Archive for the 'Astonishing' Category

What 5.4 billion gets you these days

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

1 ID card system for the first ten years (read: 1 extremely rich IT consultancy firm and no working ID card database)

About 7% of a new nuclear deterrent. (which is the greater waste of money?)
Around 100 new hospitals.

1000 pounds of tax back in the hands of every man, woman and child in the country.

Over 200,000 of these…

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… anyway…. I digress. What a neat beard that man has.
Been listening to Sinead O’Connor (Lion and the Cobra) and the Waterboys (eponymous) a bit tonight. It’s been a long time. Makes me feel old and young at once. And it’s good to have a sing along now and again.

A new documentary for you

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

America Freedom To Fascism

There are many great documentaries out there today. We are finally seeing the critical mass of both near zero cost distribution and  super cheap filming and editing equipment coming together in a runaway chain reactoin of information that is literally changing the world before our eyes.

Now all we need is the next element to go critical; the mass refusal of the population to engage with the global insanity that has gripped this world. A world-wide chain reaction of non cooperation with the nonsense, warmongering, waste and unrefined sleaze that makes all of our lives less pleasant than they should be.

More Sci-Fi dystopia gear breaking into our reality

Sunday, September 17th, 2006

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Big Brother is not only watching you – now he’s barking orders too. Britain’s first ‘talking’ CCTV cameras have arrived, publicly berating bad behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more responsibly.

The system allows control room operators who spot any anti-social acts – from dropping litter to late-night brawls – to send out a verbal warning: ‘We are watching you’.

Middlesbrough has fitted loudspeakers on seven of its 158 cameras in an experiment already being hailed as a success. Jack Bonner, who manages the system, said: ‘It is one hell of a deterrent. It’s one thing to know that there are CCTV cameras about, but it’s quite another when they loudly point out what you have just done wrong.

‘Most people are so ashamed and embarrassed at being caught they quickly slink off without further trouble.

‘There was one incident when two men started fighting outside a nightclub. One of the control room operators warned them over the loudspeakers and they looked up, startled, stopped fighting and scarpered in opposite directions.

‘This isn’t about keeping tabs on people, it’s about making the streets safer for the law-abiding majority and helping to change the attitudes of those who cause trouble. It challenges unacceptable behaviour and makes people think twice.’

The Mail on Sunday watched as a cyclist riding through a pedestrian area was ordered to stop.

‘Would the young man on the bike please get off and walk as he is riding in a pedestrian area,’ came the command.

The surprised youth stopped, and looked about. A look of horror spread across his face as he realised the voice was referring to him.

He dismounted and wheeled his bike through the crowded streets, as instructed.

Law-abiding shopper Karen Margery, 40, was shocked to hear the speakers spring into action as she walked past them.

Afterwards she said: ‘It’s quite scary to realise that your every move could be monitored – it really is like Big Brother.

‘But Middlesbrough does have a big problem with anti-social behaviour, so it is very reassuring.’

The scheme has been introduced by Middlesbrough mayor Ray Mallon, a former police superintendent who was dubbed Robocop for pioneering the zero-tolerance approach to crime.

He believes the talking cameras will dramatically cut not just anti-social behaviour, but violent crime, too.

And if the city centre scheme proves a success, it will be extended into residential areas.

The control room operators have been given strict guidelines about what commands they can give. Yelling ‘Oi you, stop that’, is not permitted.

Instead, their instructions make the following suggestions: ‘Warning – you are being monitored by CCTV – Warning – you are in an alcohol-free zone, please refrain from drinking’; and Warning – your behaviour is being monitored by CCTV. It is being recorded and the police are attending.’

Mr Bonner said: ‘We always make the requests polite, and if the offender obeys, the operator adds ‘thank you’. We think that’s a nice finishing touch.

‘It would appear that the offenders are the only ones who find the audio cameras intrusive. The vast majority of people welcome these cameras.

‘Put it this way, we never have requests to remove them.’

But civil rights campaigners have argued that the talking cameras are no ‘magic bullet’, in the fight against crime.

Liberty spokesman Doug Jewell said: ‘None of us likes litterbugs or yobs playing up on a Saturday night, but talking CCTV cameras are no substitute for police officers on the beat.’ […]

Daily Mail

How long will it take for people to start SMASHING these cameras and their associated equipment?

What the ‘terrorists’ want. Lets find out.

Friday, September 15th, 2006

On August 16, two men were escorted off a plane headed for Manchester, England, because some passengers thought they looked either Asian or Middle Eastern, might have been talking Arabic, wore leather jackets, and looked at their watches — and the passengers refused to fly with them on board.  The men were questioned for several hours and then released.

On August 15, an entire airport terminal was evacuated because someone’s cosmetics triggered a false positive for explosives. The same day, a Muslim man was removed from an airplane in Denver for reciting prayers. The Transportation Security Administration decided that the flight crew overreacted, but he still had to spend the night in Denver before flying home the next day.  The next day, a Port of Seattle terminal was evacuated because a couple of dogs gave a false alarm for explosives.

On August 19, a plane made an emergency landing in Tampa, Florida, after the crew became suspicious because two of the lavatory doors were locked. The plane was searched, but nothing was found. Meanwhile, a man who tampered with a bathroom smoke detector on a flight to San Antonio was cleared of terrorism, but only after having his house searched.

On August 16, a woman suffered a panic attack and became violent on a flight from London to Washington, so the plane was escorted to the Boston airport by fighter jets. “The woman was carrying hand cream and matches but was not a terrorist threat,” said the TSA spokesman after the incident.

And on August 18, a plane flying from London to Egypt made an emergency landing in Italy when someone found a bomb threat scrawled on an air sickness bag. Nothing was found on the plane, and no one knows how long the note was on board.

I’d like everyone to take a deep breath and listen for a minute.

The point of terrorism is to cause terror, sometimes to further a political goal and sometimes out of sheer hatred. The people terrorists kill are not the targets; they are collateral damage. And blowing up planes, trains, markets, or buses is not the goal; those are just tactics.  The real targets of terrorism are the rest of us: the billions of us who are not killed but are terrorized because of the killing. The real point of terrorism is not the act itself, but our reaction to the act.

And we’re doing exactly what the terrorists want.

We’re all a little jumpy after the recent arrest of 23 terror suspects in Great Britain. The men were reportedly plotting a liquid-explosive attack on airplanes, and both the press and politicians have been trumpeting the story ever since.

In truth, it’s doubtful that their plan would have succeeded; chemists have been debunking the idea since it became public. Certainly the suspects were a long way off from trying: None had bought airline tickets, and some didn’t even have passports.

Regardless of the threat, from the would-be bombers’ perspective, the explosives and planes were merely tactics. Their goal was to cause terror, and in that they’ve succeeded.

Imagine for a moment what would have happened if they had blown up ten planes. There would be canceled flights, chaos at airports, bans on carry-on luggage, world leaders talking tough new security measures, political posturing and all sorts of false alarms as jittery people panicked. To a lesser degree, that’s basically what’s happening right now.

Our politicians help the terrorists every time they use fear as a campaign tactic. The press helps every time it writes scare stories about the plot and the threat. And if we’re terrified, and we share that fear, we help. All of these actions intensify and repeat the terrorists’ actions, and increase the effects of their terror.

(I am not saying that the politicians and press are terrorists, or that they share any of the blame for terrorist attacks. I’m not that stupid. But the subject of terrorism is more complex than it appears, and understanding its various causes and effects are vital for understanding how to best deal with it.)

The implausible plots and false alarms actually hurt us in two ways. Not only do they increase the level of fear, but they also waste time and resources that could be better spent fighting the real threats and increasing actual security. I’ll bet the terrorists are laughing at us.

Another thought experiment: Imagine for a moment that the British government arrested the 23 suspects without fanfare. Imagine that the TSA and its European counterparts didn’t engage in pointless airline security measures like banning liquids. And imagine that the press didn’t write about it endlessly, and that the politicians didn’t use the event to remind us all how scared we should be. If we’d reacted that way, then the terrorists would have truly failed.

It’s time we calm down and fight terror with anti-terror. This does not mean that we simply roll over and accept terrorism. There are things our government can and should do to fight terrorism, most of them involving intelligence and investigation — and not focusing on specific plots.

But our job is to remain steadfast in the face of terror, to refuse to be terrorized. Our job is to not panic every time two Muslims stand together checking their watches. There are approximately 1 billion Muslims in the world, a large percentage of them not Arab, and about 320 million Arabs in the Middle East, the overwhelming majority of them not terrorists. Our job is to think critically and rationally, and to ignore the cacophony of other interests trying to use terrorism to advance political careers or increase a television show’s viewership.

The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized. Our job is to recognize that terrorism is just one of the risks we face, and not a particularly common one at that. And our job is to fight those politicians who use fear as an excuse to take away our liberties and promote security theater that wastes money and doesn’t make us any safer. […]Incidents: or or or,,-6024132,00.html
There have been many more incidents since I wrote this — all false alarms.  I’ve stopped keeping a list.

The chemical unreality of the plot: or or,,2-2306994,00.html

This essay also makes the same point that we’re overreacting, as well as describing a 1995 terrorist plot that was remarkably similar in both materials and modus operandi — and didn’t result in a complete ban on liquids.

My previous related writings:

This essay originally appeared in Wired:,71642-0.html

Uh oh.
Bruce is wrong to say that terrorists cause terror “sometimes out of sheer hatred”. This is never the case. Terrorists are highly intelligent men who have internally logical reasoning for their actions and tactics, that anyone would turn to if they were in their shoes. The americans did 200 years ago. The Israelis did, to get their own state. The ANC did to rid themselvs of Aparthied. Were all of these people acting out of ‘sheer hatred’?

I think not.
To say that governments do not share any of the blame for terrorist attacks is beyond naive. It is a matter of public record that many governments use terror attacks for political ends.

If you do not believe the facts, that is stupid. Stupid and dangerous.

Part of having real security means understanding the whole problem. What bruce is doing by saying that governments are not involved in terrorism is the same as saying that a computer connected to the internet without a firewall is safe from tampering because the keyboard and mouse have been removed. He should know better. Its not hard to find out the facts about the true nature of terror both in this and the last century, and if you are going to write about solving this problem, you must at least study it in its entirety and not from the spoon fed pabulum perspective of “they hate our freedom”.
Bruce is right however in saying that there are things our government(s) can and should do to fight terrorism; the primary one is not to terrorize other people in their own countries.

Americans are astonishingly insular and ignorant of their own history. Even the highly intelligent ones. This is why we are in the situation we are in today.  By all means, do not travel out of your own country; be ignorant of everywhere else in the world, but for heavens sake, pay close attention to what your own government is doing in your name.

It’s true. It’s weird. It’s nuts.

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

It’s true. It’s weird. It’s nuts. The Department of Homeland Security, after a five-year hunt for Osama, has finally brought charges against … Greg Palast. I kid you not. Send your cakes with files to the Air America wing at Guantanamo.

Though not just yet. Fatherland Security has informed me that television producer Matt Pascarella and I have been charged with unauthorized filming of a “critical national security structure” in Louisiana.

On August 22, for LinkTV and Democracy Now! we videotaped the thousands of Katrina evacuees still held behind a barbed wire in a trailer park encampment a hundred miles from New Orleans. It’s been a year since the hurricane and 73,000 POW’s (Prisoners of W) are still in this aluminum ghetto in the middle of nowhere. One resident, Pamela Lewis said, “It is a prison set-up” — except there are no home furloughs for these inmates because they no longer have homes.

To give a sense of the full flavor and smell of the place, we wanted to show that this human parking lot, with kids and elderly, is nearly adjacent to the Exxon Oil refinery, the nation’s second largest, a chemical-belching behemoth.

So we filmed it. Without Big Brother’s authorization. Uh, oh. Apparently, the broadcast of these stinking smokestacks tipped off Osama that, if his assassins pose as poor Black folk, they can get a cramped Airstream right next to a “critical infrastructure” asset.

So now Matt and I have a “criminal complaint” lodged against us with the feds.

The positive side for me as a journalist is that I get to see our terror-busters in action. I should note that it took the Maxwell Smarts at Homeland Security a full two weeks to hunt us down.

Frankly, we were a bit scared that, given the charges, we wouldn’t be allowed on a plane into New York last night. But what scared us more is that we were allowed on the plane.

Once I was traced, I had a bit of an other-worldly conversation with my would-be captors. Detective Frank Pananepinto of Homeland Security told us, “This is a ‘Critical Infrastructure’ … and they get nervous about unauthorized filming of their property.

Well, me too, Detective. In fact, I’m very nervous that this potential chemical blast-site can be mapped in extreme detail at this Google Map location

What also makes me nervous is that the Bush Terror Terriers have kindly indicated on the Internet that this unprotected critical infrastructure can be targeted — I mean located — at 30º 29′ 11″ N Latitude and 91º 11′ 39″ W Longitude.

After I assured Detective Pananepinto, “I can swear to you that I’m not part of Al Qaeda,” he confirmed that, “Louisiana is still part of the United States,” subject to the first amendment and he was therefore required to divulge my accuser.

Not surprisingly, it was Exxon Corporation, one of a handful of companies not in love with my investigations. [See “A Well-Designed Disaster: the Untold Story of the Exxon Valdez.“]

So I rang America’s top petroleum pusher-men and asked their media relations honcho in Houston, Marc Boudreaux, a simple question. “Do you want us to go to jail or not? Is it Exxon’s position that reporters should go to jail?” Because, all my dumb-ass jokes aside, that is what’s at stake. And Exxon knew we were journalists because we showed our press credential to the Exxon guards at the refinery entrance.

The Exxon man was coy: “Well, we’ll see what we can find out…. Obviously it’s important to national security that we have supplies from that refinery in the event of an emergency.”

Really? According to the documents our team uncovered from the offices of Exxon’s lawyer, Mr. James Baker, the oil industry is more than happy to see a limit on worldwide crude production. Indeed, the current squeeze has jacked the price of oil from $24 a barrel to $64 and refined products have jumped yet higher — resulting in a record-busting profit for Exxon of nearly $1 billion per week.

So this silly “criminal complaint” has nothing to do with stopping Al Qaeda or keeping the oil flowing. It has everything to do with obstructing news reports in a way that no one would have dared attempt before the September 11 attack.

Dectective Pananepinto, in justifying our impending bust, said, “If you remember, a lot of people were killed on 9/11.”

Yes, Detective, I remember that very well: my office was in the World Trade Center. Lucky for me, I was out of town that day. It was not a lucky day for 3,000 others.

Yes, I remember “a lot” of people were killed. So I have this suggestion, Detective — and you can pass it on to Mr. Bush: Go and find the people who killed them.

It’s been five years and the Bush regime has not done that. Instead, the War on Terror is reduced to taking off our shoes in airports, hoping we can bomb Muslims into loving America and chasing journalists around the bayou. Meanwhile, King Abdullah, the Gambino of oil, whose princelings funded the murderers, gets a free ride in the President’s golf cart at the Crawford ranch.

I guess I shouldn’t complain. After all, Matt and I look pretty good in orange.  […]

TrueMajority TrulyStupid and Truly Representative

Friday, September 8th, 2006
  • Stop JonBenet Overload; Remember the REAL News
  • Irdial/ What your Senator said about Rumsfeld
  • What did we accomplish, anyway?
  • Irdial/ Here’s what your Rep. had to say on Iraq
  • Follow the money
  • VICTORY … If we can keep it. Act Now.
  • Stop Fake News
  • IRAQ FOR SALE/ The War Profiteers Screening
  • TODAY/ Stand Up to Rumsfeld
  • Federal Budget PRIORITIES Campaign is Rocking
  • Enough JonBenet!
  • Success on Fake News – Now on to the Budget
  • On Hiroshima day, send an e-card that will stop the madness
  • Keep the Internet Free
  • Israel, Lebanon and America/ Tell Rep. Nadler to get involved
  • LAST DAY/ Keep this Show on the Road
  • Last Chance — IRAQ FOR SALE/ The War Profiteers Screening
  • It’s not too early for a good idea

That is a list of the recent subjects sent out to all ‘TrueMajority’ subscribers. Lets go through some of them.

Stop Fake News
Information is the life blood of democracy. If we lose trust in the news, how can citizens possibly make informed decisions at the polls?

Some TV stations air “news segments” that look like everyday journalism but that are actually produced by the federal government or large corporations and are designed to promote a political position or product.

The Federal Communications Commission must enforce rules stating that TV stations “must clearly disclose” when they air news segments produced by the government or other entities.

To send a message (text below) to FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin urging him to ban fake news, click here.

Instead of whining, why don’t you START YOUR OWN NEWS CHANNEL like Alex Jones has? He has reached millions of people with his films and websites with a small team, and had a global influence.

What did we accomplish, anyway?
[…]Tax Breaks for Millionaires. The polls are clear, and the citizens let Congress have it: diverting billions to those who don’t need it by raising the deficit and further reducing spending on human needs is bad policy. The House did pass a giveaway to millionaires, but the Senate won’t touch it because now they don’t have the votes to pass it. So far so good.[…]

[…]America’s Occupation of Iraq. American troops are still dying in Iraq. But thanks to ongoing pressure from citizens like you, Congress is finally starting to discuss our course in that country, and many who originally supported the invasion have come out in opposition to the war. TrueMajority launched an online innovation to let you know what your congressmember said during a heated daylong debate about Iraq. Thousands of you contacted your lawmakers to thank them for standing up or to tell them to get it right. We even heard back from some congressmembers themselves who weren’t happy that we exposed their usually hidden pronouncements to public scrutiny. We got a lot of feedback from you on this. Here’s one example:[…]

[…]Save Public Broadcasting. PBS and NPR are again under attack by those who would silence public broadcasting’s alternative to commercial media. The House Appropriations Committee voted to slash funding for NPR and PBS by $115 million, but TrueMajority members joined tens of thousands of others who objected. The Senate subcommittee in charge of that money just voted to restore funding…we citizens may have turned this one around.[…]

Firstly, Sour grapes bullshit doesnt stop wars or reform society. YOU, you fucking morons, ARE THE BILLIONAIRES, with your MASSED DOLLARS. As a group, you are more powerful and wealthy than any single man. This jealously driven garbage is so twentieth century, so childish, irrelevant and pathetic I can scarcely believe people still talk like this.

Secondly, Nothing you say will change what is going on in Iraq. The embassy they YOU are building in Iraq, the biggest one on earth, indicates that you are going to be there for a very very long time. Wake up you idiots.

Thirdly, and once again, Start your own TV station if you want free TV. Don’t rely on Uncle Sham to finance it and support it, and if you want your money to be spent on that, well, spend it on that and not war you imbeciles which neatly leads us to…

the final inslut (yes, ‘inslut’):

Follow the money
Already presidential hopefuls for the 2008 elections are trooping thru Iowa and New Hampshire. And TrueMajority organizers are on the ground working to make sure that this time they are forced to take a stand on how the federal budget pie gets sliced up. We want more money for education, healthcare and energy independence, without raising taxes or increasing the deficit. And we can get it with your help. We’re off to a great start – the plan, with the backing of congressmembers, big-time business executives and even retired generals and admirals, is beginning to make headlines.

The idea is simple: America fritters away billions of taxpayer dollars every year on maintaining 10,000 nuclear bombs and other obsolete Cold-War weapons. According to President Reagan’s Assistant Secretary of Defense1, we could save $60 billion (out of the $460 billion Pentagon budget) by getting rid of those dinosaurs. Polls show a big majority of our fellow citizens already agree with the idea – all we have to do is start the discussion.

And we’re doing it in a way which is fun, entertaining, and engages regular people.

What these people need to do is something we have been saying for ages, others have been saying for longer and some have just said. They need to ‘follow the money’ right back into their own pockets, where these insane wars, Orwellian police state, barbarism, international adventurism, Hegemonic contamination and bullshit starts.

I have said it before; begging will get you nowhere. Petition writing, mass telephoning, letter writing…all of these are meaningless gestures at best, and at worse, tools to deflate and disempower the masses; redirecting and even sapping their energy as the war machine trundles on, gaining momentum every day that it is fed. These people are as bad as the enemy; they, through their actions, do nothing to stop the war machine, do nothing to educate their members and as they do this, in no way hider the monsters plotting our total enslavement to war.

StopWar are of the exact same type of course.

There can be no Iraq ‘war profiteering’ if there are no dollars to buy weapons. There is actually nothing wrong with selling arms; what is criminal is that all these nincompoops blithely pay for these arms instead of paying for infrastructure, like their beloved PBS.

If they had a single brain cell between them, and followed the course of total permanent success, then there would be no begging, no pleading…there would be a quiet, and startling sunrise on a new democracy, a fine grained democracy where warmongering is impossible, there is an abundance of funding for everything imaginable that is purely beneficial, and multi generational peace and prosperity that will be the envy of the world. It would mean the end of the fear that is soaking into the bones of all americans. It would mean a return to the real America. Those missing buildings in NYC would symbolize the birth of this new era of peace, and not the point at which everything turned bad.

Nothing less than this will do. Nothing less than the cutting off of the blood supply to the vampires will solve this problem. It needs to be done now. No more pointless elections. No more faith in politicians. No more begging and whining. A return to true democracy, where choices are local and the effects are global, where the constitution is not ‘just a piece of paper’ but the foundation of a true and beneficial way of life.


You can continue whining, writing to congress, emailing your many members, making flash animations explaining that ‘we are paying WAY too much to the military’.

And nothing will change, and your sons will be drafted for war, and your rights will melt away and evaporate like ice dropped on an Arizona street in the middle of summer. You will be treated like cattle to be milked and sheep to be fleeced, and you will deserve it, because you are behaving like domesticated animals instead of human beings.

Fool me once….

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

The chairman of British betting company Sportingbet, Peter Dicks, was detained by American authorities in the early hours of today in what is being seen as a further crackdown on online gambling.

Mr Dicks is being held at JFK Airport by the Police Department of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey after a warrant was issued by the Louisiana State Police. Police sources said that the charges related to Louisiana’s strict laws on gambling by computer but that no Federal charges were involved.

The Port Authority confirmed his detention with a spokesperson saying: “We were acting as the middle man. We were informed that Mr Dicks was wanted on an out-of-state warrant.” Mr Dicks was expected to be extradited to Louisiana to face charges.The detention of Mr Dicks, 64, comes just two months after David Carruthers, the chief executive of BetOnSports was arrested in Texas on alleged fraud and racketeering charges. Mr Carruthers, who has maintained his innocence, was on his way to the company’s offices in Costa Rica.

Mr Dicks was detained while travelling to the country on non-company business. A spokesman for Sportingbet could not confirm whether he had been arrested or charges levelled.

He faces a US hearing at 2pm London and 9am Eastern time.

But the City immediately took fright and marked online gaming companies’ shares down heavily.

PartyGaming, which today posted a 47 per cent increase in first-half profits to $380 million, fell as much as 11 per cent. It was trading later down 8.74 per cent at 107p.

And World Gaming, which revealed today that it was in talks to be taken over by Sportingbet in a deal worth £57.6 million, crashed more than 28 per cent to just 66p. Sportingbet has been considering an offer of 104p a share for the company.

888 Holdings tumbled more than 12 per cent to 149.25p.

Sportingbet asked for its shares to be suspended “pending clarification of the situation”. The shares were suspended at 239p, down 2.05 per cent since the open.

At this price Sportingbet is worth more than £1 billion.

BetOnSports dismissed Mr Carruthers in the wake of his arrest and the charges. It has shut the office in Costa Rica and culled its staff.

Confidence in internet gambling operators has taken a serious knocking since the arrest of Mr Carruthers with some regulators in America determined to outlaw online activities.

Sports betting is currently deemed illegal by US residents, while A Bill has been passed by the House of Representatives that, if approved later by the Senate, would tighten the laws across the board on betting in the US. […]

The Times

You can’t make this stuff up. Anyone with even a rabbits sense of self preservation would avoid the USA after their colleague was arrested in the way that he was, now a Chairman also?


Service Guarantees Citizenship

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

… that the notorious No Child Left Behind Act includes a sneaky section that requires high schools to turn over private information on students to military recruiters?

And that the Pentagon has created an illegal database of 30 million 16-25 year-olds, including names, addresses, email addresses, cell phone numbers, ethnicities, social security numbers, extracurricular activities, and areas of study?

Yikes. What do we do? Any way you look at it, this is a family privacy nightmare, another strong-arming of our local schools, and a creepy warm-up to a possible draft. However, it’s also a great reason to get together and take action.

So, whether you’re a parent, teacher, school administrator, veteran or just another adamant American concerned about privacy rights, look for an action that you like and JOIN US!

How about if you refuse to pay for these ‘services’ that you don’t need or want?

Cheney-Specter, No Kings and Regicide

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

Three Bills Threaten the Constitution and Your Privacy

In the Senate, the Cheney-Specter Bill (S. 2453), would enshrine in federal law the president’s claim of inherent, exclusive power to set government spies loose on your phone calls and emails at will, without any individualized warrant or independent check.  It would also give officials complicit in the government’s illegal spying program a “get out of jail free card” by re-writing the criminal code after the fact, exempting the government from FISA.

The Cheney-Specter bill would make individualized warrants optional while allowing a secret court to rubber-stamp the wholesale surveillance of Americans, without even knowing the names of the Americans to be wiretapped or whether they’ve done anything wrong.

Also in the Senate, Senator DeWine’s “Terrorist Surveillance Program Act of 2006” (S. 2455) makes judicial review of wiretaps optional and permits government spies to engage in surveillance for several weeks without any court order or oversight at all.  Even after spying on potentially innocent Americans for 45 days, the Bush administration could bypass judicial approval, deciding for themselves if they want to follow the Constitution or not.

In the House, the Cheney-Wilson Bill (H.R. 5825) would allow the president to secretly search Americans’ homes, businesses, conversations and e-mails without warrants for months at a time if there were an attack.  The bill would also make judicial review “optional” for wiretapping Americans after 90 days of warrantless surveillance, and obviously optional rules providing a judicial check do not square with the mandatory check required by the Constitution.  Both the Cheney-Specter bill and the Wilson bill also redefine the meaning of electronic surveillance to allow more warrantless surveillance of Americans through the back door.

It would literally put our rights in the hands of terrorists, allowing an attack on any US territory to suspend our constitutional right to have a warrant issued before the government searches our homes and offices, or secretly listens in on our conversations.

Your calls today and in the weeks to come will help make sure your elected officials know you are counting on them to stand up to the Bush-Cheney White House and protect your rights by voting against these bills.

One of the underlying problems with any legislation on the NSA warrantless wiretapping program is that Congress has yet to hold any real, substantive investigation into the issue and get any commitment from the president that he will actually follow any laws on the books, let alone new laws.  Lawmakers must not legislate in the dark on an issue with such broad implications for our fundamental privacy rights.  Just recently, a federal judge in Detroit found the program to be illegal and unconstitutional.  The court, in a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, noted that, “there are no hereditary Kings in America and no powers not created by the Constitution.”  No president has the power or the right to break the law and disregard the Constitution. […]


There are no hereditary Kings in America.

Do not get out of jail free

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

An Iraqi asylum seeker who was cleared yesterday of making a video identifying potential terrorist targets in London faces being issued with a government control order, the Guardian has learned.

Rauf Abdullah Mohammad, 26, sunk his head into his hands as he was found not guilty at Woolwich crown court of four terrorism charges related to making the tape. The crown had alleged the video was a film of “high-profile targets” made to help Islamist terrorists plot and commit an attack on the capital.

But the jury, with their not guilty verdicts, appeared to accept Mr Mohammad’s case that the hour-long film was a souvenir of his time in London […]

So let’s get this straight. The Home Office isn’t even bothering with an appeal but the opinion is that the Home Secretary will be able to dish out ‘punishment’ simply because of government suspicions.

If anyone from the “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” camp can argue their case after this I’d be amazed. Because they are essentially arguing that the whole basis of UK law is worthless and can be bypassed by a politician. Traitors that they are.

The UK is a bigger terrorist threat to the US than any other country

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

You may be thinking, okay this time MM has really lost it, but that isn’t my sentiment, rather it is that of ‘New Rpublic’ magazine (which says a lot) and some guy who appeared on the Toady programme’s regular 08:48(ish) F.E.A.R. slot. It was reported (yet again) that trrrrrrrrrrrrsts are exploiting the UK’s freedoms to plot terror antics against the US and may exploit the Visa Waiver Programme to board planes and blow up your family into bite sized bits of fish food whilst their dead souls cavort with pretty maidens (I’m paraphrasing). In any case this is clearly as softening of the ground for either removal of the Visa Waiver Programme AFTER insisting on access to PNR and biometrics in PURELY order to maintain the VWP, or to veal crate the population into giving over more information to prime the NIR database, or more likely BOTH.

btw Murdoch approves

Police States make me Hot

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Old News….

The concept of never being able to carry a liquid on a plane again has me rapt with JOY! I feel… I feel… so SAFE. I hope the next step is to have built-in stomach pump SECURITY TECHNOLOGY at airports. Crazy, you say? No, YOU’RE crazy. Everyone has terrorist-sponsored deadly HYDROCHLORIC ACID in their stomachs, PERFECT to bring down an entire plane in a flaming horror going straight to hell. With this new deadly STOMACH ACID PLOT, even your very NEIGHBOUR could be the terrorizer!! Be sure to report their every move to your local police station, ESPECIALLY if there’s a tree involved.

ALRIGHT. Is that fear boiling pretty good now? Ready to be manipulated? Yeah? Okay, here we go:

Airport ban on carrying liquids is permanent, warn security chiefs

Barrie Clement / London Independent | August 25 2006

The 200 million passengers who pass through British airports each year will face high levels of security “permanently”, senior government officials say.

Passengers will be ban-ned from taking liquids bought outside the security screening zone on an “enduring basis”, security experts at the Department for Transport (DfT) said.

The officials indicated that any relaxation of the rules would depend on the development of technology able to detect all potentially explosive liquids, the perceived level of threat and the experience gained from operating the procedures.

At present, the equipment was only partly successful. “It is a big step to go from a concept that works in the lab to one that works in a complex airport environment,” the experts said.

But don’t think they want to make the technology easier to use in the airports – quite the contrary! Total success will ONLY be acheived when security lineups spill out the doors and onto the streets. If passengers aren’t being treated like pigs at a battery farm, the government isn’t doing enough to SERVE them.

The rest of this article goes on much like the bbq piece posted earlier, wait… uh… it’s a LOT like the bbq piece posted earlier… er… you wouldn’t suspect this to be a cut-and-pasted PR piece would you? Why, that would be not only SHOCKING but also SURPRISING!

But MEGA X-RAYZ are not the only helpful new technology coming your way from your friends at the airport. But don’t stop flying, okay? Because that means the terrorists have won. (wait, who are the terrorists again?…)

Would you like to know more?

Friday, August 25th, 2006

reported by ChrishAugust 24, 200639 comments

Just think about that for a moment. It’s simple, it’s concise, it’s scary, and it’s a warning. Are you good and scared? Enough to support the administration in another pre-emptive attack against another country that poses no threat to us? That’s what the drill is and has been at FOX News for months and months now.

William Rivers Pitt wrote in January that

“The intelligence specialists in the United States, Germany and Israel all agree that Iran is between three and five years away from being able to manufacture nuclear weapons. This, of course, is based on the premise that such manufacture is Iran’s goal. Take it as a given that it is, and we have at least three years to use diplomacy, economic pressures and possibly sanctions to keep them from creating these bombs.But “three to five years” isn’t going to help the GOP win the midterm elections. They need things to be scary, and they need things to be scary now. The same right-wing groups that ginned up the fantasy that Iraq was laden with weapons of mass destruction, and was an imminent threat, are now at work building up a martial froth about Iran. They did this in time for the midterms last time, and are preparing to do it again.

United Press International carried a story last Thursday about a group called the Foundation for Democracy in Iran. This group, according to the UPI story, claims that, “Tehran is planning a nuclear weapons test before the Iranian New Year on March 20, 2006.” FDI, according to the story, offered absolutely no proof to back this claim. But that’s not three to five years. That’s less than ten weeks. Scary stuff, right?

Take a closer look, however, and you can see the fingerprints of the architects of our current Iraq boondoggle all over this. The Foundation for Democracy in Iran is run by a man named Kenneth Timmerman. Timmerman is umbilically connected to the godfather of right-wing think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute. It was the American Enterprise Institute that spawned the Project for the New American Century, the think tank that gave us Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, the original noise about Iraqi WMD, and the idea that a military takeover of the entire Mideast is a bully idea. The same people that terrorized the American people into unnecessary war in Iraq are preparing to do the same with Iran, and all in time for the midterms.”

And Larissa Alexandrova of has written for :

” The Bush administration continues to bypass standard intelligence channels and use what some believe to be propaganda tactics to create a compelling case for war with Iran, US foreign experts and former US intelligence officials have said.One former senior intelligence official is particularly concerned by private briefings that Vice President Dick Cheney is getting from former Office of Special Plans (OSP) Director, Abram Shulsky.

“Vice President Cheney is relying on personal briefings from Shulsky for current intelligence on Iran,” said this intelligence official.

Shulsky, a leading Neoconservative and member of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), headed the shadowy and secretive Department of Defense’s OSP in the lead-up to the Iraq war — helping to locate intelligence that would support the Bush administration’s case for war with Iraq.Several foreign policy experts, who wish to remain anonymous, have expressed serious concern that much like the OSP, the ID is manipulating, cherry picking, and perhaps even — as some suspect — cooking intelligence to lead the U.S. into another conflict, this time with Iran.

“Cheney distrusts the information being disseminated by CIA on Iran,” said one former senior intelligence official. “The reports assembled by the Iranian Directorate at the Pentagon differ significantly from the analysis produced by the Intelligence Community. The Pentagon Iranian Directorate relies on thin and unsupported reporting from foreign sources.”

FOX is doing their part in preparing the American public for the necessity of a strike on Iran with an incessant, literal drumbeat of war, evidenced here in part:











The tactic of drilling and repitition has been well documented on this site. Remember the “flip-flop” segment in “Outfoxed“? Tax and spend? Cut and run? This is more of the same, seen regularly on most of the major shows. Viewers are indoctrinated to believing there’s a “showdown” (great, I thought we were done with failed cowboy diplomacy) and Bush is going to swagger into Iran and save us, like he did in Iraq.

I’ll give these people one thing, no matter how horribly things are going they don’t deviate from Plan A. Some people say that’s resolute but more and more people say that’s just dumb. Maybe even insane.

Taken with the recent blatant media manipulation of declaring terror threats for political purposes, this administration retains no credibility to skeptical, tired Americans. Only the ideologically blinded cannot see (or will not see) that they are being yanked around – again. […]

To defeat the bug, you must understand the bug.

Is this really happening? I mean honestly, when we used to see examples of this sort of TV in the movies,  we laughed our bollocks off, and now, its REAL and RIGHT IN OUR FACES.

Would you like to know more?

Ex Prime Minister of Malaysia “Bliar: Liar and Poodle”

Friday, August 25th, 2006

You should take a look at:

MEMRI’s recording of an extensive Islam Channel interview with former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad, who sounds in parts like a BLOGDIAL reader and 20AC pumper.

The Islam Channel is an amazing resource; it covers all of Europe and its footprint stretches much further afield. Its news shows everything that BBQ wont, and its pundits are down to earth and go for the jugular every time.

Necessity: the mother of all uninvention

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

The threat of liquid explosives would remain, as it was not possible to “uninvent” a threat, but the ways in which it was dealt with could change, officials said.


The mind BOGGLES at the illogic of these people.

They invent a threat, and then say everyone must suffer because they cannot uninvent what they have invented!

The comletely bogus ‘ricin plot’ is no different from this ‘liquid bomb plot’. It is a fiction, an invention, a fairy tale, a sham, a circus, a fraud, a deception, a shake-down, a fourberie, a ruse.

I’ll tell you about ‘uninvention’; the beasts who are behind this are going to be uninvented very shortly, at the polls.

This absurd baggage ban demonstrates that the Soviet yearning snakes at the helm are wiling to destroy Britain as a place of culture…without any reason whatsoever. This is hardly surprising; after all, they think that Ballet is not suitable for charity status since it is a ‘liesure activity’ and not an art. Classical music? Like private schools, its for the elite only, not fit for charitable status and should be banned altogether.

This is the true nature of the unimaginable beasts that have taken over this country. They have now locked all fine instruments into Britain and locked out all fine instruments. This means that if Hélène Clerc-Murgier wants to come here with her instrument, she cannot. It means that all classical musicians in the UK cannot get out with their instruments.

This is total insanity.

For years people have been threatening to blow up planes…and sometimes they got away with it. At no time did anyone ever suggest that everyone everywhere should be penalized due to the actions of a small number of people, and that was in the days when the threat was not manufactured; in the days of the Red Brigade, Baader-Mienhof, and Carlos ‘The Jackal’ . Are we now supposed to cower like dogs because a couple of bearded STUDENTS chat about ‘bombz’ on teh internetz?

Come on!

Sex degrees of Bacon

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

Generic picture of person using a computer

A Home Office radio commercial publicising a child protection website has been banned because it could have led people to pornographic material. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said the advert could not be broadcast again in its current form.

The website advertised,, advises children on how to stay safe online.

But a listener who misspelt the address found a series of links led her to adult porn websites.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), which has now taken over the radio campaign, said the pornographic material was at least four clicks away from the misspelt web address. […]

I can’t think of anything here that isn’t probably already whizzing through your brains. Even all those inane Kevin Bacon triplets.

But at least our kiddies are now safe!

This ten times upside down world

Saturday, August 19th, 2006

Last night, I had the pleasure of watching Rambo III, which I had not seen for many years.
Every scene was a jaw dropping WTF ‘can you believe it?’ moment.

That film … you MUST see it if you have not yet done so … is an upside down inside out mirror of what is happening today, with the Americans replacing the Soviets word for word and action for action. For example:

  • The Soviet commanders call Rambo ‘a terrorist’
  • The Soviets murder innocent people playing a polo game en masse, and mow down women and children from helicopters
  • The Soviets run a hellish torture dungeon / prison where they use electricity and all manner of barbarisms
  • Insert your own comparison here

Honestly, If anyone  in 1988 (the date this film was released) had said that the USA would be doing EXACTLY what the Soviets were doing in teh middle east, only MUCH WORSE, they would have been laughed at, but now….its not a joke; its actually happened.

This film is a montage of all the bad behaviour that is going on, but with the characters swapped around. The only constant is the suffering and injustice poured upon the resident populations.

This film is old. Many of the people who will be watching it now were probably born around the time that it was made. I wonder what on earth they make of it? They do not have the cold war mindset backdrop to put it into perspective like we had; it must seem like a very strange affair indeed, with Russians blowing women and children to bits and the Americans saying ‘In-Sha‘-Allah‘ with the same frequency as Lord Bush refers to tuurrrrrsts.

This world…its all upside out and inside down.