The Right to Pay with Cash

April 12th, 2006

This message has been received by ‘Love England’. We hope you will all respond positively and send messages of support to a brave Englishwoman fighting for her rights!

Hi, my daughter Jane is mounting a one woman campaign against the authorities refusing to accept cash payments for council tax and other payments. It is a matter of principle bearing in mind that all card transaction etc can be traced and big brother is trying to turn us into a cashless society.

In our area they have refused her cash and consequently she is facing Magistrates – today – in court.

In fact it is an illegal act to refuse cash which is the legal tender of the realm however she is placing her neck on the block over this.she has also just taken out litigation against Ken Livingstone in his official capacity because they have refused to accept her cash to pay a fine on the congestion charge. They have threatened her with the bailiffs and all sorts of things. She is now counter-suing for malicious prosecution.

She has no fancy lawyers – she is acting for herself with the written law of the land in her hands to present in her defence. Could anyone out there like to send a message of support to her.

Jane Sutherland

Astonishing isnt it? She wants to pay her bills with legal tender, but they are refusing to accept, and are taking HER to court!

This is just the beginning. All of these agencies will claim that they cannot accept cash because it is inneficcient, and costs them money to process. No one will argue that it is better to have a system that costs less to run….you see? Like the convenience of CD, where you give up quality for convenience, with the abolition of cash as a means of settling with government agencies, people will be willing to give up privacy for efficiency and ease of use.

But if the coin of the realm is not acceptable to the very government who issues it, why should anyone else accept it?

You can’t make this stuff up!

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