Archive for August, 2006

good morning campers

Thursday, August 10th, 2006

alleged, possibly, potential, supposed, it is thought, apparently…

Are we feeling scared yet?

George Galloway Evicerates Anna Botting

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

Georgeous George Galloway totally eviscerates and the blood sucking Anna Botting rattling her to such an extent that she reverted to her native accent for a second.

Nothing like a blast of G3…like a cool breeze on an opressively hot day!

All Our Lives

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

If you read this blog you’re no doubt aware of the AOL search history debacle. Now that we learn at least one person has been identified as a result of their search history we can see the unfortunate consequences of accruing information about a person’s ‘habits’. Of course I refer to the audit trail the NIR and attendant databases will create (and this will happen despite government protestations to the contrary – police officers will be required to fill in a form every time they request to see an ID card and will this information will have to be stored for quality control and verification – companies will be able to buy NIR information and cross reference it with their own credit/loyalty card databases; most supermarkets/companies sell financial services these days and will request ‘identification’ before selling these products so don’t think ticking a little data protection box will help you much).

You know very well that NIR information will be extrapolated to form an ‘aura’, of course as we stand an individual’s argument holds sway until sufficient evidence can be brought to bear and tsuch an ‘aura’ could be refuted easily but the whole basis of the NIR twists this relationship so the individual has to bear the burden of providing the State with accurate information (i.e. the computer is right unless notified otherwise).

Whoever is put on the NIR will have ‘their’ data routinely accessed and this will eventually be accessed by corrupt individuals who will be able to use such information for blackmail, stalking and fraud amongst other crimes. Of course for AOL the writing has been on the wall for a while and certain people are saying “FFS it’s AOL what do people expect?” in a respect they are right and people should be using a different ISP, however with the NIR there is only one guarantee of not having your life ruined in a similar way and that is to not register.

Incidentally anyone who has had access to their bank account suspended for a couple of weeks for ‘security reasons’ will know how much of a PITA it is to carry out things with whatever small change you happen to have. If you are dependent on a form of identification that controls access to State services and becomes a requirement for a number of financial transactions and can be revoked at will (as NIR records will be) you will feel the pain 3bn-fold (as an example consider this story but with your medical history requiring a suspended NIR number).

And we didn’t even mention Echelon!

The Gates of the U.N. and the Security Council Should Be Closed

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

Iranian Guardian Council Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati in Tehran Friday Sermon: The Gates of the U.N. and the Security Council Should Be Closed

Following are excerpts from a Tehran Friday Sermon delivered by Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, Secretary of the Iranian Guardian Council, aired on Channel 1, Iranian TV on August 4, 2006:

God is using one of Ali’s descendents [Nasrallah], to confront the spiritual and physical descendents of Marhab of Khaybar [the Jews]. God is reviving the memories of early Islam – the memories of the conflict between Ali and the Jews of [the battles] of Khaybar and Khandaq. On one side stood Ali with a small number of Muslims, and on the other side stood the strong, rich, vain, and arrogant Jews. Ultimately, the sword of Ali did what had to be done, and he humiliated the people of Khaybar and the vain and arrogant Jews. Today, this descendent of Ali stands in the same position, and so do the descendents of Marhab of Khaybar, the Jews of Khaybar and Khandaq.


All the oppressed victims of Lebanon break our hearts, but the most heart-breaking of all are the children, who are being killed everywhere, especially in the village of Qana. Israel gave the blood of these children to the impure and evil Rice, and to Bush, who is more impure than impure, in order to quench their thirst for blood.


I wish the Islamic regimes had some compassion, mercy, and honor. I do not know what good they could do. A non-Islamic country [Venezuela] recalls its ambassador, and tells him there is no reason for him to remain in Israel, but the neighboring Islamic countries and even the non-Islamic countries do not even do this. They do not even close the gates of their embassies. They really are raising the level of shame to the maximum, but they should know that they will bear this mark of shame, and one day, the hand of divine vengeance will, take revenge upon those who kept silent in the face of oppression.


The Security Council is so weak, so impotent, and is so susceptible to pressure that it in incapable of passing any resolution. But when it comes to Iran, and to the trampling of its right to nuclear technology underfoot, it immediately passes a resolution, with an absolute majority. At that moment, death takes over the Security Council. Indeed, the gates of the UN and the Security Council should be closed. What kind of Security Council is this?

Crowd: Allah Akbar

Allah Akbar

Allah Akbar

Khamenei is the leader

Death to those who oppose the rule of the Jurisprudent

Death to America

Death to England

Deth to the hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq] and Saddam

Death to Israel


What Hizbullah does shows that all the humiliation endured by us and the Islamic world stems from our own impotence. If [the Muslims] were men enough to enter the arena, their spit and threats would be enough to put the others in their place. As [the Muslims] continue to keep silent, [America and Israel] became so insolent, to the point that this wretched woman comes and talks about a New Middle East. This means a Middle East that is subservient to America, follows its orders unconditionally. This is the Middle East they desire, but, Allah willing, they will take this desire to the grave. […]



Did you know that Venezuela has recalled its ambassador?!

Make mine a 99

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

From memefest.
I do like this. It has something.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Radical communication! Get on the bus.

50ft queenie

Monday, August 7th, 2006

These + manga ?!?!? (+ sunlight + French prices).

Indeed it is a very nice substitute – with the same wallet draining potential, ooh la la!

Tibor Fischerspooner

Gordon Brown: Double Bad Nazi

Sunday, August 6th, 2006

Brown to let shops share ID card data

Opponents warn that linking police databases with the private sector to beat crime will lead to a ‘surveillance state’ and a big assault on privacy

Gaby Hinsliff, political editor Sunday August 6, 2006 The Observer

Gordon Brown is planning a massive expansion of the ID cards project that would widen surveillance of everyday life by allowing high-street businesses to share confidential information with police databases. Far from intending to dump ID cards once he is in Downing Street, Brown is quietly studying how biometric technology – identifying people by unique markers such as fingerprints and iris patterns – could be expanded over the next 20 years to fight crime.

Police could be alerted instantly when a wanted person used a cash machine or supermarket loyalty card. Cars could be fingerprint-activated, making driving bans much harder to disobey […],,1838363,00.html

And so.

Remember how filthy animal Andy Burnham said that Henry Porter’s famous article, “…swallows the contents of a ridiculous, anonymous email and unquestioningly regurgitates it.”?

It seems that the ‘Frances Stonor Saunders’ email was not only accurate, but it could have gone much further in describing the system of total control that would be possible in a state where these real-time ID cards are rolled out.

Andy Burnham is a liar. He said the contents of that email were ‘ridiculous’ when they were nothing of the sort. Gordon Brown is clearly a man who cannot be allowed into office, since he wants to not only roll out the ID card, but apply ‘Super Nazi’ capabilities to the system. What an amazing beast he is; he has just produced a second child, and yet, wants to sell that very child into a slave society that he wants to have in place by the time it reaces the age of 20. Any man who would sell his child into slavery is a monster. If he can do this to his own children, imagine what he would be willing to do to the children of strangers.

The plan would make the ID cards scheme cheaper, since companies would pay for access to the national identity register – a government database of biometric information being compiled for the ID cards programme. […]

Brown has set up a taskforce, under former HBOS bank chief executive Sir James Crosby […]

Brown believes that, if myriad private databases develop, there is a risk that information will leak or be stolen. The Crosby review is looking at safeguards […]

Brown is an ass. It is clear that he understands nothing when it comes to this subject, and has based his position on the weasel words of vendors and their proxies. We have already discussed at length the insult of being made to pay for the privelege of being turned into a slave, you really should read through the Blarchive entries on ID cards if you are new to BLOGDIAL.

‘There is going to be a key issue over the next 10 to 15 years about identity management right across the public and private sectors,’ said the source close to Brown, adding that immigration control would be only part of it. ‘It’s about people coming to accept that this is not only a necessary but desirable part of modern society over the next 10 years. What [the Tories] are objecting to in the political sphere is going to be absolutely commonplace in the private sphere and saying “it’s not the British way” is just not going to work.’

No there is NOT going to be a ‘key issue’; identity management (doublespeak for ‘trust’) between private entities and individuals is a PRIVATE MATTER, and the market will find its own solutions. Government has no part to play in these private arrangements. Immigration control, DHSS, DVLA etc is another matter entirely, since those are matters between government and individuals, but even then, that relationship is not a license for government to roll out any scheme it likes just because it is given this responsibility. They cannot, for example, comple every visitor to Britain to take a chip implant, or a tatoo or some other invasive dehumanizing control measure. People have inalienable rights no matter what the problem being faced by society, and this is the principle that is being broken by the ID cards proposals and the bogus arguements for their introduciton.

This proposal is not a necessary or desireable part of ANY society, and as we have seen, the ill effects are devastating not only to the economy, but to the spirit of any country where these measures are introduced. Just ask the people who used to live in East Germany what it was like to be under constant surveillance. They hated it, it touched every part of their lives, and supressed every word that came out of their mouths. Imagine that scenario multiplied by orders of magnitude. Not only will every word you say or type be used against you, but every purchase, every journey, every association (both intentional and unintentional) will be up for inspection. There cannot be a single person who thinks that this is a good idea, or that this is a British idea. The only people who are for this are those who imagine that they and their relatives will somehow, by some ‘tech-magic’ that they cannot understand be immune to surveillance, otherwise, they would apply this imagined scenario to themselvs and thier children and say, “absolutely not”.

If the private people of this country decide to accept fingerprint readers at their banks, then that is a matter for them and their banks. The banks will provide insurance against datatheft. They will be responsible to their clients. If only one person suffers at the hands of a bank with a biometric ID verification system and this is publicised, it would ba disaster for the bank. This is why they, if they were to do it at all, would be much more careful than the responsibility-free government who does not even say sorry for its errors as we have seen again and again.

It is not only the Tories that are objecting to this proposal; everyone who understands what it means is against it, and they know it. They are desperately trying to figure out a way to salvage the contracts for the companies that have lined up with shears to fleece the british public. It is a shameful an despicable action.

The only way to stop this is to not line up to be processed. Without biometric data in the system, there are no applications that can be devised after the fact; no feature creep, no unforseen circumstances, no data theft…nothing.

Do not register for the NIR. Period. There is no benefit to you, and a great amount of danger to you and subsequent generations if you do enter it.

Urgent Financial Appeal From The Abomination that is ‘StopWar’

Saturday, August 5th, 2006

We need to raise £10,000 to fund the emergency demonstration on Saturday 5 August and to help us build the campaign to stop the Bush/Blair wars. Please send us donations large and small. We must raise our voices. To remain silent would be criminal. […]

In a shameful repeat (albeing on a smaller scale) of the anti-Iraq marches and demonstrations, StopWar have once again helped fuel war, mass murder, death and destruction in the world.

Now they have the absolute audacity to ask for money to fund a demonstration!

Not only is this an insult, but it is totally and utterly insane.

But there is more.

They are asking people to:

Bring children’s shoes to the national demonstration on Saturday 5 August. We will leave them at The Cenotaph, on Tony Blair’s doorstep, to express our horror at his complicity in war crimes, which have lead to the slaughter of so many children in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan.

If this is the best these people can come up with, you would be forgiven for joining the forces of evil; no one this stupid deserves to live, let alone have their voices heard and obeyed. There are children all over the world without shoes…I mean REALLY do I have to spell it out?

I wonder too how many people drank a coffee from Starbucks during this demonstration. I noticed on Al Jazeera that in the upmarket part of Beirut there is a Starbucks. You do the math/thinking for yourself.
StopWar is a terrible energy sink, that sucks up the resources, time and money of decent people who are desperate to exert some sort of influence over the horrors being done in their name. They betray these people every time they put on a march on a Saturday, every time they march without a goal. I have been talking about this for a long time now, and frankly, I am beyond fed up with these imbeciles.
Even in the face of mass murder of children, all these people can think of is to march, knowing that it will do nothing to save a single life. This is the same Tony Bliar that ignored their last march; how delusional can they be to think that this SMALLER march will have any different result?!

If you want to do something, go and block the airport where the arms are being transferred. If you want to do something, promote the boycott against the war machine. Whatever it is you do, follow the 20AC guidelines and make sure that what you are doing will ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.

Or STFU you scum!

Centralised IT system failure

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Guardian reports:

Opposition MPs have condemned a serious computer system failure that affected 80 NHS hospital trusts.

Some health staff in the North West and West Midlands were left unable to check appointments and access patient administration details on-screen.

NHS Connecting for Health, which runs the Government’s controversial IT programme, said there had been “serious interruption” to computer systems since Sunday morning. A spokesman stressed that the problem – caused by equipment failure – had not put patients at risk and no data had been lost.

He said: “The issues are administrative, such as dealing with admissions, patient tracking, the transfer of in-patient waiting lists and out-patient appointments. It is not about clinical information.”

But Liberal Democrat health spokesman Steve Webb said: “It is very alarming that trusts are reporting practical problems with a multi-billion-pound IT system.

“The NHS cannot rely on a computer system that is only right most of the time. If medical information is not available or supplied in error, then the effect on patients can be fatal. Serious questions must be asked about whether the proper safeguards were put in place before this system went online.”


Now apply this to when the NIR system is interrupted – 80 NHS trusts becomes alll health trusts (because the Government will eventually require NIR checks for NHS care in order to leverage underwhelming NIR registration), add in policing, DVLA, TV licensing, income support, financial services, buying alcohol or medicines and you see that when the NIR system goes down the entire portion of the country that has surrendered its freedoms to the State will grind to a halt.

And the NIR system will go down. Sooner rather than later – and more than once.

BBC Peddles Hysterical Fear and ID Card Propaganda

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

A lurker writes:

Thanks for the Links.

I have started to look at Jutra on a semi regular basis after it was mentioned on Irdial. Damn good read. I noticed another pro-ID card propaganda on the BBQ that is like the parasite riding on the back of a propagated fear, striking at the hearts of all parents and aiming to instill the placid obeying sheep goodhearted honest citizen mentality in to their children:

Child online safety card unveiled

ID scheme

The ID scheme aims to combat online grooming

A virtual ID card designed to improve children’s net safety has been launched in the UK, US, Canada and Australia. The NetIDMe card can be swapped by children online when using chatrooms, instant messaging and social networks.

Parents and children can apply for the card using credit card details and a form countersigned by a professional who knows the child concerned.

It is hoped that the card will make it harder for adults to pose as children when online.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) has said one in 12 children met up with someone encountered first online.

Online friends

The ID scheme was set up by UK businessman Alex Hewitt after he discovered that his daughter could only verify the age and identity of a third of her 150 online friends.

We would advise all parents and young people to remain vigilant to potential dangers

Detective Chief Superintendent Tom Porter

He said: “People want to feel safe online and know the people they are talking to are who they say they are.”

The company said it would also use software techniques “similar to those used by the passport agency” to authenticate applications for the ID card.

The system can only work if two children messaging each other online have both signed up to the scheme.

Children swap their assigned NetID nicknames and take turns to log onto the service’s website.

The IDs are confirmed only if both parties have entered their e-mail address and passwords into the service. The card costs £10 a year and Mr Hewitt said he hoped it would “substantially reduce” the risk of young children being targeted by adults.

Jim Gamble, chief executive of the Ceop Centre, said: “Any measure that can help identify the real age of someone online is one more step to deterring people from assuming different online identities to exploit, groom and abuse children over the internet.”

Detective Chief Superintendent Tom Porter, head of interventions, of the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency, said technology could not guarantee complete protection.

He said: “We would advise all parents and young people to remain vigilant to potential dangers and ensure no personally identifiable information is shared with online strangers.” […]

BBQ Scum simply cant resiste the urge to streetwalk and prostitute themselvs. We all know that using prostitutes is addictive, but addiction to BEING a prostitute?!

Now I’ve heard everything.

Note how this revolting, immoral, barely legal piece of bullshit is UNATTRIBUTED so that no one can be taken to task for bribery. Very nice you vermin!

Note how once again, there is no link to N02ID for ‘balance’ but there IS a link to the company that is providing this ‘service’. That is pure ‘pay for play’, and bias.

Forbes: ‘Tony Blair close to death, or dead’

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

The Bush administration dismissed Gordon Brown, soon to be the acting leader in Britain, as no more than a “prison-keeper” on Tuesday as officials reviewed long-standing plans for the post-Tony Blair era.

“The fact that you have an autocrat handing power off to his brother does not mark an end to autocracy,” White House spokesman Tony Snow said of the hand over.

U.S. officials tried to evaluate the meaning of Monday’s announcement that Tony Blair had temporarily relinquished power to Gordon because of an intestinal illness. Tony Blair will be 80 in less than two weeks; Gordon is 55.

One concern is possible post-Blair instability, leading to large-scale migration by Britains to South Florida, similar to what transpired in 1980 and 1995. Another worry is that Blair’s friends in the hemisphere, notably French President Jacques Chirac, might intervene to ensure that Blairite rule survives the aging leader’s death.

U.S. officials generally declined to provide public insights Tuesday on the flavor of their deliberations.

The administration has labored since the fall of 2003 on ways to hasten a transition to democratic rule in Britain and to assist the island in recovering from what U.S. officials regard as 15 years communist misrule.

Tony Blair rejects the notion that the system he has put in place will give way to a democratic transition.

“We had our transition is 1959,” Blair has said, referring to the year when, at age 32, he led a rebel band to victory over a rightist military dictator.

No country’s succession has received more attention from the U.S. government than has Britain.

A presidential commission issued a report in 2004 that mapped plans to provide 100,000 tons of food to Britain in short order after Blair’s demise.

U.S. charities would be encouraged to create and contribute to a foundation to aid a “Free Britain.” American government officials would carry out a “needs assessment” as soon as possible. There are detailed plans for upgrading health and education systems.

The report also discusses ways to modernize Britain’s aviation, railroad and maritime infrastructure. It envisions U.S. assistance in holding free elections, fighting corruption and establishing independent trade unions. According to the report, none of these actions would take place without Britain’s consent.

An updated commission report, released three weeks ago, recommended that the United States provide $80 million to support dissidents and non-governmental organizations on the island.

Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said the administration should work to ensure that there is a soft landing in Britain – as opposed to civil strife – once the Blair era is over.

“My hope would be the administration is working with our allies and others to prepare for that easier transition than might otherwise occur,” he said.

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., a member of the House International Relations Committee who has long opposed Blair, said even a temporary relinquishment of power by Blair is “a great day for the British people and for their brothers and sisters in exile.”

“Tony Blair has only brought ruin and misery to Britain,” she said.

Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., who like Ros-Lehtinen was born in Britain, joined with her in saying they expect U.S. action for now will be limited to transmitting radio messages to the Britainn people and preventing any influx of illegal immigrants from the island.

Martinez also said he would not support lifting the U.S. embargo on Britain until change was under way. Instead, the United States should lend its ear to political dissidents and pressure outside forces, such as Venezuela, to limit support of the communist government, the senator said.

Many in the U.S. declined to accept the Britainn announcement at face value.

“I don’t know whether he’s alive or dead,” said Brian Latell, a former leading CIA British analyst and author of the book “After Blair.”

Martinez agreed, saying Blair “may be very, very ill or dead.”

Latell said that Gordon Brown’s rise to prominence has been orchestrated for some time, especially in the period surrounding his 75th birthday two months ago. Latell expressed doubt that Tony Blair would ever regain full power even if his titles were restored.

Phil Peters, who heads the Britain program at the Lexington Institute, a private research group, said he was struck by lack of information from Britain about Blair’s condition.

Concerning the official announcement of Blair’s surgery, Peters said, “We have a statement from the patient but not the doctor.”

He raised the possibility that the actions by the 53-year old British leader may be a dress rehearsal for his eventual death. The move by Blair to the sidelines may shed light on who among his subordinates and opponents harbors political ambitions, Peters said.


The biggest insult in this article is the part about:

“…upgrading health and education systems”

Everyone knows that the literacy rate in Britain is only one percent lower than in the United States, and this is in spite of the fact that Britain is a much poorer country, thanks to the decades long immoral US embargo.

What unmittigated cheek.


Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

Full size image
“Don’t let it get above 4.7”

Full size image
“Are you now, or have you ever been?”

Full size image
“Avoid the 714 and the 2236”

Full size image
“What is that buzzing?”

Full size image
“Thats enough.”

Full size image
“The theatre of noise is proof of our potential”

Full size image
“Be Happy”.

Tip of the hat to ‘Matt Coggan’.