Does this infringe european human rights legislation?
No European is against ID cards; they are all like battery chickens, completely inured to them, unable to see or understand what we are talking about.
Imagine going to the EU court of justice, and arguing against ID cards; each of the judges will absolutely have been issued one, and will have been carrying it all their adult lives. By saying that there is an argument against ID cards, they will be admiting that their own countries and citizens are not free. They will never do that.
The free British are alone on this matter, and it is up to us to demolish this nonsense.
That’s what happens when you get people from birth; you don’t even have to brainwash them, they are born into slavery, and know nothing different; in fact, they say that YOU are the one with the problem since you don’t want ID cards.
As for those actors, I would love to know what the response was to the question “are you going to make any more political films?”.
This part was interesting:
He says he was initially questioned at the airport’s baggage pick-up area and taken to a separate room when he demanded to know why.
What this does is send a clear message; if you make any kind of stand for your rights, you will only make it worse for yourself.
The pigs who carry out these on the spot interrogations know that there is zero chance that they will come to any professional harm if they misbehave. That is why they are so routinely cavalier in their treatment of the public.
If they knew that one out of place word or act of violence or out of procedure action could get them either fired or gaoled, they would be MUCH more careful, sadly, there is no chance of any such balancing legislation being passed. The only way you can resist these monsters is to starve them of their oxygen, which means the fruit of your work.
It goes without saying of course, that the only reason there is such outrage is because these guys are actors. What about he 40,000 other people wrongly detained under this new legislation? Where is the BBQ reporting on all of these people? There is not even a counter for this at BBQ (as if there would be!).
As for your shiny new passport AK, you are completely correct about the arbitrary expiration date. Also you should consider that ‘your’ passport does not belong to you, but in fact, belongs to HMG. It can be withdrawn at any time, and you can be made to renew it at any time, and of course, you will have to pay for the privelege.
Another interesting facet of these documents is the reaction of the brain dead bimbo behind the counter, who, upon seeing that your passport / drivers licence has expired, says “have you got any VALID ID?”. These retards deny you service because your card has expired, not realizing that the card is there to prove that ‘you are who you say you are’ the date on the card is irrelevant as long as its you in the picture.
People will become non-persons simply because their documents have expired, their identities expiring with them. The obedient staff who are ‘just following orders’ are the second rank monsters in all of this; a sigle one of them coming in contact (shop girls for example) with THOUSANDS of people, vetting them one by one, demanding ID one by one, multiplying the pressure to cave in geometrically.
The perfect response to this is, “if my identity expires just because my card expires, then all of my ‘responsibilities’ expire also, and I am not under any obligation to obey anything that I do not want to obey”.