Last of the Real Americans
Sunday, April 30th, 2006“There are times, Mr. Speaker, when we must look beyond the mundane and the pragmatic, and take a stand based on our values, and our vision for the state we are, and the kind of state we wish to become. And I believe this is one of those times.
“This bill is very straightforward. It says that the state of New Hampshire will not participate in the REAL ID drivers license program established by the federal government. The reason is simple. The REAL ID program creates a de facto national identification card. It does so by making the fifty states drivers licenses meet uniform federal standards. Among other things, they must be machine readable, and all of the data, not just name, photograph, address, but driver’s records, violations, suspension and points, must be entered into a interstate database and shared with all other states and the federal government. Of course, being machine readable, merchants and others will be in possession of this information when they require your driver’s license for identification and scan your card into their readers. But that’s a story for another day.
“I don’t believe that the people of New Hampshire elected us to help the Federal Government create a National Identification Card. We care more for our liberties than to meekly hand over to the Federal Government the potential to enumerate, track, identify, and eventually control.
“But there is a price to be paid for such for independence. If we don’t participate the REAL ID system, we will have to use passports or other similar documentation to gain access to federal properties and to use air transportation. If we don’t participate in the REAL ID system, we may lose a 3 million dollar earmark (federal grant) to update our motor vehicle department computers to make them REAL ID compliant. There is little doubt that both these consequences will impose real burdens on our citizens.”
His voice rose. “But I ask you, “What price liberty?” If I may adapt the words of an American patriot, whose resounding sentiments moved the Virginia House of Burgesses to action in 1775, “It is in vain, Mr. Speaker, to extenuate the matter. Members may cry ‘Peace, Peace,’ but there is no peace. The war on our civil liberties is actually begun. Will the next gale that sweeps from Washington bring to our ears the sound of Federal boots on the march? Why stand we here idle? What is it that members wish? What would you have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, oh mighty God, I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.” Our state motto, Mr. Speaker, is equally eloquent, “Live free or die.”
“I urge members to overturn the ITL, and pass this bill to protect the liberties, the freedoms, of their friends, their families, their neighbors, and their constituents. ”
As his words died away, applause thundered through the chamber. At the head of the chamber, the Speaker furiously banged his gavel, demanding the House to come to order, which it did. Now Rep. Packard rose to speak in favor of the motion to kill the bill, repeating that it was best to go along for now, and hope that things would change. Then it came time to vote. Normally, the hundreds seated here would be polled by the sound of their voices. But today, Rep. Dickinson had requested a roll call vote, asking that the individual votes from each representative be recorded and shared with the public. House rules required multiple seconds for a roll call vote, and across the sea of chairs, Representatives stood to signify their approval. Throughout the halls of the State Capitol, the cry of ‘Roll Call’ echoed. Members hurried to their assigned chairs.
At the announcement from the speaker, the assembled group considered the buttons in front of them. Pressing the green button would signify their willingness to go along with the REAL ID ACT: while the red signaled ‘stop’ to the growing federal involvement with state matters. Up above in the gallery, concerned citizens watched the forest of lights below, attempting to discern the intention of those who had volunteered to represent them. After thirty seconds, a buzzer sounded.
The Speaker announced the results; 84 votes had been cast in favor of killing the bill. But a resounding 217 had pressed the red button, demanding a stop to federal meddling in the internal affairs of the Live Free or Die State. There were no party lines here; friends of freedom took action on both sides of the aisle. It was a decisive counter attack by the forces of liberty. Rep. Kurk stood again, grinning as he spoke, ready to deliver a finishing blow. “Mr. Speaker,” he announced, “I move ought to pass.”
“All in favor?” called Rep. Scamman.
“Aye!” came an overwhelming response.
“The ‘Ayes’ have it,” the Speaker declared. And it was accomplished. These few hundred men and women, representing hundreds of thousands of free citizens from the Merrimack River Valley to the Atlantic Ocean to the hillside where the Old Man once looked out on us; these representative had taken a stand. This time, Washington D.C. had pushed too far.
And that, my friends, is what Real Americans sound and act like.
It is not too late to turn it all around and destroy the monsters that are trying to enslave the entire globe. Whatever outrage happens next, no matter how many people are killed by ‘terrorists’ we must never let them cross the line. The world and mankind hace not ‘changed’. Man and his rights and needs remain constant.
Remember this when the next outrage takes place. Remember that they are using synthetic terror to goad you into putting your head on the chopping block.