! Jeg kan sagtens forstå hende, men jeg kan ikke acceptere hende helt. Det gør bare for ondt at have en mor der er så uansvarlig at hun end ikke har råd til at splejse med mig om (endnu) en juleaften.

Min mor er hore - hun lever gennem at blive købt, hendes selvtillid er lav og hun er ikke videre begavet og lærer tydeligvis ikke af sine fejl. Hun kan købes med ting, ord og følelser, som et kæledyr, uselvstændig. Hun er nok en kat af sind og det er ikke positivt ment, det mest uhyggelige er at hun er min mor. JEG (!) er faktisk en del af hende og det kan forklares biologisk, men jeg er hende ikke. Jeg vil ikke være hende.

så dér sad jeg i mørket og tænkte og tænkte, det var dagen over dem alle

Glædelig jul! For første gang holdt jeg jul med fred omkring mig

posted by Alison , 10:51 AM Þ 

Whoa, people need to stop having lives and post more. *cough*
Don't mind me. *sips mint tea*
posted by Barrie , 7:31 AM Þ 
Thursday, December 26, 2002

Carth: I think you're right in questioning that. So many young, stupid boys and girls (she IS a girl; 13 is helluva young) to be thinking anything determined about her sexuality. She even makes it obvious by being hesitant about being "bi." She actually doesn't know WHAT she is, as she's just far too fucking young to know. Just because she has a "girlfriend" (13 year olds cannot have meaningful adult relationships, no matter what they tell you) does NOT mean she is bi. Experimenting is a good idea. She could very well be going the lesbian route; in that chat she never once mentioned males.
But shit. I don't even have to further elaborate. THIRTEEN YEARS OLD = STUPID. I was thirteen once, as were all members of this board, and I'm sure we can all agree that at that age we were fucking stupid children. There's nothing WRONG with that, but there is something even stupider about a child who thinks she is more than a child. Arrrgh I don't even want to type anymore

posted by Barrie , 7:47 PM Þ 
Wednesday, December 25, 2002

posted by Claus Eggers , 9:08 PM Þ 

looks like someone pressed '11' on the musical fuckup machine. more samples that any single without me bootleg. its a kid606 or v/vm style glitch fest which takes in godknows what - i hear some (possibly) anti-pop consortium samples, radio 4's marc lawson speech samples on barssatarddd pop, some rapper's ecstacy meanderings, kid606's astounding fuckup of a male voice choir version of radiohead's creep, some familiar underground dance tune, a bit of bit meddler. all underneath a chopped to bits eminem acapella. wow. may not be everyones cup of tea but i like it.
posted by Claus Eggers , 9:02 PM Þ
posted by Claus Eggers , 8:47 PM Þ 

*** CENSORED2 wonders why there are over 1000 pictures of Denmark girls kissing at the Encylopedia of Lesbian Movies
Mikkel: danish girls are lesbians
Mikkel: i coulda told you that
CENSORED: *goes to denmark*
Mikkel: uh
Mikkel: goddamn
Mikkel: CENSORED, uh, i have no idea what to say
CENSORED: *blinks*
Mikkel: read the chat again
CENSORED: danish girls are lesbians...i go to denmark..
CENSORED: it makes sense!
Mikkel: thats what i mean
CENSORED: I'm confused as to the problem-o?
Mikkel: im confused as to why you think youre lesbian
CENSORED: *I* am so not a lesbian
CENSORED: weirdo :D
Mikkel: why the hell do you want to go to denmark as a direct consequence of girls being lesbian here, then?
CENSORED: uh..because I want to?
Mikkel: i see.
CENSORED: i'm bi, but you are SO not saying that in chat because my brother would so kill me
Mikkel: i see. again; how the hell do you know youre bi
CENSORED: girlfriends? :D
Mikkel: peh. you'll learn =)
CENSORED: what, are you saying I'm not? psh. tell that to my girlfriend.
Mikkel: i'm just saying, american people are crezeh. what with the early "sexual awakening" and shit. like you know what youre doing. dont mind me, im drunk.
CENSORED: fuck off, Mikkel : P
Mikkel: sersly.
CENSORED: sersly, fuck off.
Mikkel: you started it
CENSORED: youre the one being a jackass
Mikkel: uh, im questioning your motives. youre just being "omg stfu"...
CENSORED: i mean really, almost everyone assumes that they're straight, so why cant people say they're bi if they know they are? I mean jesus, lots of people that are straight havent had sex before
CENSORED: i dont use 'omg' or 'stfu' just to let you know.
Mikkel: I mean jesus, I kissed a guy in jest, now I'm a gay homosexual. What the hell do you think you know about sexuality anyway?
CENSORED: would you please leave me alone? I'm having enough problems as it is anyway without you pestering me about something you dont know about (as in, you dont know me and such)
Mikkel: (as in, you dont know me either). I was not pestering you. You were talking to me. I was merely answering. I will not talk to you any further.
CENSORED: Thank god.

CENSORED is 13 years old. Am I wrong or am I being a "jackass"?
posted by Mikkel , 5:48 AM Þ 

posted by Mikkel , 12:15 AM Þ 
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
posted by Barrie , 6:22 PM Þ 

Nyah nyah, I get to open my presents tonight!

Have a bloody good christmas, and remember to get noshed on wine and schnapps and beer and sherry and oh god the alcohol
posted by Mikkel , 5:10 PM Þ 

Happy holidays, my dear friends!
posted by mary13 , 4:51 PM Þ 

posted by Claus Eggers , 4:38 PM Þ 

Merry Christmas and chase the darkness.
posted by b , 3:36 PM Þ 

Blue Veils And Golden Sands.
By Martyn Wade.
The pioneering work of Delia Derbyshire, one of the founder members of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop [1937-2001], is explored in this creative bio-pic of her life and music. The play has been written with ex Radiophonic composer, Elizabeth Parker, acting as musical advisor and she has written the soundscore for the programme.
posted by chriszanf , 3:19 PM Þ 

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Im off to my sisters on Boxing day for a bit of a family one as my other sister will be there with her 2 kids and my brother is over from Germany as well. I think it's the first christmas we've been all together since we were kids. So I'm really looking forward to it.
posted by chriszanf , 2:40 PM Þ 

Hi Gang

Happy Xmas! This is a scan of the card I sent out this year, which natch I can't send to all of you since I don't know your addresses. So here it is all electronically fur dich. FYI it's a two colour block print on lining paper, using oil paint with additional Dormy printed letters. Took me about 4 hours to make 24 of them on ye olde Davros production line.

Have a good one, peace and of course, love!

Captain D!

posted by captain davros , 2:07 PM Þ 

joyeux fetes pour tout
posted by Irdial , 11:35 AM Þ 
Monday, December 23, 2002

Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife’s Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There?
Mikkel, that was absolutely terrifying. I never, ever want to go to the United States again.
Strummer will be missed. The Clash was (and is, I suppose) one of my all time favourite bands. Sad to hear someone dying so young.

Davros: I have my browser set to ask me for every cookie, because I most commonly deny them but some are necessary to accept (like the Blogger cookie). I don't usually count them, but the sheer number at that site amused me.
posted by Barrie , 11:18 PM Þ 

David Shaylor gets released from prison (nice to be home for Christmas)
Joe Strummer dies of heart attack.
posted by chriszanf , 2:11 PM Þ 
posted by Mikkel , 2:06 PM Þ 

Mikkel (14:56:50):
Jason (14:58:49): OMG U TOWLHED MB
Mikkel (14:59:14): I really hope for your country that that's somehow a defacement and not really CIA
Jason (14:59:43): no, that's likely real
Mikkel (15:00:12): :P
Jason (15:00:18): dude, it's a pin
Mikkel (15:00:59): yeah
Mikkel (15:01:13): they hand out to participants of the TIPS program
Mikkel (15:01:18): you get two if you turn in a family member
Jason (15:01:49): SWEET
Jason (15:01:55): i know what i'm getting me for christmas
posted by Mikkel , 2:05 PM Þ 

Oh, I didn't invent the led mouse thing, I merely followed the instructions and did it to my own mouse!

I got rid of the Kim Possible link as I linked to it before really checking it out, and on reflection it seemed completely dull. But anyway, here it is again incase anyone else wants to see it or get trillions of cookies (Barreh, how did you know that? Do you check your cookies all the time, or have a warning on or something?)

Kim Possible
posted by captain davros , 11:07 AM Þ 

Wow. The "Kim Possible" site asked me for around 16 cookies. A new record!

"Rice Boy" - somewhat racist remark used in North America, referring to young men who accessorize their cars with ridiculous amounts of trinkets and fancy lights, for reasons of looking like hot shit (and possibly compensating for something they lack, like an individual personality). Accessories also include ridiculous sound systems (ALL BASS) and additions like huge spoilers that do nothing for the performance of their cars. Want to be "street racers." Often these young men are asian and drive import model cars like Honda or Acura, hence the term "rice boy" "rice rocket" and "rice burner." Yeah.

Case modding seems like it's satirizing this culture, almost to the point of self-parody - accessorizing computers with wanton material goods (which is what rice boys are about - tha bling bling). I find it quite amusing, and encourage it.
Cap - your link is so awesome. It's way cool when people do these things out of their own ingenuity - makes it so much more playful and fun.
posted by Barrie , 10:24 AM Þ 

Some very cool and some silly case mods. I did the LED mouse thing - sort of works as long as you like computing in the dark!
posted by captain davros , 10:10 AM Þ 

What's a rice boy? I like case modding, but I ent very good at it.

Royksopp are okay, sort of coffee table bleepery. Not as good as Orbital live. Os Mutantes are currently resident in my brain over and above anything else.
posted by captain davros , 10:09 AM Þ 

What are you doing for Christmas, Alison?
Well, I guess I'll have to do my laundry, clean my toilet and maybe even do the dishes!

Glædelig Jul
Merry Christmas

posted by Alison , 8:46 AM Þ

I think it's really weird how they superimpose an image of a bikini babe over top of the image of the sexy ATX case.
Just goes to show that "case modders" are the "rice boys" of the computer world.
posted by Barrie , 4:27 AM Þ 
Sunday, December 22, 2002
posted by alex_tea , 10:21 PM Þ 

I thought Halo was awesome. Oh well. I think Royksopp suck as well, so I'm just oh so controversial. El Capitan, I have never been to the Academy, so I wouldn't know. Hmm... South London sucks for transport.

I bought a book on Exploitation movie posters yesterday, best thing ever.

what the fuck?!?!??! no, really. someone tell me!
posted by alex_tea , 9:21 PM Þ 

Saw Royksopp last night at the Brixton Academy - very funky band but electronica can get boring after DJs and support acts. Got a cab back to Victoria in the end - too rainy to wait for the nightbus (and we ended up on the wrong side of the road!).

Am currently watching Manowar live on TV. "Kill with Power" - well who could argue with that?

posted by captain davros , 7:40 PM Þ 

Good lord, alex. I can't believe you suffered through Halo for that long. The single player game is like, one monotonous level after another - like Micro$oft told the developers to make 6 extra levels in 2 days, so the programmers just had to cut&paste levels. Argh. My friend and I played that, and we decided that shoving nails into our dicks would be a better idea than to continue playing one similar level after another, it was THAT bad.
posted by Barrie , 6:22 PM Þ 

i just typed a long post and then lost it in some bizare accident.

anyway, i stayed up till 0630 playing halo on my friend's xbox. i think i got to the last level. i think my eyes are square, my hands ache from the huge controllers and i am getting pixellated. argh. computer games.
posted by alex_tea , 3:04 PM Þ 

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