Archive for November, 2007

To be or not to be…a car

Monday, November 12th, 2007

In modern Britain, you are better off being a car than a human being.

These two stories from The Times tell us why. Firstly, there is the story of who is to carve up the human cattle pie, and who is going to be the loser:

BT loses deal for high-tech borders
Dominic O’Connell

AN American defence company has pipped BT to a sensitive IT contract that will bring high-tech methods to policing Britain’s borders.

Raytheon is expected to be named as the winner of the £500m Eborders contract in the next few weeks.

The aim of the project is for IT systems to be installed that will prevent illegal migrants or any other undesirables from entering the UK by stopping them at their port of departure.

Raytheon leads a consortium called Trusted Borders, which includes Accenture, Detica and Serco. It beat competition from Emblem Group, a consortium led by BT that included Lockheed Martin, Logica CMG and Hewlett-Packard.

The Eborders system will link the databases of government departments to those of transport providers to allow the speedy identification of passengers the government would want to exclude.

It is part of the wider strategy that includes biometric passports and visas and the controversial identity-card scheme.

Meanwhile, two defence contractors, BAE Systems and Thales, are understood to have made the Home Office’s long list for a “roster” of companies that will provide the ID-card system.

The list is also said to include Fujitsu, Accenture, EDS, North-rop Grumman, IBM, CSC and Steria. The Home Office is expected to choose just five contractors to make up the roster by the new year.

The ID-cards programme, which has been opposed by the Conservative party and civil liberty campaigners, is expected to be worth between £5 billion and £7 billion.

The first cards, which will use biometric data to provide identification, will be issued in 2009.

The Times

First of all, the e-borders plan and how it is being rolled out is bogus, and built on the wrong principles and technology.
Secondly, Raytheon should not be in charge of Fortress UK®; it is an american military contractor. This sort of thing should always be done ‘in house’ if it is to be done at all, but then again, we know that the British, despite being full to overflowing with the greatest geniuses on the planet cannot organize any large scale government IT project. We wrote about how an american company has the contract to run the UK police fingerprint database (I cant find the URL). Is there going to be any part of HMG left that is run by the British? And the worst part of it is, the money for all of this comes out of your pockets and is then siphoned abroad.

And here is the reason why it is better to be a car in the UK than a human being:

Attack of the clones
A surge in car cloning where criminals copy numberplates is cheating secondhand buyers and landing law-abiding drivers with fines for offences they did not commit

When Mike McLellan, a businessman from Manchester, pulled up in a residential cul-de-sac in the city, he couldn’t help noticing the silver Vauxhall Astra alongside his looked similar. Nothing unusual in that, it’s one of the bestselling vehicles in Britain and silver is one of the most popular colours.

But his interest turned to astonishment when he saw the numberplate was identical. For a second, McLellan, 58, thought he was seeing double. After several confused double takes, he realised he had become a victim of car cloning, the vehicle equivalent of identity theft. He called the police, expecting them to be shocked at his discovery. Their response? “It happens all the time.”

There are up to 100,000 cloned cars on British roads – 10 times previous estimates – according to police officers on a national working group set up to tackle the problem. Cloners use plates stolen from an identical model or copy them. The cloned car will then pass a superficial police check that matches the numberplate with vehicle type and colour.

Armed with their duplicate plates criminals can dodge speeding fines, drive away from petrol forecourts knowing they can’t be traced using CCTV images, escape congestion charges and parking fines, and hide their true identity from police numberplate-recognition cameras. And the offences aren’t all traffic-related.


The Times


If you are a car in the UK, you CAN change your identity and be anonymous on the street.

If you are a human being in the UK, you CANNOT change your identity and be anonymous.


Because you cannot replace your face and your fingerprints in the way that a car can have its plates swapped in five minutes. Cars on the streets of the UK with swapped plates can go as they please and no one knows who the driver is or who the car belongs to. Those cars have the true freedom of the road. They cannot be tracked, traced, ticketed, speed trapped, Congeston charged or abused in any way.

That is what it used to be like in the UK for human beings.

You used to be able to walk about freely without being watched. You could not be tracked, traced, surveilled or monitored in any way. You were a private person, going about your own business, and enjoying the liberty of one of the greatest, if not THE greatest countries on earth.

And now….It’s gone.

Whilst looking through the Blarchive for the post about who has the contract for the police fingerprint database, I came across this:


Two girlfrinds of Yardie criminals yesterday admitted snopping on the police database.

Civilian workers Davina Kirwan and Sunshes Pike-Williams, both 21, made hundreds of unauthorized checks on their boyfriends and other criminals while employed at Stoke Newington police Station in North London, Southwarrk Crown Court heard.

They also admitted entering false information on to the system.

Kirwan, of Leytonstone, East London, and Pike-Williams, of Ealing, West London, risk being jailed next month.


Metro Magazinesee also:
BBC News
The Times
Evening Standard


Two people working inside the police, corrupting and passing information from the police database for their criminal boyfriends.


If its YOU on the database, and someone who doesnt like you is paying a dudette with access to put convictions on your record, you are literally FUCKED, because its impossible for anyone but criminals to remove information from these records!

Add this to the ultimate poison of a unique number tied to you for life, and you start to see what a nightmare we will be living in if ID cards become a reality.

Someone, some gangsters moll will be able to attribute false crimes to you and there will be nothing you can do about it.

Now, the police have rigorus checks in place to keep criminals and their associates of criminals out of the reach of terminals, but these systems simply do not work.

I have personally seen the forms that the police require to be filled out even for the most trivial of jobs earning 15,000pa. You have to list:

  • Name, Address
  • Husbands / partners name / address
  • Fathers name / address
  • Siblings name / address
  • Name and address of dependents
  • Name and address of “other significant persons”
  • “Have you ever been involved in espionage, terrorism, sabotage, actions intended to overthrow or undermine parliamentary democracy by political, industrial or violent means”
  • “Have you ever been a member of or supported a group or groups involved in any of the above activities”
  • “Have you ever had a close association with anyone who, to your knowledge, has ben a member of or given support to any such group or activities”

And THEN there is the medical disclosure form, which asks if you are suffering from just about any illness imaginable, who your doctors are and all sorts of other very private and personal information.

This form runs to 14 pages.

These two persons clearly had to fill out these expansive and invasive forms, and yet, they were the ‘girlfriends of Yardie criminals’! The only way to protect against these sorts of abuses leaking into every area of your life, is to not allow a unique number to be attached to you. In this way, all of the people who want to foul your record will have to work very hard indeed to do a hatchet job on your records, which will be separated by closed systems on different databases, as they should be.

The Blarchive

There are only two links on google for ‘Davina Kirwan Sunshes Pike-Williams’ one is to BLOGDIAL, the other is to BBQ, and I quoth:

Violence and firearms

The court heard how the pair accessed police computer databases and carried out hundreds of checks on different people, vehicles and crime reports.

They pleaded guilty to committing misconduct in a public office.

Det Supt Trevor Smith from the City of London Police specialist crime unit said there was “no direct evidence that they (their boyfriends) have benefited from this”.

“Because of their actions, we had to conduct a long, lengthy and expensive investigation, and we had to review methods and techniques that we were using,” he said.



“No direct benefit”?! So they did these checks just for fun?

Of course, the officer conveniently left out that these two girls admitted entering false information on to the system.

You can expect to see an explosion of snooping abuse if the NIR / ID Card gets rolled out; and it will not be insiders doing it, it will be ordinary people running perfectly legal background checks on you willy nilly.

You were warned. You are being warned. Take heed!

And finally, another blast from the BLOGDIAL past that warmed my heart:

If you cant beat em…Join me!

Post updated March 26 2009

More true now than it ever was!

Wife of former Downing Street policy adviser Lord Birt set to land £2 billion ID card contract

Sunday, November 11th, 2007

The wife of Lord Birt, the former Downing Street policy guru, looks set to land a massive contract to develop Labour’s controversial ID-card scheme.

As No 10’s “blue skies thinker”, Lord Birt – who was criticised as a “croak-voiced Dalek” when he ran the BBC – advised on Government IT programmes and drew up a major report on criminal justice which analysed the effect ofidentity cards.

Now The Mail on Sunday can reveal that his second wife Eithne Wallis, a senior executive at a Japanese computer giant, is poised to cash in on the policy he helped to develop.

Ms Wallis, who married Lord Birt last year, is the director of government contracts at Fujitsu Services, which was last month shortlisted for the £2billion contracts to operate the ID-card scheme.

Last night the Conservatives expressed “concern” at the way the company could be benefiting from insider knowledge.

Ms Wallis, 54, met 62-year-old Lord Birt, a former BBC Director General, three years ago on a Whitehall committee when she was head of the National Probation Service.

Lord Birt went on to leave Jane, his first wife of 41 years, and to marry his mistress, prompting a major family rift. None of the children from their first marriages attended the low-key civil wedding ceremony.

Ms Wallis, who was born in Northern Ireland, quit the civil service to join Fujitsu in February 2005 on a six-figure salary as a “senior member of the business transformation group”.

She was promoted in July that year to her present post of managing director of government business and began positioning the company as a leading supporter of Labour’s unpopular ID-card programme.

Fujitsu funded a Government report which showed how to overcome concerns from ethnic minorities that the scheme could lead to racial and religious discrimination.

Then, last year, Fujitsu paid for a debate on ID cards at the Institute for Public Policy Research, New Labour’s favourite think-tank.

Until December 2005, Lord Birt was occupying a Whitehall office drawing up secret reports for Tony Blair on issues ranging from criminal justice to Government information technology.

According to reports, he regularly used to “chew the cud” with the Prime Minister on ID cards.


As head of the BBC, Lord Birt was dismissed by writer Dennis Potter as a “croak-voiced Dalek” for stifling creativity and was lampooned by Private Eye in the column “Birtspeak”.


No actually, it is not Lord Birt who is chewing the cud, but the British people, the human cattle, who are going to be chewing the cud, and being herded like the bovine / human sub species they have become.

This is the corruption that we know about. There are, 1000% guaranteed more cases like this where ‘a friend of a friend of someone in the department’ has landed one of these criminal contracts.

It is nauseating, infuriating and BAD.

An Iranian phone call

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

Listen to this recording of a phone call between Alex Jones and an Iranian, from Friday the 9th of November.

In the 15 minutes and 24 seconds that it lasts, you get more information about what is happening and what has happened than, frankly, most people can handle.

Dame Shirley Reads BLOGDIAL

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

A lurker sent me this:

Its almost like she’s quoting from Blogdial.


Peer ‘ready to defy ID card law’
The Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Williams has said she would rather go to prison than carry an identity card.

Baroness Williams said the cards would seriously undermine individual liberty so people were entitled to refuse their co-operation, using non-violent means.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions, she described the plans as “a Big Brother scheme of the most terrifying kind”.

From 2010, all UK passport applicants will be issued with biometric ID cards.

The £5.6bn scheme will also mean all foreign nationals will have to carry them from next year.

The government says cards will help protect people from identity fraud, will tackle illegal working and illegal immigration, and disrupt criminals and terrorists’ use of false identities and ensure free public services are only used by those entitled to them.

But Baroness Williams said: “Because it is so expensive the government has proposed that it will sell our data to commercial interests who will then be able to track down every damn thing you do from dawn until dusk.

“And you won’t be able to escape from it because the ID card which will be checked against your credit card will be a record of exactly where you’ve been, what you’ve done, who you’ve talked to.

“My view quite simply is that the ID card will undermine individual liberty so seriously that one’s entitled to say one won’t co-operate with it.

“I have not suggested I would use violence. I am suggesting I wouldn’t co-operate with it, nor will I.”

Asked whether that meant she would go to prison for breaking the law, she replied: “So be it – and I’m not suggesting any act of violence but we’ve got to not co-operate with something as bad as this.”

Nick Clegg, one of the party’s leadership candidates, has also stated he would take part in a civil disobedience campaign against ID cards.

Last month, he said if legislation were passed, he would lead a grassroots campaign of civil disobedience to thwart the programme and thousands of people would simply refuse to register.


She is right of course.

But what she has failed to understand (or at least failed to say) is that exactly the same dangers exist if you simply apply for a passport and hand over your fingerprints.

Once they have your fingerprints, they can use both stationary and mobile fingerprint readers to interface with the NIR in lieu of a physical card.

It is the NIR which is the danger, not the physical card alone.

If Dame Shirley is really serious, she should encourage everyone to refuse to be fingerprinted by the authorities for any reason. That means not applying for a new passport until the requirement of fingerprinting is eliminated.

Violence is absolutely not required. All you need to do is get everyone to agree to refuse to co-operate. That is the only thing that is required.

As for her reading BLOGDIAL, that may or may not be the case. What we do know with absolute certainty is that she has read the ‘Frances Stonor Saunders‘, which spells out beautifully and perfectly what ID cards are all about. We know this because everyone in the Lords read it.

This scheme is going to fail. The next part they are trying to bring in is the fingerprinting and registration of all foreigners. This is not only discriminatory, but it is insanely stupid, as we have said over and over again.



It’s certainly possible that people might find ways to mount legal challenges to compulsory ID cards, but the most obvious potential challenge would be over the introduction of an ID card for EU citizens resident in the UK. This is specified in the ID Cards Act, and can only go ahead without being challenged by Brussels if compulsory ID cards for all UK citizens also go ahead. The moment Gordon Brown’s Government admits that compulsory ID cards aren’t going to happen for UK citizens is the moment that he also has to abandon them for non-UK EU citizens, because he’s not permitted to discriminate against them.


The Register

And secondly, you cannot discriminate against foreigners who are not EU citizens because that is….DISCRIMINATION.

Thirdly, this doesn’t make any sense on a practical level. If you stop someone (you being a police man) and then use your mobile NIR fingerprint reader to scan the person, and they are NOT in the NIR, what does this mean? IT can mean one of several things:

This person is not in the database because he is an:

  1. Illegal immigrant
  2. ID card Refusnik
  3. British Citizen without a passport

So, what do you do?

You have to haul in the person wether they are entitled not to be in the NIR or not, just like they do in Belgium if you are caught in the street without your ID. You are taken to the police station until they can find out exactly who you are. Them not knowing who you are at all times is a crime in Belgium, and it is the logical conclusion of having a compulsory ID card. But I digress.

The only way to be sure that only criminals are not in the database is to put all the law abiding citizens in the database. Fingerprinting only foreigners is insanely stupid because it is impossible to distinguish between a foreigner and a True Brit®. An identity database that only targets foreigners or that is voluntary is useless for the purposes of identifying people on a routine basis. The above leaves out all the moral objections any of which is enough to destroy a scheme like this.

Fingerprinting is for criminals and the detection of crime. It should be done only when a person is convicted of a crime, and if someone is convicted and later acquitted, those records should be erased. That is the only fit purpose for this technology, and it should be used to speed up the identification of known criminals and nothing more.

Fingerprinting everyone in a country is very much the ‘Nuclear Option’ in the identity arena, and this option should be and will be shunned by all decent and properly informed people.

Just you watch.

Free government spending? It doesn’t measure up

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

When it comes to funding policies you can’t make something out of nothing, says the BBC newsreader, from behind the very important desk. “Until now, because British politicians seem to have turned this fundamental law of economics upside down.” The Mail on Sunday loved it too. “Amazing British legislation returns MORE money than you put into it – and could soon be funding your retirement,” it said. Taste the excitement. “It violates almost every known law of economics.”

Well, that’ll teach those so-called economists a lesson. The system is a health service operated by a company called Vaxitol, and it is claimed to return more tax monies than you put into it. Has anybody validated this claim?

“Jim Loins, of the University of York, independently evaluated the system,” says the Mail. Oh. He’s a “business development manager” in York’s enterprise and innovation office, although he does have a fun medical hobby. “As a member of the British Society of Enemologists, he undertakes research into the geo- and bio-physics of Earth energies. His special research topic is the mechanism of enemas, based on quantum ideas in constipation studies.”

I contacted a working statistician who was previously reported – in the Telegraph in 2003 – to have independently validated a similar policy from the same party. He wishes to remain anonymous, because he is bored with getting long conspiracy theory emails from free-healthcare cranks, but he is now a leading economic researcher at a Russell Group university.

He was employed to do a single, very specific test, using measuring procedures devised by Vaxitol, and the conclusions in his report were very guarded: “Using the apparatus supplied by Gordon Brown and the procedures of analysis suggested by the company there appears to be an tax gain in the system.”

Using the analytic method provided, it’s true, this statistician could get incredible results: the tax increase would read zero, and yet funding would triple in around five years. Because the graphs provided weren’t showing National Insurance increases.

The problem stems from the difference between measuring indirect taxation and direct taxation. Stick with me, taxes are fun when you’re making the public look stupid. The statistics he was given were to measure direct taxation: there was a dodge in the yearly carry over (this is a “one way street” for economics), so theoretically the capital could only flow one way, making it reimbursable.

Unfortunately, at high salaries the special, magic tax-free policy went into “oscillation”: that meant that the captial was accumulated from high tax payers that were beyond the threshold of the general public, so beyond its ability to influence the electorate.

Therefore the tax funds could flow in freely, therefore it was indirect taxation, and therefore the tax burden measurement was invalid. I speculate that the “Chancellor” made the same mistake, and I can honestly say I find the little histories of these stratagems fascinating.

Anyway, in these taxes, the Chancellor saw the tax income steadily increase with applied taxation and then fall to almost zero as the emphasis went in to National Insurance. A “prudent gain, breaking the laws of economics,” was only recorded when the system was twisted in such a way that the measurement of “taxes going in” simply became invalid.

So did our man try measuring the tax burden properly? Yes, he did. He placed a consumer choke on the system, which prevented the system going into recession and removed any tax gain, and also measured the (large) inderect taxation with his own statistical methods in the system. No financial gain.

· Please send your bad economics to

Whatever shall we do without the slave master?! How will we EAT?!?

Friday, November 9th, 2007

An absurd piece of shortsighted nonsense from BBQ, bemoaning the fact that WBOOG(2) Radiohead’s fans didnt fall overthemselvs like Ron Paul supports to pour money into their account in exchange for their new set of recordings (formerly called an ‘Album’):

“Radiohead have been bankrolled by their former label for the last 15 years,” said Michael Laskow, chief executive of Taxi, a company that helps bands get signed to record labels.

“They’ve built a fanbase in the millions with their label, and now they’re able to cash in on that fan base with none of the income or profit going to the label this time around.”

“How will new artists be able to use this model if they haven’t built a fan base in the millions?” he added.



Yes indeed.

I will tell you how they will use this model and make millions.

They will do it like this. Mia Rose has literally millions of fans all over the world, gained simply by posting her music on YouTube.

This is how artists will promote themselves in the future, and they will make more than a living out of it, by selling merchandise related to themselves and their music, and through licensing.

We are in the middle of a transition period between the Soviet era of music manufacture and distribution and ‘teh internets’ era; the era of dematerialized frictionless distribution, the era of music as a service, not a product.

Only the buggy whip selling computer illiterate, evil paternalist losers at the BBC whine about this new era.

But you know this!

The American empire is falling with the dollar

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

By Paul Craig Roberts
Online Journal Guest Writer

Nov 8, 2007, 01:00

The US dollar is still officially the world’s reserve currency, but it cannot purchase the services of Brazilian super model Gisele Bundchen. Gisele required the $30 million she earned during the first half of this year to be paid in euros.

Gisele is not alone in her forecast of the dollar’s fate. The First Post (UK) reports that Jim Rogers, a former partner of billionaire George Soros, is selling his home and all possessions in order to convert all his wealth into Chinese yuan.

Meanwhile, American economists continue to preach that offshoring is good for the US economy and that Bush’s war spending is keeping the economy going. The practitioners of supply and demand have yet to figure out that the dollar’s supply is sinking the dollar’s price and along with it American power.

The macho super patriots who support the Bush regime still haven’t caught on that US superpower status rests on the dollar being the reserve currency, not on a military unable to occupy Baghdad. If the dollar were not the world currency, the US would have to earn enough foreign currencies to pay for its 737 oversees bases, an impossibility considering America’s $800 billion trade deficit.

When the dollar ceases to be the reserve currency, foreigners will cease to finance the US trade and budget deficits, and the American Empire along with its wars will disappear overnight.


And so, another BLOGDIAL, ‘Told you so’ post.

We TOLD YOU over and over again that the way to stop the war machine is not to demonstrate, but to shun the thing that fuels the war machine: bad money in this case, the dollar. Now that this is happening world wide, the great and the good are saying what we said, if the dollar dies, the war machine dies.

No amount of protesting, candlelit vigils or anything else like that solved the problem. Simply doing what you do every day and refusing to fund the war machine is enough of a tactic, in fact, it is the best tactic of all, because only the bad guys lose and everyone else wins.

For the record, no one that I know wanted this. We only wanted the war machine to die. If it could have been killed without dismantling america, that would have been preferable, but now, with Iran on their minds and in their cross hairs, it is clear that there is no other option.

For the nth time, there is one country on the earth that can recover, even from this. And that country, is the USA. It now looks as if they actually have someone who can pull it off too.

Sadly, none of this will restore the lives of the millions of mass murdered peoples who were the victims of the war criminals.

MMRCWCHIVHPVTDHEPAHEPBIMPRBCGY: the ultimate single vaccination

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

Chickenpox jab should be added to MMR, scientists say

David Batty
Thursday November 8, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

All children should be vaccinated against chickenpox while receiving the controversial measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) jabs, scientists said today.


Only universal vaccination against chickenpox would prevent the severe complications – including, in a few cases, death – suffered by around 100 children a year who contract the disease, according to the study published in the Archives of Childhood Diseases.

Tens of millions get chicken pox every year without serious complications, after which they have life long immunity. This vaccine is another sheep shearing operation. But you know this.

The study found 112 cases over 13 months where children suffered severe complications, which required hospital treatment for conditions such as pneumonia, blood poisoning, encephalitis, ataxia (loss of control of limbs), toxic shock and the flesh-eating bug necrotising fasciitis.

All of this is irrelevant, and also, of these people were given oral Zovirax, the symptoms would have been completely suppressed and they would have lived.

Five of the children died, although four had pre-existing medical conditions – including one case of HIV.

You see? Lies!

But the study noted that these high-risk children were not currently targeted for immunisation. An unborn baby also died in the womb during the study period.

I personally know a woman who had never contracted chicken pox, but who was pregnant. She also had other children who were attending a school where someone had chicken pox. She contracted it, and was given a big bottle of Zovirax tablets to take regularly in case she started to show symptoms. She did, and she took the Zovirax as instructed. Not only did she never develop a fever of any kind, but all the symptoms of the Chicken pox were so suppressed that you would not have known that she was even suffering from it.

The baby was born full term, absolutely normal.

THAT is the way you take care of serious cases of Chickenpox. You do NOT need to vaccinate against it!

An editorial in the Archives of Childhood Diseases proposes adding a vaccine for chickenpox to the MMR jab.

But the authors acknowledged that ongoing public anxiety about MMR – despite no scientific evidence that it is unsafe – would make it difficult to add another vaccine to the existing triple jab.

and of course, it is not needed at all, as chicken pox is a nuisance and not a serious threat.

As an alternative, they suggested that the vaccine could be offered to all teenagers who were not infected as children to prevent severe complications in adults and pregnant women.

Better yet, offer them Zovirax to suppress the symptoms and let them have an easy time of it. Far less dangerous, in fact, so harmless is Zovirax that you can give it to a PREGNANT WOMAN and there are no side effects.

Routine immunisation for chickenpox is currently only offered in the UK to healthcare workers and others who are at risk of contracting the illness or passing it on.

If you have already had Chickenpox, the vaccine is useless. The only way to do that properly is to test for immunity then and ONLY then vaccinate, either by natural contraction or by noxious concoction.

But the US, Canada, Australia and Finland have already introduced vaccination programmes for children.

only to face fierce resistance.

The government announced in September it was considering vaccinating children against chickenpox, following a recommendation by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation.

Professor Adam Finn, a co-author of both the editorial and the report, said: “Chickenpox has traditionally been viewed as an irritating but inevitable infection to be endured during childhood, a rite of passage during the preschool years.

“This benign view persists despite evidence that certain groups, including neonates, adults, pregnant women, and the immunocompromised have higher risks of severe disease.”

These groups can all be treated without vaccinations, and there is no reason why the ENTIRE POPULATION should be exposed to this threat because a very small number of people who are vulnerable MIGHT have complications from it.

That is why when there is a chickenpox party in your town, you need to get your children there so that they can catch it, acquire immunity, and then get it over with. That is called ‘good parenting’.

The study, Severe Complications of Chickenpox in Hospitalised Children in the UK and Ireland, found that 40% of the children studied had ongoing problems, most commonly ataxia or skin scarring.

The scarring can be prevented with Zovirax which stops the pox from popping up.

Most of the children were healthy before they contracted chickenpox, so would have been able to be immunised if a vaccine was available, said the researchers.

And they would have been able to fight it off with the help of that very cool drug.

It concluded: “We did not identify any additional high-risk groups that could be candidates for selective immunisation.

“Universal vaccination would therefore be the only realistic option to prevent severe complications and deaths, as few, if any, could be identified as potentially preventable under current UK policy.”

This is completely backwards logic. It is the logic of big business, of cattle herding. It is pure evil.

The authors said chickenpox rates were rising in pre-school children and for every 1,000 cases, between two and five children would be hospitalised.

The report acknowledged that immunising children might mean a greater number of elderly people developed shingles as the level of immunity waned.

You see?

Even if you vaccinate, because it is not as good as getting real immunity from the disease itself, later down the line, there is going to be more suffering, and I am told that shingles is really REALLY painful and terrible.

But it said a further vaccination might reduce this risk.

does this mean another round after the childhood round?!

People who have had chickenpox can later develop shingles as the virus stays within the body.

But those who have had chickenpox cannot catch shingles from someone else, unlike those who never contracted chickenpox as children.,,2207419,00.html


So if chickenpox was eradicated, then shingles would also be eradicated.

If only we could trust the motives of these people!

Sadly we cannot, and chickenpox is a small price to pay for not being rendered autistic for life by a vaccination.

‘The man who knows this stuff’ has already instructed us all about this previously.

The Conet Project comes to Channel Four

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

A short film, which uses The Conet Project as its soundtrack, mixed with the voices of bloggers, comes to Channel 4:

Flat Earth is a desktop documentary, which takes the viewer on a seven minute trip around the world so that we encounter a series of fragments taken from real peoples’ blogs. These fragments are knitted together to form a kind of story or singular narrative.

The visual effect is not unlike that of Google Earth, although significantly here, nearly all of the visual material for, “Flat Earth” is taken from satellite imagery freely available on the web. This is with the exception of the close-up imagery from outside USA, which had to be paid for non-commercial use and a series of images taken from Flickr under Creative Commons attribution license.

“Flat Earth” is an Animate Projects commission with Arts Council England and Channel Four Television. Animatics work is by Cavan Convery and we worked on the script with Steve Rushton.

I have a preview DVD of the film, and it is a rather beautiful piece of work. Exceptional and insightful I would say.

Here is the website for the makers THOMSON & CRAIGHEAD.

And the commissioners.

A false torture demonstration

Monday, November 5th, 2007

Media Matters has a piece on a Fox News item where one of their journalists is put through waterboarding ‘to see what it is like’.

Of course, it is a total sham and pure propaganda.

This journalist is in TOTAL CONTROL of the process; when he says ‘stop’ they stop immediately. This is nothing like real torture, where you have NO CONTROL AT ALL and you are AT THE MERCY of the interrogator.

An eternity ago we wrote about a Channel 4 documentary where people were put through ‘The Gitmo experience™’ as an experiment:

Monday, February 28, 2005

On Channel 4’s programme about Guantanamo, an Oxford student who volunteered to be tortured was shaved bald, stripped naked, and forced to listen to…


and…that was the point at which he broke.

This total moron (and another one who bottle out) thought that Guantanamo was needed ‘to catch the bad guys’. After 40 hours and TG, he totally changed his mind. What a stupid idiot.

Will somebody please PLEASE wake me up!

THAT is the story that everyone needs to see, not some pathetic fake, Torture Feelgood™ ‘demonstration’ designed to pull the wool over your eyes.

You can watch the whole series for yourself to see what we are talking about, and what a sham that Fox News item is.

Fox News transmitting a deception…quelle suprise!

Global Warming Brainwashing

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

Check out this powerful video:

taking apart the ‘Global Warming™’ cult and its groupthink tactics.

One of the most annoying things about ‘the Gore Effect’ is that you have to constantly deprogram your children because of it.

When they use modern science textbooks, the publishers slip in fake ‘environmental issues’ everywhere they can. For example, on a chapter about the principles of electricity generation, global warming is (inappropriately) mentioned. The same happens in the chapter about the definition of energy. And this is in a text book for relatively young (and sometimes impressionable) children.

What people I know are doing is teaching their children to learn how to spot propaganda, i.e. critical thinking; it is a difficult skill to learn but once it is in place, no one will be able to lie to their children with ease.

The children in that film are clearly brainwashed. They are repeating parrot style what they have been told, and there is no sign of any real thought going on in their heads. What is also worrying is that they all believe the same thing unanimously, not even one dissenter.

That is very frightening. It also means that the parents are not thinking either.

This is from an extremely useful post at Consent of the Governed, where the following pure common sense is written:

What’s worse is that scientists are being silenced and threatened.
Is this what the scientific community has come to?

I thought the church in medieval times was evil to stifle astronomical and scientific advances by people like Galileo, but now fanatic environmentalists and people in the IPCC are assuming that role.

They are blaming mankind, technology, and they are even changing the way science is practiced.
Bogus theories are allowed to be heralded as fact.

Case in point, Gore’s timeline showing CO2 and temperature – he neglects to point out that rise in CO2 levels come AFTER temperature changes NOT BEFORE!

The scientific method is becoming bastardized for the sake of monetary gain.

Should we recycle and use resources wisely – sure.
Should we work towards clean water and air – certainly.
Should we minimize the number of trees we cut down – probably
But those are all facets of wise stewardship of our home.

Is climate changing?

Perhaps… but not because of mankind and CO2, or the result of modern technology.
It isn’t because we fail to install the new mercury filled lightbulbs in our homes or drive an expensive Prius.

Climatic cycles have been happening for millions of years.
Species die and new ones evolve.
Land masses come and go.
Waters recede and then swell.
Ice caps melt and then they freeze again.
We have ice ages and then warm spells.
Mankind and technology were not the reasons for that happening.

The IPCC should be ashamed of themselves.

Indeed. We have been saying for years, as have many others, that Science is a cult with its own religious dogma, its own priesthood, Popes and systems of policing and destroying anyone who does not toe the line.

That is not to say that all scientists are members of this evil cult, many are not, and often they do the best work. Look at this list of scientists who were called crazy and all sorts of other undeserved and nasty names, but who in the end, were proven to be absolutely correct in their ‘outlandish theories’:

The greatest scientists of all are not so STUPID as to think they know everything, and are VERY WARY of religiosity penetrating scientific thought:

Concepts which have proved useful for ordering things easily assume so great an authority over us, that we forget their terrestrial
origin and accept them as unalterable facts. They then become labeled as ‘conceptual necessities,’ etc. The road of scientific progress is frequently blocked for long periods by such errors.

– Einstein

Check out these theories that were ridiculed, and later found to be absolutely true:

Some ridiculed ideas which had no single supporter:

* Ball lightning (lacking a theory, it was long dismissed as retinal afterimages)
* Catastrophism (ridicule of rapid Earth changes, asteroid mass extinctions)
* Child abuse (before 1950, doctors were mystified by “spontaneous” childhood bruising)
* Cooperation or altruism between animals (versus Evolution’s required competition)
* Instantaneous meteor noises (evidence rejected because sound should be delayed by distance)
* Mind-body connection (psychoneuroimmunology, doctors ridiculed any emotional basis for disease)
* Perceptrons (later vindicated as Neural Networks)
* Permanent magnet levitation (“Levitron” shouldn’t have worked)

All of this from here.

The worst part about this appalling behavior is not that these people could not find funding or supporters, but that their work was actively suppressed and senselessly ridiculed by the religious order and priesthood of science. They were subjected to irrational attacks, had their careers damaged, and humanity as a group was made to suffer because people in ignorance are worse off than people who are enlightened.

Of course, the cult of science is not about enlightenment; it is about maintaining absolute control over the perception of reality, so that political agendas can be rolled out without friction.

The IPCC will never feel ashamed of what they are doing I am afraid, because they are DELIBERATELY LYING in order to aid in the rolling out of the system that will exert 100% control of all human beings.

No one should let these monsters invade their homes and the thoughts of their children with their hysterical lies and propaganda, and in the age of the internets, there is no excuse for it.

Anyone who says that something is ‘impossible’ or who turns to ridicule, or university censure procedures to attack someone else’s theories and works is by definition, an enemy of mankind.

Thankfully there are people out there who have some decency and humanity whilst also being scientists. They are the shining lights that keep everyone on the straight path to enlightenment.

And in the end, they always win.

Eine Klein(e) Nachtmusik

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

Bush imposes emergency rule

Police on the streets of Islamabad 3/11/07Police and troops have sealed off the city’s political and judicial core

American President George Bush has declared emergency rule and suspended the country’s constitution. Troops have been deployed inside state-run TV and radio stations, while independent channels have gone off air.

Chief Justice John Roberts, who condemned the moves, has been replaced and is being confined to the Supreme Court with 10 other judges.

It comes as the court was due to rule on the legality of Bush’s re-election victory in October.

The court was to decide whether Bush was eligible to run for election last month while remaining non-compos mentis.

The BBC’s Barbara Plett reports from Washinton DC that fears have been growing in the government that the Supreme Court ruling could go against President Bush.

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf (file photo)

Pervez Musharraf

condemned the move as ‘undemocratic’

Former Vice President Al Gore, who recently returned to the country after years of self-exile to lead his party in planned parliamentary elections, was in New York on a personal visit when news of the declaration broke.

However, he immediately flew to Canada in response.

His return from self-imposed exile last month came about with the co-operation of President Bush.

Our correspondent says that in the changed circumstances he will have to decide whether he is returning to lead the opposition against the president and risk incarceration, or should wait on the sidelines in the hopes of securing power in absentia.

‘Grave threat’

The US’s cabinet is currently meeting to approve Bush’s declaration of emergency rule. He is expected to address the nation later.

The US has been engulfed in political upheaval in recent months and years, and the security forces have suffered a series of blows from pro-freedom militants opposed to Bush’s support for the US-led “war on terror”.


The text of the declaration of emergency says that Bush has invoked emergency rule because of mounting militant attacks and interference by members of the judiciary.

It opens with a reference to the “grave threat” posed by the “visible ascendancy in the activities of extremists and incidents of terrorist attacks, including vocal outbursts by students”.

It ends by saying that the constitution is in “abeyance” – which, according to our correspondent, in effect means that martial law has been imposed, although there is not yet a heavy security presence on the streets.

The political and judicial core of WashingtonDC has been shut down, but the rest of the city is functioning normally, our correspondent says.

New chief justice

She says that it is clear from reading the emergency proclamation the main target is the judiciary which is accused of interfering in government policy and weakening the struggle against internal dissent.

Chief Justice Roberts and eight other judges refused to endorse the emergency order, declaring it unconstitutional, resulting in Mr Robert’s dismissal.

A new chief justice has now been appointed, officials say. He is Supreme Court judge Abdul Hameed Dogar, a supporter of Bush who was a member of the special tribunal appointed to investigate allegations of wrongdoing by Mr Roberts.

BBC correspondents say international reaction to Bush’s move will depend on what he says in an address he is expected to make to the nation shortly.

The key issue will be whether parliamentary elections are to be held – if not he can expect huge street demonstrations by his opponents.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, speaking to CNN, has described the declaration of emergency rule as “highly regrettable” and called upon the US to have free and fair elections.

UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband also expressed concern, saying it was vital the US government “abides by the commitment to hold free and fair elections on schedule”.

Parliamentary elections are due in January – it is not clear whether they will go ahead.


Update: A dissident speaks from within The Fortress

Another politician, former cricketer Imran Khan, said he had been placed under house arrest.

He blamed the increasing extremism in the US on George Bush, saying: “When you stop all legal and constitutional ways of people challenging [the president], then the only ones who challenge him are people with a gun“.

Naomi Wolf finally gets it

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Remember when we tore apart the essay by Naomi Wolf?

Well, now it seems that she has finally woken up to why the Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment into the American Constitution.

In a very recent talk, she correctly identifies Blackwater as a fascist tool and a predictable stage of one of the ten steps that all dictators use to take power, and the reason why everyone needs to have guns.

Better late than never Naomi.

The question is Naomi, what are you going to do about it? Are you now going to dump the Cintons? are you going to finally admit that there is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans?

This video shows that she is highly intelligent, able to think, insightful, and yet, she is still inside the box. She is still inside the Matrix. She, thanks to being more awake, has been able to predict everything that Lord Bush and the Murder Inc. Cabal have been doing by comparing what they do with the methods of previous, by her own words, fascist dictators (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin). What is missing is how she (we) are going to stop it. She says, “we are all going to rise up and stop it…right?”.

Well, I hope that you have been going down to the shooting range Naomi, because that is what it might take in the end.

Lets see what she concludes.

She says if enough people rise up and push back in a weakened democracy, the trend to fascism, can be reversed. To do this, she and some ‘political leaders’ have started The American Freedom Campaign to restore democracy in time to save us. They are 5,000,000 strong and hope for 20,000,000.

She says that the need for a national uprising to restore democracy is absolutely urgent in the face of the violence, the tasering, pepper spraying and the violence of Blackwater.

Her answer to “them ratcheting up the violence and oppression”:

We need to prosecute for treason.

She says that the founders intended ordinary Americans to take care of this problem themselves, and that they should not depend on a professional class of pundits or scholars or lawyers to do this task for them.

She will not say the words. She will not face the final thought.

She says, “assume the patriot’s task and lead the fight to restore democracy”.

Please Naomi…


Let me help you:


When blackwater come to your town to bully you just like the blackshirts did, “believing in your power” will not stop them, only GUNS will stop them.

Do you REALLY THINK that Darth Vader will simply lie down and allow himself to be arrested for TREASON? Go back to your history Naomi; would Hitler just give up? Mussolini?, Stalin?

Stop kidding yourself, get down to the firing range and tell your 5,000,000 friends to do the same. If you are going to storm the Bastille you had better be armed, able and willing to shoot and kill.

Better yet, tell those 5,000,000 to donate twenty dollars each to Ron Paul’s campaign, THEN you might have a chance at avoiding to have to learn how to shoot.

What is most astonishing about Naomi, is that america has gone so far down the road to tyranny that even people like her are starting to wake up and get very frightened, and I feel that she wanted to say ‘Guns’ but was too frightened!, after all, she threw away a book she was carrying rather than have it seen by TSA staff…the end of america indeed.

Thanks to Among These for it.

Matroskoid Nonsense

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

The first BLOGDIAL post where one of the tags is a joke referring to the content of a post.

Doctor pleads guilty in fingerprint case

HARRISBURG, Pa. – A plastic surgeon who replaced the fingerprints of an alleged drug dealer with skin from the bottom of his feet pleaded guilty Thursday to a federal charge of harboring and concealing a fugitive.

Dr. Jose L. Covarrubias, a U.S. citizen who lived in the border town of Nogales, Ariz., and practiced medicine in neighboring Nogales, Mexico, faces up to five years in prison when he is sentenced Feb. 11.

A plea agreement requires Covarrubias, 49, to cooperate with prosecutors in their investigation of a Harrisburg-based drug ring. All other charges were dismissed.

The charges stemmed from surgery Covarrubias performed on co-defendant Marc George, 42, of Jamaica. The doctor replaced George’s fingerprints with skin from his feet to help him avoid apprehension, authorities said.

George, accused of being a drug and cash courier, paid the doctor about $20,000 to replace his fingerprints with skin from his feet to help him avoid apprehension, authorities said. He was still limping badly when he was arrested at the Nogales border crossing in September 2005 on a charge of money laundering.

Covarrubias’ attorney, Stephen G. Ralls, said the doctor had “a lapse of judgment” but did not know specifically what George was wanted for. The doctor had no previous criminal record, Ralls said.

Covarrubias was being held as a flight risk at the Adams County Jail in Gettysburg.

Prosecutors allege the drug ring conspired to buy marijuana from Tucson, Ariz., and elsewhere and distributed more than a ton of it in central Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and other areas between 2004 and 2006.

Assistant U.S. Attorney William Behe, the lead prosecutor, said all but one of the 35 defendants in the case have signed plea agreements and most have pleaded guilty and been sentenced. The other defendant remains at large, he said.

George has signed a plea agreement and is expected to plead guilty at a hearing next week.


Yahoo News

This is nonsense inside nonsense.

Firstly, the ‘war on drugs’ is insane. This man should not have been hounded for trying to sell dried plants. Its as stupid as arresting people for selling dried tomatoes.

Secondly, the insane biometric mania that is spreading to all four corners of the earth is a direct result and comes out of this insane ‘war on drugs’, and has created the need, Minority Report style, for people to have their fingerprints and soon, their eyes replaced by rogue doctors.

The equation is this: no ‘war on drugs’ = no organized crime = no insane laws = more freedom + less violence


Rebuilding Superman

Thursday, November 1st, 2007


The celebration of the ‘body beautiful’ in the 1920s and 1930s is commonly associated with fascist Italy or nazi Germany. Focusing on the physical culture movement, this article argues that the endeavour to build a ‘superman’ was not confined to fascist dictatorships or Britain’s small fascist parties. There is an extensive literature on the ‘superman’ as a political icon and on the role of sport under fascism in Italy and nazi Germany. For Britain, Dan Stone has traced the influence of Nietzschean ideas on intellectuals and eugenicists who, if not fascist, were located at ‘the extremes of Englishness’. By contrast, the physical culture movement which originated in the late nineteenth century has received rather less attention. Joanna Bourke has portrayed the movement as a site of male bonding, uniting men through ‘worship of the gorgeous physique’ and offering techniques to develop male bodies to enhance military prowess, economic success and social harmony.


From here posted because of this from the Telegraph:

Ministers are designing new towns dedicated to promoting healthy living in a bid to tackle Britain’s obesity epidemic, it has been reported.

Health Secretary Alan Johnson said 10 “eco towns” already being planned by the Government to minimise the environmental impact of new housing should be extended to become “fit towns” […]

So still no new ideas from the current set of dunderheads.