China Gets it
February 8th, 2007[…] In the industrialized West, there evolved the prevailing Pseudo-religious dogma that human beings are at the centre of ‘G-d’s creation in the universe’. This dogma is the ideological motivation behind the on-going de-legitimization of the verfiable contact that people have had with Extraterrestrials (ETs). This apparent dogma has become the modern equivalent of the corresponding dogma, that “the world is flat”, which Church and other elites centuries ago used to champion. In contrast, free of Western pseudo-religious based dogma, the Buddhist milieu of China, has freed their scientific community, with the support of government, and ofcommunity participation, to seek to explore UFO incidences and evidence of human contact with Extraterrestrials.
What is dogma?
‘Dogma’ is a system of obfuscations, propaganda and related ideology, which elites present as “truth”, with the aim to maintain social control, and toexpand their own hold on power. Other examples of current operating dogma include schemes of socialization that aim to convince people that “capitalism promotes freedom and democracy”, that “privatization is a good thing”, and that “economic protectionism is a bad thing”.
A notable example of dogma, in the context of the so-called ‘War on Terrorism’, is that “the U.S. and its coalition partners are waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan not subtantively for oil, but to promote human rights;” meanwhile well-documented human destruction, suffering and oppression worsen. […]
The Chinese get it, but will they be the first to marked with reverse engineered products? They have done it before.
UFO research is an appreciated and duly recognized science in China
Izvestia reports that China has a record number of UFO scientific and community-based organizations. There are many who even attempt to establish some sort of a contact with extraterrestrials. Their actions are protected by the National Society of the Extraterrestrial Studies, which was founded 25 years ago. This National Society is financed by the government.
Only professional scientists and engineers are allowed members in the Society. A person also required to have Ph.D. in science and have several published works about UFOs. About a third of all members of the society are also members of the Government of China.
The study and civic appreciation of Extraterrestrials are NOT systematically marginalized as the case in the industralized West, which tries to use dogma to ridicule community and academic UFO research initiatives, and also the work of ‘Exopolitics’ groups.
And finally:
Western science and pseudo-religions share corresponding systems of dogma, which seek to deny human contact with Extraterrestrials
In order to appreciate the systematized denial of human extraterrestrial contact and influences on Human civilization, which prevails in the West, one needs to appreciate that “official science” and “institutionalized religion” in the West are two different “heads” of the same body politic. Yes, “official science” in the West talks of “evolution”, and Western institutionalized religion talks of “Creation”. However, both groups have reached an apparent consensus to disregard clear evidence of verifiable contact and influences by Extraterrestrials on Human civilization. This joint denial is based upon a shared oppressive ideology, which seeks to repress critical human knowledge of cosmic associations and interactions with Off-world Human and other ET civilizations.
The very same apparent dogma shared between the Western scientific and institutionalized pseudo-religious Establishment, converges in their “community of interest” associated with their joint pursuit of venality and greed. Examples of the sell-out of integrity, and associated buying into ideology and compromises to elite-induced peer pressure, is well documented in the Western scientific community, that operates in a crass materialistic societal milieu, which ignores basic principles of human rights and democracy. This very same shared dogma between Western scientific and institutionalized pseudo-religious Establishments, is also responsible for the path of oppression, genocide, wars, racisms, and environmental destruction which scientific “techologicalocrats” and self-professed “Christian” pseudo-religious missionaries and other apologists have furthered and have supported.
Jesus who supposedly inspired Western “Christian” religion, which is based on corroborations in the Bible, sought to support the need for wisdom, accompanied by peace and lovingkindness. However, the actual historical practice of institutionalized Christianity, in contrast, has been to maniupate the masses into accepting bigoted views that are designed to complement the materialistic-centred objectives of an “organized power” elite.
Saying that “the Earth is round.. and revolved around the Sun” used to be an indictable offence with the prospective sentence of capital punishment, in Western “Christian” Society which regarded such talk to be the mutterings of seditious lunatics. “Official Science” and “institutionalized religion” in the West is not substantively inspired by the free-spirited pursuit of wisdom. Rather, these Establishment milieus in the West are guided by “elite ideologues” who in contrast with China, and for their own dogma-driven agenda, seek to delude the public on Extraterrestrial awareness, and other areas. […]
As human civilization is being destroyed under the hyprocisy which guides the Western Scientific and pseudo-religious Establishment, the timely needed enlightenment of human populations on a reported Extraterrestrial presence, could very well be led by China. The government of China notwithstanding accounts of human rights abuses, appears to have constructively prepared members of that society, on the kind of potentially vital awareness context, which Western governments continue to deny its own societal members. […]
I like it.
October 10th, 2010 at 12:09 pm
[…] and intact, as well as many other fatally compromised organisations, all parroting AGW and other dogma. The scientists who are real scientists, need to group together to form new associations that are […]