memories are made of this

April 10th, 2006

This story about physical data traces on hard disks was on the digg front page. (A known problem addressed by a number of programs). But it raises a few questions:

Will the server disks for the NIR have an audited destruction procedure?
Likewise all disks for companies and services accessing NIR information?
Will ‘free space’ on such disks be frequently and systematically erased?
Will there be enforcable methods for immediately erasing data in temporary files on all computers accessing NIR information?

Every time you answered ‘probably not’ is an opportunity for NIR information to be stored onto a hard disk and retrieved in a way similar to the article (and there are plenty of other ways). Every such answer is another reason not to register.

And when I say all computers I include your local NHS Trust, your banking & mortgage adviser, DVLA, car rental firms, IPS, travel agents, any company that verifies credit card purchases agianst NIR, law enforcement officers here and abroad (and companies with RIPA powers), etc, etc.

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