Millions to rebel over ID cards
April 8th, 2007Robert Winnett and David Leppard
The government is predicting that some 15m people will revolt against Tony Blairs controversial ID card scheme by refusing to produce the new cards or provide personal data on demand.
The forecast is made in documents released by the Home Office under the Freedom of Information Act. The papers show ministers expect national protests similar to the poll tax rebellions of the Thatcher era, with millions prepared to risk criminal prosecution..
The documents, quietly released during parliaments Easter break, also show that the government is planning to make ID cards compulsory in 2014, despite the expected revolt.
The first cards are due in 2009, alongside new passports. Labour has said it will make the scheme compulsory if it wins the next election.
Nice try Robert and David, but you fail it.
First of all, MILLIONS are going to refuse to provide fingerprints and information for the NIR, which is the true evil and backbone of the system.
As we have been saying for years, once you are registered in the system, your body becomes the card. The physical card is just a vestigial token that everyone will eventually be weaned off of once they innately understand how the system really works…or at least, thats the plan if they manage to pull it off, which they will not.
Secondly, you failed to mention that the Tories will scrap the entire system if they are elected. I say ‘entire system’ because any failure to scrap the NIR is a failure to scrap the real heart of the system; the biometric net.
August 2nd, 2009 at 8:38 pm
[…] When someone asks you to ‘hand over your biometrics’, which actually means GETTING FINGERPRINTED LIKE A CRIMINAL, it means that a fundamental line has been crossed. With the NIR, once you hand over your fingerprints, YOU ARE IN THE SYSTEM. It doesn’t matter if they issue an ID Card or not, the mobile fingerprint scanners they are going to deploy mean that your fingerprints ARE THE ID CARD. […]