Shining Right Back At The Stars In A Freedom Unknown Thereto
June 16th, 2009It appears that the Swedish film censor is to be shut down and replaced by an ‘advisory body’ similar to the BBFC. However the interesting thing is that, unlike in the UK, submissions to the new board may be voluntary and so the cash-cow of vetting all movies is domesticated:
The inquiry also proposes that film companies be allowed to submit their films for review by the new agency voluntarily. However, films not reviewed by the new agency would automatically be classified as only appropriate for viewers 15 years and older.
This is a reasonably good thing as it means only films aimed at children will need to be classified, an improvement would be to make classifications advisory so that parents can decide what films they allow their children to see.
Unclassified films for adults are then free from restrictions and interventions (excepting real harm and exploitation which would be subject to existing laws anyway), this seems like a good thing!
Additionally just as health and safety standards can be applied without state intervention, so too can film classification.
June 16th, 2009 at 1:12 pm
Film Censorship…. BAD
Getting rid of film censorship… GOOD!
Home Schooling effectively banned in Sweden…. BAD BAD BAD: